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 Author What I'm doing for version 1.479...

Posts: 0
Posted: 2002-08-23 06:31   
FTL drives need a delay based on ship size/class. I see DS change more and more chnage in a FPS game wherer big rules over small. And the only real working tactic would be, got a bigger ships/fleet with more fire power to take out the enemy. There are to few weaknesses amont the big ships VS the small ships DUE to FTL jumping.

The FTL code is the core of the problems to DS seen through my eye's

atm the FTL drive is charged after it is used. I think it should be the other way around. Charge when it gets activated.
This will mix good with the delay aswell with the higher signature you wil get during charging, what will mix in good with the high signature during a FTL jump AND would kind of give away a ship if its near that want to do a close by FTL jump due to the signature boost.
After the have bin used the need to cool down and prep the drive for the next jump.

Ships will pull out alot sooner instead of last moment if the know when the are out gunned.

E-jump should all so be a bit differend. atm you just e-jump after some one if he e-jumped away and the battle will go on.
e-jumps should drain energy.
Totaly empty the main battery and drain 25% energy from all systems that hold a charge. This will make E-jumping alot less atactive to persue some one in combat after he/she E-jumped away.

All in al the speed boost is good but only fi a delay is set inplace for ill fear that big will have an even bigger hand over small with in close range FTL jumps.

Think it true F, ist killing the game more then it is helping.

Wild Cat

Lith Ragond
Galactic Navy

Joined: November 25, 2001
Posts: 1854
Posted: 2002-08-23 11:57   
- The mass of the ship now affects the jump drive recharge rate and fuel usage. This means, smaller ship will be able to recharge their jump drives faster and jump longer than larger ships.

well, everyone that has whined, complained, and dragged their heels kicking, have got their wish. while i support this, i must warn that dreads are now going to be a coffin. while the matter really dont matter, think of this scenario:
EAD gets jumped by 2 cruisers, doesnt matter what cruisers, dread fights, tyhe cruisers are piloted like they were ment to, to stay out of range of a dread. in this way the dread has to run. cruisers give chase, dread is sitting there waiting for drive to recharge, blam, enter cruisers again, he waits and waits, drive recharges, bam he jump, barely surviving. now, when his drive is ALMOST recharged, cruisers p-jump him and unload their torps, bam, dead dread.

now theoretically this could have happened before this change, but people were too stupid. and for the second time, i am NOT complaining, i am merely stating the facts for others to see and remember, hopefully to decrease the amount of whining you WILL receive from some dread fliers. i 110% support this change, it is one of the BEST changes in DS. Period.

and anyone that thinks it is a bad idea, well that sucks, cause its the most obviously good idea and change big F has made in a while.

also wildcat, if the drive started charging when you hit jump, or whatever your talking about, ppl would be losing pres left and right. it makes sense to have the drive as it is now, once through a jump, it begins recharging imeditaly. it is due to this that people can judge the situation and gauge whether or not they should jump out. its THE required skill to fly the EAD, if you dont know when your defeated, even if you still have 100% hull and armor, your dead. and knowing that, minus a dictor feild, you can get out at the PRECISE and EXACT moment you WANT to, is the most critical information during a battle.

Fleet Admiral

Joined: August 23, 2001
Posts: 765
From: RAF Mildenhall, UK
Posted: 2002-08-23 12:21   
The EAD shouldn't be flying alone in the first place.

If you play it that way, then you will see me in one of those said cruisers,


Fleet Admiral

Posts: 0
Posted: 2002-08-23 12:46   

also wildcat, if the drive started charging when you hit jump, or whatever your talking about, ppl would be losing pres left and right. it makes sense to have the drive as it is now, once through a jump, it begins recharging imeditaly. it is due to this that people can judge the situation and gauge whether or not they should jump out. its THE required skill to fly the EAD, if you dont know when your defeated, even if you still have 100% hull and armor, your dead. and knowing that, minus a dictor feild, you can get out at the PRECISE and EXACT moment you WANT to, is the most critical information during a battle.

True... Think about this part what seem you didn't think about.
If some one want to jump in to battle with me he first of all needs to see me. (leaving out beacons)

Lets say you see me at long range but I can't see you. I am flying at top speed giving a high sig what makes me visible to your sensors and your not moving what give you a lower sig what I can't pick up at that range. your laying low to jump ppl, in this case, thats me.

As soon as you kick in you FTL drive it will charge up what will take some time base on ship size (and jump location would be locked and can't be changed during charge up). Boosting signature (should aslo be ship based) in such manner I will pick you up on my sensors and can react to it, turn hard, speed down to jump or what ever.

All in all I will have a much higher change reacting to your jump attack. Small ships ALOT more then big ships. It will enhance ship combat instead of FTL alpha combat tactic's for the are kind of locked out this way.

Now do you still think this charge up is a bad idea? It cuts both way's you see, its a well balnced idea if I may say so my self.

Wild Cat

Lith Ragond
Galactic Navy

Joined: November 25, 2001
Posts: 1854
Posted: 2002-08-23 13:36   
yep, still think its "crap", in your words. why? becuase, the SMALLER ships drives WILL recharge faster than the larger ships. and if i am in a dread, and someone is in a dessi in which i can see them merely because their sig is high, you most likely can see me idling because of my 10 sig.

also, if a small ship is traveling at top speed, then a dread, or any ships for that matter, will get one good alpha in before that ship is out of range, the torps will miss but the lasers wont, perhaps take out the armor, and maybe even damaging hull.

and if your wandering around by yourself, as fritz stated, its actually not in the design of ANY ship, so, i say, if your dumb enough to get caught by an EAD you deserve it. and if an EAD is caught by whatever, they were dumb enough to deserve it, its happened to me a couplee times.

my point, the changes stated above are all that is need for the j drive. smaller ships that are STILL caught by bunny hoping dreads (like myself), i say, get smarter, your now gonna have to plot a jump far enough away from me in less than 2 seconds. rather than 5 or 6


Posts: 0
Posted: 2002-08-23 14:34   
Apparently very few people who play this game take into consideration that In space there "NO resistance" and an objects mass is meaning less due to that and no Gravity thus now pulling force to fight..

also.. I dont like this idea because the Dread has more power and larger cores (in theory of size) thus has as more then enough power to recharge its large drives, which all accualy equals out .. a scouts drive is small and so is its core thus is a Dreads hugs and so is its core.. they should just reamain the same..

