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Forum Index » » Soap Box » » DarkSpace Mafia: Game Two (END) [2/11]
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 Author DarkSpace Mafia: Game Two (END) [2/11]
Grand Admiral
Templar Knights

Joined: August 09, 2003
Posts: 836
From: Your local future farm.
Posted: 2008-06-04 15:47   
This is the second shell of DarkSpace Mafia. If you need to review the basics of the game, click here.

Only folks who signed up in the Mafia Sign-Up Thread before its closure may participate in the game. Please do not post here if you did not sign-up.

The following players are alive:


The following players are dead:

Fattierob/1000 Unit Block - Intelligence Officer, lynched.
Sardaukar - Medical Officer, died in the night.
Bardiche - Pirate, died in the night.
Timbo - Officer, died in the night.
GT - Officer, lynched.
deltaflyer - Officer, died in the night.
YIIMM - Serial Killer, lynched.
doda - Medical Officer, died in the night.
Eledore - Pirate, lynched.

The following players have won:

Smartin - Intelligence Officer, survived.
Larky - Officer, survived.
doda - Medical Officer, killed by the pirate during Day Three: Dusk.
deltaflyer - Officer, killed by the serial killer during Day Two: Dusk.
GothThug - Officer, lynched at the end of Day Two: Dawn.
Timbo - Officer, killed by the pirates during Day One: Dusk.
Sardaukar - Naive Medical Officer, chose to protect Bardiche during Day One: Dusk.
Fattierob/1000 Unit Block - Paranoid Intelligence Officer, lynched at the end of Day One: Dawn.

- If Fattierob had actually gotten the chance to investigate players, he would had received guilty results for them all.
- If Sardaukar had chosen to protect a non-guilty player who had been targeted for death in the night, he would have found his protection nonexistant.

Three reminders before you post:

First, you must use one of the following formats in order for your voice to weigh in on the final decision. This is out of sake for simplicity, so I know you've made up your mind:
VOTE: Name - Issues your vote for lynching.
WITHDRAW VOTE - Withdraws your official vote.
ABSTAIN - Allows you to stay out of the voting process (Note: If a majority chooses to abstain, no lynching will occur and the Day Phase will end).

Second, do not edit your posts. This is both to prevent cheating and accusations of it.

Third, have fun.

- - - - - - - - - -

Initializing sequence...
Checking logarithms...
Applying polymorphic software...
Running program in 3... 2... 1...


And there she was.

Twelve people on a transport floating in the middle of who-knows-where, and one of them was dead.

The remaining eleven people stood, gathered around the dead body. There was no one else on the ship, of that much they were certain. This meant that there was a killer among them.

Maybe even a Pirate.

But who could it have been? Who would murder an Officer like this? No one really knew each other and what they were capable of, or did they? Who was responsible for such a nefarious deed... and, whoever it was, would it continue to kill?

The time for deciding has come. The lives of yourself and others depend on the choices you make.

- - - - - - - - - -

Day One: Dawn

Please discuss amongst yourselves and decide who you think the guilty party is. There are eleven players in the game, so it will take six votes to trigger an immediate lynching.

You have twenty-four hours to discuss and vote.

- Edit: Player deaths. End of game. A typo or two to fix.

[ This Message was edited by: Marshal Sovietskovo Soyuza Grimith on 2008-06-10 12:21 ]

  Goto the website of Grimith
Vice Admiral

Joined: April 25, 2003
Posts: 4059
Posted: 2008-06-04 15:55   
I have two suggestions gentlemen.

One is that we lynch GothThug

Why, you may ask? Throughout the troubled time and history of our lives, this very man who we have needed aboard our ship to mop the floors and clean the toilet has always involved us with practical pranks. I still remember quite vividily the time the toilet tried to suck me out of the air lock.

