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Forum Index » » Fan Fiction » » Fattierob's Polyonymous neverending fiction (Last part added)
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 Author Fattierob's Polyonymous neverending fiction (Last part added)
Keja Dogo {C?} (Master windoo)
Grand Admiral

Joined: November 21, 2001
Posts: 268
Posted: 2004-01-17 17:21   
P.S. nothing personal. Just fits
Those who eat fish, will be happy!

\"If you place a thing in the center of your life, that lacks the power to norish, it will eventually poison everything that you are, and destroy you. As simple a thing as an idea, or your perspective of your se

Vice Admiral

Joined: April 25, 2003
Posts: 4059
Posted: 2004-01-17 22:38   
Return of THE n00b
Part 5.....

This part's Quote:

"I swear, winning this war would be sooooo much easier if their wasn't so many of those darn ICC and K'luth!"

UGTO Top Commander, Demorian

--scene: Space......ICC Fleet....two modded assault dreads, 5 Assault Cruisers, 1 missle dread, and numerous Assault Frigates....Along with tons of fighters

Bridge of the ICC Assault dread, Base One...

Malduc: *over intercom* ALL Craft! This is Admiral Malduc Speaking! We are about to make the jump to FTL speed! I wish all of you good luck...and May the noodle be with us!!!

Bridge of the ICC Battle Dessie, Milenium Falcon...

Monty (Lando): I Sure hope they have that shield down....or this will be the shortest attack of all time...

Malduc *over intercom* All craft! Jump to -5.6, -2.3 on 311:16:00!!

Aboard the ICCMissle Dread, Blue Glory..

Papa Smurf (captain): (to bridge crew) Quickly! Smurf the smurfs up! let the smurfs get their smurfs and prepare to smurf the smurfs up for imediate SMURF!!!.

Bridge crew: ...What?????????

Papa Smurf: YOu smurfin' heard me! Get those smurfs up and raise the Smurf! make sure the Smurfs are smurfin!

Bridge crew: ....

--Scene: The ICC Fleet jumps into FTL speed, heading toward Blendor..

--Scene: Somewhere on the Killstar II...

$ythe: How the hell did i get here?! (walking)

Depth: (walking in front of him) Plot hole. Hey i don't write them, i just act 'em

$ythe: ...whatever...

Dpeth: ahh so how about them Dodgers?

$ythe: <.<;;;...

--scene: On the Forest Moon of Blendor..

Josef: W00t! look at those teddybears kick some n00b arse!

Huss: (is trying to pull a door open) It won't budge! we gotta get this door open!

Josef: (walks over) let me try (keeps pulling) WTF? whats wrong with this thing?!

Dem: (walks over and pushes it open)

Josef and Huss: ?_?

Dem: (points to the "Push to enter" Sign)

Josef and Huss: ....

Teddybears: (kicking UGTO's butt)

UGTO troops: (getting their butts kicked by little teddybears)

Josef: Gotta love these well written out, superly long battle scenes..

Huss: oh shut up and let's go in...

--scene: Main....dramatic place thingy of the Killstar II.....$ythe is following Depth...

Depth: (bows) Master..I have brought $ythe, as you have wished...

$ythe: ....

Master: (turns around in Chair revelaing it to be...GIDEON!!!!!

$yhte: (gasps!)

Gideon: heh, heh, heh...

$ythe: Isn't Faustes supposed to be their? or at least Griffen, or Shig...

Gideon: those fools are just figure heads..I AM THE REAL POWER!!!

Depth: (roll eyes)

$ythe: so now what? we got this big dramatic room, and i'm here to kill you..so...wanna do soemthing?

Depth: i don't know..wanna get a Pizza..or....bust on some chicks?

Gideon: hmm good question....the pizza sounds good...

$ythe: yeah, but were are we going to get some Pizza out here?

Gideon: don't worry. 'm the master of the Dark side of the force i could jsut do this (snaps fingers, and a extra lage pizza appears) and get pizza

Depth: (groumbles) he get's a good mod power...

$ythe: ^.^!! (grabs a slice)

Depth: hey-wait! (grabs one, too)

Gideon: (makes one hover towards him) mmm pizza

$yhte: (food in mouth) vou voudint but someting vad inthis wvould jou?

Gideon: eh? what?

$ythe: (swallows) i said, "you woudn't put something bad in this, would you?"




(<.<) (cloaks) Of couse not!

$ythe: Just checking (continues eating) mm, this is good

Depth: aren't we getting off topic?

Gideon: just each your pizza

End part 5


Vice Admiral

Joined: April 25, 2003
Posts: 4059
Posted: 2004-01-18 21:24   

Victor Davion [TSLTB]

Joined: May 31, 2003
Posts: 47
From: Canada
Posted: 2004-01-19 07:29   

On 2004-01-17 22:38, Fattierob (Press Spacebar Here) wrote:

Depth: aren't we getting off topic?

