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Forum Index » » Fan Fiction » » The Forgotten Fleet (Now including Book II)
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 Author The Forgotten Fleet (Now including Book II)
Quietly confident

Joined: June 28, 2005
Posts: 215
From: Luna, Sol.
Posted: 2005-07-18 06:13   
wow. great storey, best i've read so far. keep up the good work.

*gimme next chapter now now now!*
Commander of the Carrier Dreanaught Meriwether Lewis

Commander of the Heavy supply Ship Laden

Fatal Rocko Willis
Fleet Admiral
Fatal Squadron

Joined: March 01, 2003
Posts: 1336
From: Kentucky
Posted: 2005-07-18 22:34   
Since when is the Forgotten Fleet that far in front of Twilight??? Coeus, my friend, we need to figure out what is going on since I started this as a companion... you know something after Twilight... since you stopped Twilight I started Forgotten Fleet...

I would hate to screw up both our storylines...


  Email Fatal Rocko Willis
Fatal Rocko Willis
Fleet Admiral
Fatal Squadron

Joined: March 01, 2003
Posts: 1336
From: Kentucky
Posted: 2005-08-02 08:08   
Just to let you all know Chapter 25 "The Shootout at the OK Corral" should be done in out hopefully by the end of the week... I have finnally finish writing and scribbling and I am typing it up... I should have it proof read and ready for upload this weekend....

Also look for another chapter in "The Stories of Easy Company" and the intro Chapter of "Flight of the Raven".

Hope you guys will like this Chapter...


P.S. Here are some teasers for Chapter 25....

~“Very Well, I want the fleet formed up and all sensors to maximum. I want to know where in blue blazes are we currently.” “Aye Sir… I will have our position plotted as soon as we can get a star fix.” “Sir, I think we may have a problem.”

~“Very Well, order the fleet to combat stations, raise all shields and spin up every active sensor we have… find that Ganglia!”

~.” “Your faith, or lack thereof, of our ability to deal with the Humans is disturbing to me and your fellow caste mates. We shall destroy the Human fleet one ship at a time.

~The Humans shall rule the day they ever thought they could win this war. Go now and set the wheel in motion for our victory.” “Yes my Lord, as you wish.”

[ This Message was edited by: Rocko Willis (Recruiting Officer) on 2005-08-02 08:10 ]

  Email Fatal Rocko Willis
Lord DowneyBUM (UK)
Fleet Admiral

Joined: January 13, 2003
Posts: 437
From: London England
Posted: 2005-08-02 08:46   
You guys should really try to get your stuff published.

  Goto the website of Lord DowneyBUM (UK)
Fatal Rocko Willis
Fleet Admiral
Fatal Squadron

Joined: March 01, 2003
Posts: 1336
From: Kentucky
Posted: 2005-08-02 23:57   
Black Library looks interesting but as it states it is a Warhammer 40,000 publisher. I would hate to think of mine, or any other writer's book, to be placed in the "Other Books" section...

Though I do appreciate the words of approval... My mom has written her first book and wants me to finish this, The Forgotten Fleet, and publlish it. It would be nice but would have to get Faustus's permission and blessing.


  Email Fatal Rocko Willis
Coeus {NCX-Charger}
Admiral, I can't read,
Sundered Weimeriners

Joined: February 16, 2004
Posts: 3635
From: South Philly
Posted: 2005-08-03 08:57   
And we'd have to really synchronise our timetables

Darkspace: Twilight

  Goto the website of Coeus {NCX-Charger}
Fatal Rocko Willis
Fleet Admiral
Fatal Squadron

Joined: March 01, 2003
Posts: 1336
From: Kentucky
Posted: 2005-08-04 06:30   
Well, it is completed. Yes that is right, Chapter 25 has been completed. Before I release this I would like to thank all who have supported me in this endeavor. It truely has been a labor of love.

I thought it would be the last chapter of this saga but I have decided to continue the story. I have decided to make this into a large Trilogy which leads up to Twilight. I have talk to Coeus about our respective projects and this is the best way for me to continue the saga since we have made references to each others work.