We all also know how deadly and dangerous some of those pranks were if the more......intellegent members of our crew didn't spot them earliar. A good example would be the time he hooked up the main ion engine drives flux momentum generator to the back of a tricycle in the middle of the ship and kept asking for somebody to ride it.

Or the time he painted over the emergency self-destruct buttons in the bridge, and replaced the label with "For a good time, press here". Yes, i'm sure we all had a good, nervous laugh after that one, but not until somebody realized we didn't really get a good time from it.

In any case gentlemen, i'm sure you all realize the point I am trying to get at. My theory is that one of GothThugs practical pranks went a bit too far and killed our fellow crewmember, Billy Ragzriz the 13th.

My Second suggestion is that we all hope to god it was an accident. I mean, maybe it was suicide?

Chief Marshal

Joined: November 16, 2006
Posts: 1247
Posted: 2008-06-04 16:00   
I serve as a Fleet Admiral in the army. As such, it is my task to stand for my men. Though none of you deserve it, I will stand for you as well. You may refer to me as Bardiche.

One of us lay dead. As sir Rob so eloquently put it, we should consider the possibility of one of us, possibly GothThug, being the killer. We should also consider the possibility of this being a case of suicide.

Except that I do not believe our ally here is inclined to suicide.

I will await all of those present to speak up before I issue my first challenge: Throwing around accusations without arguments to back them up is positively foolish.

Vice Admiral

Joined: April 25, 2003
Posts: 4059
Posted: 2008-06-04 16:04   

On 2008-06-04 16:00, Bardiche wrote:
I serve as a Fleet Admiral in the army.

Sir Bardiche, I do believe you have just made a fool of yoruself.

Somebody who is such a regeal and high noble officer as yourself wouldn't make such a mistake...

unless......you weren't who you say you are, of course.

Chief Marshal

Joined: November 16, 2006
Posts: 1247
Posted: 2008-06-04 16:08   
Sir Rob, I feel you are too quick to cast accusations: Twice have you spoken, and both times have you thrown accusations.

Lest we accuse wrongly based on faulty speculation without argumentation (as you have done twice now), I suggest you allow others to speak, and share their thoughts.

If there is a killer among us, certainly there are clues to be found: Discerning who the killer is should be elementary if we closely observe the actions of all the passengers aboard this ship.

GothThug {C?}
Fleet Admiral

Joined: June 29, 2005
Posts: 2932
Posted: 2008-06-04 16:19   
you dont know how wrong you are Mr Fattehrob....the person who killed him is obviously not a Regular Officer like me....im innocent 0: )

  Email GothThug {C?}
Vice Admiral

Joined: April 25, 2003
Posts: 4059
Posted: 2008-06-04 16:19   
Hm. Perhaps you are right, and i've jumped the gun a bit.

haha, get it? gun?

oh dear.I'm just a tad bit nervous this isn't a suicide case, thats all.

GothThug {C?}
Fleet Admiral

Joined: June 29, 2005
Posts: 2932
Posted: 2008-06-04 16:24   
I suggest you look at Doda...he seems suspicious enough...or maybe smartin...he DOES have a peg leg after all xD

  Email GothThug {C?}
doda *EP5 no longer exception...*
Grand Admiral

Joined: December 11, 2005
Posts: 1012
From: happy land
Posted: 2008-06-04 16:28   
Goth sounds suspicious to me, why would someone be trying to cast suspicion on multiple people so early on? Sounds like what someone trying to get everyone else would do.
Please resize your Admin - signature
VCA since June 5th 06

GothThug {C?}
Fleet Admiral

Joined: June 29, 2005
Posts: 2932
Posted: 2008-06-04 16:36   
Part of the job description....its my job to...."Question" the motives of people...by the way, where were you on the 13th at around 11 PM?

  Email GothThug {C?}
Eledore Massis [R33]
Grand Admiral
Templar Knights

Joined: May 26, 2002
Posts: 2694
From: tsohlacoLocalhost
Posted: 2008-06-04 16:38   
Anny case we need to clean this up, and give Officer Ragzriz a proper space burial.
Unless you guys would like leave this to those so called pirates..