Gideon: just each your pizza

End part 5

The universe is fundamentally flawed, as shown by the following mathematical problem:

9 x 6 = 42


Joined: May 24, 2003
Posts: 608
From: Canada
Posted: 2004-01-19 07:58   
well that was funny:)

-1st Rear Admiral Ceridan

stuck in Univercity limbo

Chief Marshal
Galactic Navy

Joined: March 22, 2003
Posts: 574
Posted: 2004-01-19 09:49   
finally got around to reading this last nite from page 1 - 13 in one sitting and couldnt stop laughing ,keep it up , some of these are hilarious,also thx for my part its great


Joined: May 24, 2003
Posts: 608
From: Canada
Posted: 2004-01-19 13:30   

On 2004-01-19 09:49, starfist3 wrote:
finally got around to reading this last nite from page 1 - 13 in one sitting and couldnt stop laughing ,keep it up , some of these are hilarious,also thx for my part its great

I do this when im stuck in class while the teacher try to teach us something i know
-1st Rear Admiral Ceridan

stuck in Univercity limbo

Vice Admiral

Joined: April 25, 2003
Posts: 4059
Posted: 2004-01-23 23:01   
Darkspace return of the n00b

Battle of endor senquence....

The (semi) massive ICC armada endered their hyperspace 1k from the station...the loud popping noises and circle-effect flashes from some craft made one wonder why some of the ships were unmodded

(inside the only ICC Assault frigate) Monty flipped on the com (enter button) and gave the fleet it's only order.."All fighters! follow me!" he spoke (more or less, typed) into the comm link.

(Lead ICC assault fighter) Tyrael (wedge) "Lock S-foils into attack postion," Wedge quickly said (again, typed) into the com link. He camered some of the ships to make sure they where complying with his order, which they did...

(bridge of Base one)"May the flux be with us..." Malduc muttered to himself. he watched the fleet slowly inch closer and closer to it..

Monty looked at the readouts coming in on the bottom right of the screen "Thats odd..." he spoke to himself, "I can't get a reading on the shield! We should be able to get some kind of reading up OR down!....well...how can they be jamming us if they don't know-" he stopped short and looked at the half-built station "we're coming.." He imedatly clicked the enter button "All craft! Break off! Yhe shield is still up!"

Tyrael checked his read outs. He responded back on the com link "i get no reading! are you sure?"

Monty quickly said back "break off! the shield is still up! I repeat! break off!" as he jolted his ship to the side and did a U-turn.

The ships started breaking off, half to the left and half to the right

Malduc looked around the bridge as the sirens started to blair "quickly!! move the fleet! Tell green-squadron to cover point-oh six!"

Sonlox (tac officer) "sir!" he imediatly cried out "Enemy ships in sector forty-seven!"

Malduc was stuned...he quickly told the fleet "IT'S A TRAP!!!"

---Battle of Endor music starts to blair up....


Monty imedatly powered up this shields and watched as the the targeting computer started making hundreds of "blip" noises as enemy fighters appeared on radar "Fighters coming in!" he managed to rattle off before the fighters started fighting

Imediatly ships started to blow up. The UGTO had more ships thanks to the Carrier dreads, but the new icc flighters loaded with SABOTs and shields were much more powerful. The area around the ICC fleet started to look like the 4th of July as explosions rattled ships and some of the unmodded ships shields' started flaring up. As quick as possible, the missle dread was launching it's vast number of missles hoping to criple a ship

----Back On Blendor---

The little Teddybears were putting up quite a fight. The ICC diamonds were outnumbered, but with the help of the Teddy bear squares, they where fighting off the UGTO diamonds...

Hawkie (odd noises to human ears) "Get back here you n00bs!!!!! I'm not done pwning you!!!!!!!"he yelled at the UGTO troops.....which only confused them more

Raiders was done bonking somebody on the head and proceded to the next. the pellets and sticks of his underlings where helping greatly

Josef looked in awe. Well...he would if he wasn't trying to pick the door lock

Huss glared at him as a laser blast just missed her "Can't you work faster!!"

Josef groumbled "I think i got it..." he connected some wires with another,and a heavyer door closed in front of the first one

Huss looked at the door and then josef. the door. then Josef. "you idiot!! i can't believe you!!" a laser blast missed her because of lag

Josef groumbled. "Too bad that missed" he said to himself and continued toying with it...

--Aboard the uncompleted UGTO station--

Gideon wiped the pizza off of his mouth.."Now.." he told $ythe "you shall come to the Flux Side!!"

$ythe knew what to say to [i]that[i] "Never! I'll never turn! the Pulse Side is good enough for me!!" He yanked out his Pool noodle and jumped up in the air to bonk it on top of Gideon-

But Depth's pool noodle blocked it. $ythe imedatly jumped backwards and held it in a defensive stance

Depth chuckled as he stepped forward in a more-traditional postion "you think you can challenge me? let's see waht you got..."he stopped for empethis"...n00b"

It ticked off $ythe. He started the first thrust of the Final battle...

End part 6...

Extra tid bit:

(not DS related)

W00t 7r3K: 7h3 n3x7 r0xx1ng

l337 boi= picard
roxxor MUN= riker
N00b= wesley
0p71c4l= la forge
4n|)r01D= data
|)0c7x0r= Dr. bevery
M1||d34d3r= Troy


l337 boi> n00b, eng4ge w00t dr1v3- w00t f4ct0r 6
n00b> aye, sir, engagin w00t drive...