This chapter is the culmination of 3 months work and is rather large. I hope you will enjoy the ending. I know there are some good scenes in it. If you didn't get in the first then maybe in the second.


  Email Fatal Rocko Willis
Fatal Rocko Willis
Fleet Admiral
Fatal Squadron

Joined: March 01, 2003
Posts: 1336
From: Kentucky
Posted: 2005-08-04 06:36   
CHAPTER 25 – Showdown at the OK Corral…

The fleet was through the wormhole and checked in with their Admiral. “Sir, all ships reporting in, damage and casualties are being reported as light. The supply ships are reporting they can handle it and will be supplying all ships momentarily.” “Very Well, I want the fleet formed up and all sensors to maximum. I want to know where in blue blazes are we currently.” “Aye Sir… I will have our position plotted as soon as we can get a star fix.” “Sir, I think we may have a problem.” It was the sensor operator to his right. “What’s wrong? Are we lost?” “Nothing like that sir, I know where we are but we may have company.” That last statement made Rocko’s skin crawl. “Well son, tell me what you got.” “Just before the wormhole collapsed I got a brief sensor hit on what looked like a Ganglia class Dreadnaught. It was only a brief hit.” “Very Well, order the fleet to combat stations, raise all shields and spin up every active sensor we have… find that Ganglia!”

“My Lord, the Humans have activated sensors and raised shields. How are we to attack them now? We are severely outnumbered.” “Your faith, or lack thereof, of our ability to deal with the Humans is disturbing to me and your fellow caste mates. We shall destroy the Human fleet one ship at a time. This shall severely hamper their ability to retaliate against us. Hit and run tactics are our hallmark and we shall use them to the fullest. Helm, move us to the edge of their sensor range and keep us there on the fringe. Tactical, make sure we have solid target locks on all enemy ships. I also want all boarding parties ready to go on a moments notice. The Humans shall rule the day they ever thought they could win this war. Go now and set the wheel in motion for our victory.” “Yes my Lord, as you wish.”

“Admiral, I am getting intermittent enemy ship contacts from the rear quarter. I believe it is the Ganglia, plus we are getting some odd readings from the ring of asteroids, bearing 045, range 10,000 Gu.” “What kind of readings?” “Power readings sir…” “What? How can that be? Do we have another enemy ship lurking in the asteroid field? Could it be powered down and waiting for us?” “Negative sir, active sensors report no large metallic objects which would indicate a ship.” “Very Well, Helm move us towards the asteroid field, ½ impulse. Comm, notify the fleet to join up, tactical spread. Tactical; keep an eye out for that K’Luth. I am in no mood to be playing cat and mouse games with him.” “Aye Sir, the fleet is answering all calls and is moving into tactical formation.” “Very Well.”

As the fleet moved towards the asteroids, a sensor operator saw the arriving ships and alerted the Duty Watch Officer in the Combat Direction Center. “Sir, we have multiple ships heading our way. They just entered the area from a wormhole. Tactical projections give the wormholes origin as K’Luth controlled space.” “Have you ID’ed the ships yet?” They are of ICC design but their registry codes are not in the active ships registry. They have also powered up sensors and shields.” “Damn, why does this always have to happen in the wee hours of the morning. Wake up the Old Man and lets get the crews up and awake. Move us to Alert Condition 4. With Alert Condition 4, the Sensor and Defense Asteroids activated their warm-up cycles, checked systems for faults and prepared for deployment.

“My Lord, we are picking up faint energy readings coming from the asteroid field before us.” “Energy readings? Are they Sensors?” “No My Lord, more like a reading from a power generator yet very faint.” “Could this be from a hidden ship?” “Possible but unlikely My Lord. I am not detecting any Ion emissions which would suggest a Human ship.” “Good, continue following the Human ships and continue monitoring those power readings. If any sensor scans are directed at us specifically I want you to notify me immediately. I will be resting in my chambers.” “As you command, My Lord.” This was a time when one needed to watch out for their collective lives. The Admiral was getting more and more irritable as they prepared to attack the Humans but at the same time was getting too cautious. This was not the Admiral they had known before, the one that would have attacked the Humans with a vengeance, quickly and decisively.

