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164352 Players - page 12 of 1644

[Top] [-10] [-5] [-1] [+1] [+5] [+10]

Player Rankings
1101 grossenschwanz 5,692
1102 Apollo15 {C?} 5,690
1103 Flyer 5,684
1104 SeanDodge 5,672
1105 warner_lowcharge 5,670
1106 SuperQuack69 5,668
1107 Antra 5,663
1108 UberBrooksie 5,659
1109 DeathWing 5,647
1110 Bandit 5,643
1111 SpaceAdmiral 5,642
1112 Atrau 5,639
1113 Xii 5,637
1114 Hellion 5,635
1115 Indomitix 5,627
1116 BlackYoup 5,624
1117 -=CaRt_M8=-SuZuka-ChaLLenGe|~~| 5,622
1118 LightningStorm 5,620
1119 [Free]Dop-erwt 5,618
1120 pika 5,615
1121 Admiral Valeor Tackle 5,614
1122 BaconBits 5,613
1123 POPA 5,606
1124 JarJar(ger) 5,589
1125 Haheho28 5,578
1126 -(kha-ti the silent watcher)- 5,571
1127 Tommeh94 5,564
1128 Rebels 5,555
1129 Cpt.Knaeckebrot 5,555
1130 Forever™ the Nightmare 5,553
1131 hilgner 5,553
1132 A_Fluffy_Bunny 5,548
1133 Quietly confident 5,544
1134 bdubs 5,540
1135 Silver Flare 5,527
1136 oldmaker }Michael the ArcAngel{ 5,522
1137 Spikey-Nelson 5,518
1138 Katejina 5,516
1139 Captain LlamaPajamas 5,508
1140 Maroc 5,506
1141 Naudet 5,503
1142 Legionaire{The Accursed} 5,502
1143 -Spyros Kat- 5,496
1144 Alison 5,489
1145 Gauthus 5,489
1146 JediKnight 5,489
1147 =Zeus= 5,488
1148 The Master Debator 5,486
1149 Black Templars 5,484
1150 Hunta_Killa {C?} 5,483
1151 Geo 5,481
1152 MoBioS 5,481
1153 moocowmoo 5,471
1154 Botoru 5,469
1155 Tygoth 5,466
1156 Judas 5,463
1157 Nighthunter 5,462
1158 Kindred 5,458
1159 Monsieur *Cpt* 5,452
1160 Gone4Good 5,449
1161 Norton 5,429
1162 Col.O 5,423
1163 Admiral Progner 5,413
1164 Xilaratu 5,412
1165 Assault Ship Basroil 5,407
1166 0stego 5,406
1167 sneaky 5,401
1168 bestgam 5,399
1169 Izzy 5,392
1170 Spindevil 5,390
1171 Zygji 5,390
1172 ~F.A. Hopesoul~ 5,390
1173 relentlessx1 5,389
1174 Tenebrean 5,387
1175 nisku 5,387
1176 Corsair Shevath 5,384
1177 neon black 5,384
1178 Prey Hunter 5,381
1179 Bigwolfe 5,379
1180 [2006] - Codex09 5,374
1181 Null Pointer 5,365
1182 V-GINY 5,357
1183 rwroggio 5,354
1184 Viskel the Muffin Muncher 5,350
1185 SkyLander 5,347
1186 catiscool 5,345
1187 Ciryadin{IC} 5,337
1188 spidersrule5 5,334
1189 dutch_wingman 5,326
1190 -Stormryder- 5,325
1191 HeavensGuardian*FlareStriker 5,324
1192 Great Budda 5,313
1193 Senti-Onikawa 5,312
1194 Vashan (Starfaring Fluffdragon) 5,311
1195 FA-Opposition 5,305
1196 Ven0m 5,304
1197 Thernhoghas 5,304
1198 Windless Storm 5,301
1199 Siras 5,296
1200 ArmyHaunt 5,295
164352 Players - page 12 of 1644

[Top] [-10] [-5] [-1] [+1] [+5] [+10]

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