If any of you think there is one pirate amongst us, please flush yourself out of the airlock, before the majority of us starts to beleave there actually is one, and people start to flush other people out of the airlock.

And gentlemen, Especially you Mr bardiche, you can trow rank if you want but where almost all admirals here. Despite the number of stars we have i don't want to see high ranking officers who are on there way to a leisure resort resolve to nothing but bitter discussion and hatred. If word of this ever gets out that we can't even settle minor discussions amongst ourselves what will the regular troops think.
And that counts for all of you in here.

At the moment, we first need to provide for the burial and the investigation of the crime scene.
If this was suicide i want to have a proper written report on it before we arrive at the Spaceport at our destination.
I don't want to sit at the ports quarantine box for 24 hours, while i could enjoy my vacation!
DS Discordion

doda *EP5 no longer exception...*
Grand Admiral

Joined: December 11, 2005
Posts: 1012
From: happy land
Posted: 2008-06-04 16:42   
question, why do we always get stuck on transports :/
Please resize your Admin - signature
VCA since June 5th 06

GothThug {C?}
Fleet Admiral

Joined: June 29, 2005
Posts: 2932
Posted: 2008-06-04 16:46   
uh, how long til we reach the next spaceport? because if we arrive soon the killer will simply just disappear and we cant have that...so i suggest we "fake" an engine malfunction.....Send an Encoded message too the authorities and do our own lil investigation

  Email GothThug {C?}
Raven Warriors

Joined: October 08, 2002
Posts: 1656
Posted: 2008-06-04 16:47   
This could be space madness, it shows all the classic signs of it- and we're just making it worse by jumping to such rash conclusions. I suggest we hold a meeting to discuss the known traits and possibilities of each passenger. To do anything else is not rational.

Now then, I'd like to direct your attention to some things which I found most alarming:

On 2008-06-04 15:55, 1000 Unit Block wrote:


We all also know how deadly and dangerous some of those pranks were if the more......intellegent members of our crew didn't spot them earliar. A good example would be the time he hooked up the main ion engine drives flux momentum generator to the back of a tricycle in the middle of the ship and kept asking for somebody to ride it.


In any case gentlemen, i'm sure you all realize the point I am trying to get at. My theory is that one of GothThugs practical pranks went a bit too far and killed our fellow crewmember, Billy Ragzriz the 13th.

We have three very great problems here, friends. First, Mr. Rob is known for his nickname "1000 Unit Block". Sounds awfully dangerous to me, like a title earned fighting in the Shigayato Kingdom arena...

The second problem is the obvious mental slips made here... the first one being "leg", which I have no bloody idea what it portends. The second, though... "liar". Yes, Liar. Speaks for itself, eh?

And lastly... I thought the victim was Billy Garuda the 6th. We must clear this up posthaste.

It's also worth noting the strange behaviour of that GothThug fellow. Either he is the daftest man(?) to graduate from the Confederate Intelligence Agency, or he's a clever pirate playing a fool, to expose himself so.

[ This Message was edited by: Sardaukar on 2008-06-04 16:50 ]

Eledore Massis [R33]
Grand Admiral
Templar Knights

Joined: May 26, 2002
Posts: 2694
From: tsohlacoLocalhost
Posted: 2008-06-04 16:51   

Because Management doesn't allow us to use our billion worth dreadnoughts we command to be used to just drop there admiral of at a leisure resort.
We command them to protect our citizens but where not allowed to use them as our personal boat.

If we could i would have thought of a way to use my ship a little better.
Like using it as a ferryboat for the outer colonies who require a cheap and safe way to deliver them new supplies.

But upper management says that is the job of the corporations, and where just to protect those colonies if they ever should come under some form of attack, not use our expensive battleships for cargo transport.
DS Discordion

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