“Admiral Willis, we are picking up more of those faint power readings. They seem to be popping up all throughout the asteroid belt. I still cannot get a solid lock on where they are emanating from but as we get closer I should be able to lock them down.” “Well don’t want to get too close incase they are ships we are reading. Lets close the gap but slow to ¼ impulse and have the fleet spread out a bit. I don’t want to have ships friendly firing each other if we have to defend ourselves.” “Aye Sir, slowing to ¼ impulse. All ships have received and executing your orders.” “Very Well. Navigation, have you determined just where are we at?” “From what I can discern from the available data we are currently in a uncharted sector of space roughly in line between Luyten and Tripwick. Since it is too far for a ship to long jump to and since you would normally us a Star Base to get from Luyten to Tripwick, I would imagine nobody has ever stumbled across the piece of space. I am surprised no one has found it sooner than this.”

Rocko was surprised as well. What he was looking as was what seemed to be a perfectly formed circular belt of asteroids. “Admiral, we have discovered an opening in the asteroid belt. It is still a few thousand Gu away but we do detect it none the less.” “Good, keep an eye on it and continue on course and speed. Are we getting any further readings on those power readings?” No Sir, the readings remain constant.” “Ok, I got a question. Could this be a natural occurring phenomenon? I mean some kind of radiation coming off those rocks in the asteroid field.” “Not sure Sir, but it is possible.” “What about that Ganglia that we thought came through the Wormhole with us.” “Not a single blip. If he is out there he is running slow and silent. If he has his weapons charged he must be reinforcing his cloak to hide all the energy he is using. And if he is doing that he won’t be able to go very fast without showing himself.”

“My Lord, the Humans have slowed to ¼ impulse. They seem to be very interested in the asteroid belt.” “The asteroid belt is of no concern to us, especially since you have told us there are no enemy ships hiding in the field. That was your report, was it not?” “Yes My Lord, it is so. There are no Human ships hiding in the asteroid field.” “Then there is nothing to worry about in the asteroid field. It is time we ended this chase and showed the Humans what a fully armed and operational Ganglia Dreadnaught can do against such small ships. Helm, set an intercept course for the nearest supply ship in their fleet then, after it is destroyed, set an attack course for the other supply ship. I want to take them both out so they cannot resupply or repair during the fight. Weapons, forget about any point defense unless I direct it myself. Keep the weapons loaded and firing till we have to pull out to recharge. This will be a glorious day for the Hegemony.”

“Ok, tell me what you got.” Marcus was just sitting down at his Command Console as Linna came running in behind him. “We have a large fleet of ships closing on the asteroid field. They came out of a Wormhole approximately five minuets ago. The Wormhole originated in the [name] Sector, which is presently in K’Luth hands. The ships appear to be of ICC design but either they are fake, their registry codes do not exist or they are flat out turned off.” Marcus didn’t like this. This was a nightmare waiting to happen. “Ok, we are at Alert Condition 4, and the crews are prepping all ships and fighters for launch. Have they made any aggressive moves towards the asteroid field?” “Not yet sir, though they have slowed their speed to ¼ impulse. They continue to have their shields raised and active sensors scanning the area but no indications of weapons being powered up.” “Ok, then we shall wait and see what they do.” “Are you sure that’s what we should do Marcus?” Linna didn’t like the wait and see approach to things. “Yes, if they have not detected us then there is no reason to tell them we are here.” Linna suddenly realized who they were, “I know who they are Marcus!” “Who are they?” “One of them is your son.”

“My Lord, we are in position for the attack and only await your order, all is ready.” “Good, I shall say a few words to the crew before the glorious attack comes.” “Attention all crew, today we attack a Human fleet which caused many deaths of your fellow K’Luth. They are an evil force that wishes to destroy our way of live, to take away all of which you have earned, to kill your families and take our worlds which are rightfully ours. I say to you this will not happen this day for we, the elite fighting forces of the K’Luth shall prevail against the pathetic Humans. Go now and avenge those who have died before you and protect those who are yet to come to the battlefield. Go now my fellow K’Luth, show the Humans who is the truly superior race in this galaxy. Be proud of what you are and never fear defeat for you are K’Luth!” The ship seemed to roar with cheers all at once as if the great living ship spoke its self. It was a moving speech but Admiral Yomin Carr worried if it would carry the day for him. Only time would tell. “Attack the Human fleet and may our vengeance be swift!”