(insted of the star trek 'warp drive charge up' noise, a loud w000000000000000000000000ttt!!! is heard, and it enters w00t space, where l337 talk is scrolling by, such as "i ownzed you n00b!", "rawr!" and "HAHA! PWNED!!"


Joined: December 05, 2003
Posts: 6
Posted: 2004-01-23 23:08   

  Email Hangman
Grand Admiral
Galactic Navy

Joined: October 08, 2002
Posts: 2074
From: Ohio
Posted: 2004-01-23 23:38   


I will host your sigs

[ This Message was edited by: Bobamelius on 2004-01-23 23:39 ]

  Email Bobamelius
Jim Starluck
Templar Knights

Joined: October 22, 2001
Posts: 2232
From: Cincinnati, OH
Posted: 2004-01-24 05:09   

Have the ICS Immortal (my beloved Combat Dessie) be the first ship that gets blown up by the superla--err, I mean QSB.

Gotta love irony.
If at first you don't succeed, get a bigger space battleship and try again.

  Email Jim Starluck
Fleet Admiral
Sundered Weimeriners

Joined: February 28, 2003
Posts: 276
From: New Jersey
Posted: 2004-01-24 09:03   

  Email Lawman   Goto the website of Lawman
$yTHe {C?}
Grand Admiral
Sundered Weimeriners

Joined: September 29, 2002
Posts: 1292
From: Arlington, VA
Posted: 2004-01-24 10:02   
YESS!! w00T!!! my flux emote got put in the story!! RAWR!


Joined: March 16, 2002
Posts: 340
From: The Netherlands
Posted: 2004-01-29 10:43   
this is soo cool! keep it coming! good job!


[ This Message was edited by: SabelTooth{NewbHelp} on 2004-01-29 10:44 ]

  Email SabelTooth
Vice Admiral

Joined: April 25, 2003
Posts: 4059
Posted: 2004-02-06 22:15   
Return of the N00b
The Epic Part Seven...

--Scene: Battle of endor. The Rebel fleet has managed to stem the tide of fighters (Point defense is helping alot) and is waiting for the shield to drop. Camera zooms in on the Flag ship, Malduc's...

--SCene: Bridge of Flag Ship

Malduc: this is friggen boring....what are we waiting for again?

Random Officer: The shield to drop, sir.

Malduc: whatever

--scene: Main dramtic place of the Killstar. Depth and $ythe are playing Hide and GO seek

Depthcharge: (hides) hehehe! you can't see me know!

$ythe: This..is retarded

--Monty's ship

Monty: I wonder what those Dreads are waiting for...why are they only using fighters?

Gideon: Mwahahhaha...$ythe! let me show you the awesome power of this Fully ARMED AND OPERATIONAL BATTLESTATION

$ythe: O.o WHAT!

Depthcahrge: hehe! he still can't find me

Gideon: (flips com link) FIRE DA GUN!!!

--scene: control room

Extra 1: what button again?

Extra 2: any

Extra 1: oh right, thanks

--scene: dramatic camera angle of Space. Camera is on the only ICC Missle dread, which it zooms in onto

--scene: inside the missle dread

Music: Teenage mutant ninja turtles! Teenage Mutant Ninja turtles!! Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles!!! Turtle in a half-shell! turtle power! They're the worlds most awesome fighting team..

bridge crew:....WTF?!?!?

Papa smurf: Shut up! Get the smurfs up! launch the remaing smurf missles! bring up the Smurfy smurf!!

Bridge crewman: I CAN'T FRIGGEN TAKE IT ANYMORE!!!!(kills self)

--scene: camera angle showing station and missle dread

(loud charge up noise)

--scene: 15 flux beams shoot out of the station and strike the same area. the 15 beams mutate into one beam and it shoots at the missle dread

missle dread: (boom)

Monty: What was that?!! (Checks nav map) WHAT! THE THINGS OPERATIONAL?!?!?! (screaming into com link) HOME ONE THIS IS MONTY!!

--bridge of Home one. sirens are going off

Malduc: We saw it! all craft prepare to retreat!

Monty (over comlink): You won't get antoher chance at this, you n00b

Malduc: We have no choice, monty! our ships can't return fire of the...BIGNESS!!!

Monty: ....nice choice of words

Malduc: shut up

--scene: Blendor. massive battle between n00bs, more n00bs, and other n00bs

n00bs: attack!

More n00bs: Return fire

Other n00bs: Do something not helpful in battle!

Josef: they're like little miniutre clones of me!

Huss: (in grease monkey outfit) I think i got it open!

door: (opens)

Ugto troops: (run out firing)

Huss: ....crap (begins running around with arms up in air) AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!

ICC troops: we will help you! (run in front of UGTO guys) hey! do you wanna trade some weapons?

ugto troops: yeah! sure. some sabots for some flux waves? or how about

(both troops sit down and begin negotating trading weapons)

Josef:...(sneaks into shield gen place with Huss)

end part 7. woop-dee-doo

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