However. in away its good because we will be seeing alot less Dreads flying around. and I will still love my Assualt Cruiser...

chris aka sunshine

Joined: May 29, 2001
Posts: 1649
From: Germany
Posted: 2002-08-23 14:51   
i'm pretty sure this changes bring more fun and realism into the game..

most of you have seen Star Wars, have you ever seen an Imperial StarDestroyer chasing a single X-Wing?!

give the smaller ships their right to exist, the current "Dread'a'-Verse" killend fun for way to much people..

give this new aspect of the game a try.. enjoy the advantages of smaller ships.. and group up when you wanna fly a bigger one!

Christian 'sunshine' Weyand

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Posts: 0
Posted: 2002-08-23 15:11   
Yeah, true.
Still I find most high ranked player minds all focused on this solo GOD like dread that is about to get his GOD MODE removed if this should kick in. I don't blame you for I think ill be crying out the same.
But then again I find no fun in the big ships at 2nd rear admiral rank what I am now and like the smaller ships more, but I see this FTL jumping as a pain in the ass in DS for its killing balance

Dreads are to attack other BIG ships not go instant kill small scouts like the can do now with FTL jumping.
Changing the FTL code effects all. It will keep the balance with BIG STRONG and SLOW VS SMALL WEAK and FAST.
atm there is only BIG and STRONG VS SMALL and WEAK for FTL makes short work with FAST VS SLOW.

Oh and if ppl will cry out that dreads need to be stronger I will not stand in your way for I agree with that part aslong as the FTL code gets changed(, same goes for stations btw.)

Wild Cat


Posts: 0
Posted: 2002-08-24 02:57   
ok Sunshine I agree with that... and come to think of it there is only one thing is space that mass truely has anything to do with.. "Turn rate" ..

You know that star destroyer is accualy moving faster then you thinkin , dont you ? . Those X wings are only just surpassing its speed .. They prefer not to move so fast they cant turn out of the way of an incoming object well in advance. thus those huge engines are only ever used for hyperdrive..

There should probrobly be 4 recharge rates .. Scout , Frigate-Dessie , cruiser - dread- station (not much slower then c-d)
Or 3 even and the station gets treated like a dread.. BTW the engines shur are small on those stations ?

but i'll check it out in beta. ^_^

Darkheyr ={NuKe Squad}=
Fleet Admiral

Joined: October 23, 2001
Posts: 805
Posted: 2002-08-26 01:12   
Sunshine, actually an ISD chasing an X-Wing isnt that uncommon
Skywalker was chased by Thrawns Chimaera while travelling to Jomark (Book "Heir to the Empire")

But back on topic

As it stands, a dread isnt good. Really not. BD, EAD, AD, those i fly at times, but they already are only good at fire support. A good destroyer or cruiser takes out any dread at any time. Granted, its harder now because of the stronger hull (ammo problems), but still.

Hell, If I had unlimited ammo I could kill Stations and dreads left and right in a darn Sensor or Assault Scout (I actually nuked a dread down to 30% in my sensor scout before I ran out of ammo. DOH)

Point is, with this new changes the dreads WILL become floating coffins. Not to mention stations, if they cant topjump they are useless.

Disclaimer : I fly destroyers. Sometimes cruisers. But I rarely fly dreads. In the future I probably NEVER will...

Well, I guess the dreads need to be weaker, otherwise the new players would be weaker than vets *sarcasm*

\"A little bit of weird with a dash of oddness.\" -Kitana

  Email Darkheyr ={NuKe Squad}=
DOM700 [-IMO-]
Fleet Admiral

Joined: July 26, 2001
Posts: 3175
From: Eckental, Germany, Sol-System
Posted: 2002-08-26 01:29   
ICC station will still have its right as a support station (3 reloads)
But the other stations will be bad, I also see problem for the dictor, becomes useless too, why to dictor someone who cant jump anyway?
After the upgrade I will remove my Assault Cruiser from the storage and put in a heavy cruiser against small ships
If the buildings on your planets disappear, guess who was there....

Never forget what you fight for
I have earned my betatester badge for being part of the open beta

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Grand Admiral
Galactic Navy

Joined: June 07, 2002
Posts: 1128
Posted: 2002-08-26 10:12   
Lith, I agree with you.

By the time I get out of work I bet the forums will be crammed full of people complaining about how weak the dreads are.

And ya know what:

You guys will have to learn how to pilot. It's not hard to avoid people when you are fleeing from battle. Nor is it particularly hard to track down a fleeing ship. Heck I've chased damaged dreads, cruisers and destroyers for up to 30 min before finally cornering them and finishing them off.

To chase someone down takes a small amount of math skills and the ability to switch to the nav screen and track an enemy ship.

To flee combat and not get hunted down like a dog: Don't go that fast. The new hulls let you live quite a long time, plenty of time to come to a stop and jump to a friendly planet.

Naufragus the Hashishin

Joined: September 17, 2001
Posts: 1253
From: Dallas, Los Angeles, Paris
Posted: 2002-08-27 02:55   
just wondering how many dreads you have flown wildcat?

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