Rocko paced the bridge wondering what was going on here. He was detecting energy readings from rocks in a previously uncharted asteroid belt and he had a possible enemy ship on his tail somewhere, which might not even be there at all. Suddenly there was a flash off to the left of his ship and the blip for the Voltaire suddenly vanished. “What in gods name was that?” “Sir! The Voltaire is down! The Voltaire is down! The Mercy is responding to rescue survivors.” “No keep her away! All ships sound General Quarters; I want all hands to ready to repel boarders. All combat ships proceed towards the last location of the Voltaire and prepare to fire.” As the ships accelerated and turned to face the new threat another flash and another blip were removed from the holo-tank. “Sir, it was the Mercy. She has been destroyed. Residual energy readings are being detected. The are consistent with K’Luth Disrupters and Anti-Matter Torpedoes.”

Rocko couldn’t believe what he had just seen. Within minuets he had lost both of his supply ships and confirmed his worst nightmare. There was a K’Luth Ganglia hunting him and his fleet. Well maybe Death was finally coming to take him, but even so Rocko was going to make him work for it. “I want all sensors up and running! I don’t care if you have to put someone in a spacesuit and give them binoculars, I want to know where that K’Luth is!” “Sir! We have an incoming message.” “Hah, I bet it is the K’Luth calling to taunt us about how superior he is to us Humans.” “No Sir, it is not the K’Luth and I have no idea how we are getting a message like this.” “Well put it on the speaker.” “ICCS Bunker Hill, this is the ICCS Concordia, please respond!” Rocko looked at the speaker as if he had scene a ghost.

“Marcus, I know that is the Forgotten Fleet. I absolutely know it is, but I don’t know why they are not answering my hails.” “Admiral, we have detected two explosions on the fringe of the fleets positions. It appears both of their supply ships have been taken down.” “That’s it Marcus, I am launching in the Concordia. I cannot sit idly while my friends are being killed.” “No Linna, you stay here and I will go.” “No Marcus, you are needed there in CDC. You know more about your defenses than I do, and Marcus, one last thing, I Love You. ICCS Concordia, Out.” With that last statement the line went dead. Marcus wanted to keep her here, close to him, but knew if the roles were reversed he would have done the same thing. Even though his son was out there he had to stay for the greater good of the Alphians. “Activate all Sensor Stations and move us to Alert Condition 3.”

“My Lord, we have successfully engaged and destroyed both of the Human supply ships. The Humans are turning to investigate the area they were destroyed at. They seem to be flying blind. Set up the run to take out there Sensor Frigates. This will decrease their ability to track us. How are our energy reserves?” “We are currently at 60% of capacity, enough for two more attack runs before we have to pull off to recharge our stores.” “Very Good, attack the two Sensor Frigates closest to our position. That will open the door to the heart of their fleet. We will be able to decapitate their leadership and then they will scatter and be defenseless.” “As you wish my lord.” The Ganglia turned once more onto its attack run on the Human fleet but just as it fired a complete pointblank salvo on the frigate, a sensor operator yelled out, “Sensor Spike! We have been detected! The cloak cannot compensate for the sensors!” “Damn! Pull of the second run and go to silent running!” It was too late for the K’Luth; the enemy fleet had seen him.

“Target Spike! Target bearing 033, range 500 Gu and opening.” “Weapons Free! Fire all missiles!” Ships throughout the fleet locked on and fired what weapons they could but were not sure if they could hit the target. The weapons tracked towards their target, hunting it out to exact revenge for the fallen but just as they were about to hit their mark they detonated. “What happened? Did we hit the Ganglia?” “Not sure sir, they detonated prior to their predicted impact point.” “What? How did that happen?” “Admiral, the Raven was supplying trajectory data to the fleet through the Aegis System. The Raven has been destroyed. When we lost telemetry data from the Raven, the Aegis System had no valid target and remote detonated the warheads.” “Damn, so close. How did we pick him up in the first place?” “Sir, there are large power readings coming from the asteroid field. There seems to be a large sensor network in the field.” “Sir, incoming hail.” “Who from?” “The Concordia.”

