Username | Forever™ the Nightmare |
User ID | 89781 |
Registration Date | January 31, 2004 | Last Login | February 05, 2006 |
Occupation | Commander of the CSSC Neveticus |
Location | on your flank.... |
Prestige | 0 |
Rank | Cadet |
|  |
Games Played | 501 |
Time Played | 16 days, 8 hours, 3 min, 29 sec. |
Kills | 212 |
Killed | 450 |
Bonus Prestige | 566.64 |
Ships Damaged | 3,147.54 |
Ships Captured | 2 |
Planets Damaged | 4,761.63 |
Planets Captured | 220.08 |
Friendly Fire | 330.09 |
Repair | 1,042.90 |
Construction | 2,431.70 |
Kamikaze | 11.39 |
Self Destructs | 31.50 |
Jumps | 5,553 |
Planet Collisions | 167 |
Scout | 47 |
Resources Lost | 1,528,116 |
Credits | 122,380 |
Resources | 0 |