“Damage Report!” “My Lord, armor down to 50%, Jump Drive off-line, power reserves down to 25%, injuries are minor, two disruptors are off-line as well as torpedo launcher but those are expected to be up and running momentarily.” “What hit us?” “It seems the Humans have a Anti-Matter powered PCM. We had two of the missiles detonate close in.” “They did this much damage?” “Yes my Lord.” “Well this changes our tactics a bit. We shall have to get in close this time and attack with a vengeance at any target which presents itself.” “Do you think that wise?” “Do you not trust my judgment? Even a wounded Ganglia can out fire those ships. Prepare the ship for the next attack run. I want to kill every Human ship out there but save the Charger for last. That ship we shall kill slowly.”

“Is that really you Linna?” “Yes Sir, alive and in the flesh.” “How did you survive?” “Lets discuss that at another time. There is a Ganglia out there to kill.” And is on queue there was another flash and another ship dropped of the scope. This time it was the Midnight. “Damn, someone kill that ship!” “Admiral I have analyzed his attack pattern. He is attacking the smaller ships at pointblank range before they can react. This may work on the smaller ships but he cannot do this to us. I would also like to report he is damaged. I got a momentary scan on him and his armor is down to 65% along with other hull damage.” “Well he may be hurt but he is not out. If we do not get another good shot at him he can hit and run us to death. Just as Rocko said that the Ganglia appeared in front of the Fairfax.

The Fairfax wasn’t caught sleeping though. Captain Drafell Moraxi was waiting for just this moment. They had been watching the events just as everyone was and had come to the same conclusion. The Jump Cruiser fired all its weapons at the exact same time as the Ganglia did. The results were spectacular. The Jump Cruisers front shields failed as the Disrupters tore into them allowing the Anti-Matter torpedoes to strike the ship all along its dorsal spine. Pieces of skin could be seen ripping off the ships hull. Lights were flickering and the ship started to roll to the right, away from the Ganglia, while trailing debris into the darkness. The Ganglia fared a little better, loosing much armor while only loosing a Disrupter and a Torpedo Launcher. The Ganglia pulled off the target but remained decloaked as it hunted for another target. But now it was the Hunted and not the Hunter.

“All ships target the Ganglia, fire at will!” “Admiral, the Ganglia is making an attack run on the Concordia!” “Coeus, the Ganglia is attacking the Concordia, can you cut it off?” “I am already on it, just give me a minute to lock him up.” “In a minute the Concordia could be dead!” The Charger swung in behind the Ganglia as it was lining up for the kill shot on the Concordia. “Fire!” The Charger’s beams reached out and settled on the aft engine compartment of the Ganglia, tearing off the armor and exposing the ships vital engineering section. What followed next was the deathblow of the Ganglia. The Fusion Torpedoes from the Charger ran straight into the Engineering Section, blowing out the hull causing it to collapse in on itself. The Ganglia was now rolling out of control.

“My Lord, helm is not responding, life support is failing, weapons are non-functional. The ship is in shambles and is dieing. Your personal crusade against this Charger has killed us all you fool! Once again it has defeated you. You are a failure!” “Silence!” yelled Carr as he took out his pistol and shot his Tactical Officer in the head. “I will not be talked to like that. I am Admiral Yomin Carr, Leader of Fleets and Commanding Officer of this…” Those were the last words of Admiral Yomin Carr as the Anti-Matter Jump Drive Core went supercritical. The core breach totally consumed the Ganglia. There was nothing left

Back in ICC space at the Admiralty, Grand Admiral Bito had received some very disturbing news from across the fleet. It was so disturbing that Bito had to arrange for an emergency hearing with Grand Senator Faustus and Proconsul Tael in the Senates War Room. “Your Honors, I have received troubling news. There seems to be multiple ships throughout the fleet being reported as missing.” “Missing Bito? How could this be? Are you sure they are missing?” Faustus was not happy at this news. Tael had his own questions to ask. “When did you find out about this?” “Less than an hour ago. They are being reported as missing, they are gone… Crews and all.” “Proconsul Tael, this message has just cam in for the three of you.” “Who knows were are here?” “Bito, start the message.”

The message pad came to life and there, in front of the screen, was a hooded figure. “Since you are receiving this message, I know you are missing many of your ships from the ICC Fleet. I know you are wondering were they are, but not to worry, for I know where they are. The have left the Imperialistic ICC Fleet and have returned to where they belong. They have taken their ships, their crews, their experiences and their technical knowledge and returned to the birthplace of Humanity. That is right, they have returned to Earth. I will not get into the details of why this has occurred. It needs no explanation, though I bet you are wondering who caused this to happen. I caused it to happen. My name, as known to those who left, is simply Cain. To you I am know as…. Fleet Admiral Backslash.”

  Email Fatal Rocko Willis
GothThug {C?}
Fleet Admiral

Joined: June 29, 2005
Posts: 2932
Posted: 2005-08-04 07:48   
NICE, Rocko, i've been keeping up on yer story since the beginning of this year hehe. anyways keep up the good work yo, and by the way i should be in the next chapter

  Email GothThug {C?}
Fleet Admiral

Joined: March 04, 2004
Posts: 94
Posted: 2005-08-04 08:33   
Great ending....hehe evil Backy!! Yeah and put me in the next one...you can kill me off in the first two paragraphs! (hopefully not, but eh, whatever)

  Email Yitram
Fatal Rocko Willis
Fleet Admiral
Fatal Squadron

Joined: March 01, 2003
Posts: 1336
From: Kentucky
Posted: 2005-08-04 08:41   
I am glad you liked it. I have been pondering how to finish this Chapter while balancing Battle Detail with Plot Detail.... This was the best I could do. It is a bit long but would have been longer had I done what I really wanted to do.

I have already started the outlines for the next three chapters of the Second Book of this huge Trilogy. I also have a working title for Book Two. The titles are as follows.

Book I = The Forgotten Fleet

Book II = A New Beginning

Book III = ??? (depends on where Book II leads me)...

Hopefully when I get a chance to really go over this storyline I will be ready to possibly publish it, with Faustus's permission of course. I would really like this story to be published as a script for a Movie... Now that would totally rock!

Well enough of my ranting. If you like my stories just sit back, relax and enjoy the ride.

Oh... BTW... If you would like to be included into the next Book. Please email me with a "Stage Name", Faction you would like to be a part of, and a little Bio if possible. My Email is on my profile.

Rocko, Out!

  Email Fatal Rocko Willis
Fatal Rocko Willis
Fleet Admiral
Fatal Squadron

Joined: March 01, 2003
Posts: 1336
From: Kentucky
Posted: 2005-08-04 08:41   
Dang, no deleting allowed double post!

[ This Message was edited by: Rocko Willis (Recruiting Officer) on 2005-08-04 17:17 ]

  Email Fatal Rocko Willis
Coeus {NCX-Charger}
Admiral, I can't read,
Sundered Weimeriners

Joined: February 16, 2004
Posts: 3635
From: South Philly
Posted: 2005-08-04 15:57   
ICC all the way through the trilogy baby! W00t4charger! I'm suddenly VERY inspired here

Stay tuned folks!

Darkspace: Twilight

  Goto the website of Coeus {NCX-Charger}
GothThug {C?}
Fleet Admiral

Joined: June 29, 2005
Posts: 2932
Posted: 2005-08-04 16:16   
hehe, i just love yer Creative Writing Skillz Dawg, Hope you find the conclusion of the forgotten fleet and please dont make it 4 more chapters hehe. you need to join forces with the UGTO To wipe out my fleet of drainers

  Email GothThug {C?}
Fatal Rocko Willis
Fleet Admiral
Fatal Squadron

Joined: March 01, 2003
Posts: 1336
From: Kentucky
Posted: 2005-08-04 17:20   
Well the Forgotten Fleet is done.... This sage will be continued in Book II which I have entitled "A New Beginning"

  Email Fatal Rocko Willis
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