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 Author The Forgotten Fleet (Now including Book II)
Fatal Rocko Willis
Fleet Admiral
Fatal Squadron

Joined: March 01, 2003
Posts: 1336
From: Kentucky
Posted: 2005-04-07 07:41   
*****Chapter Twenty-Three*****

“Five minutes to maximum firing range. All primary targets are locked into the Aegis system. We are ready to fire on your command Admiral Willis.” “Admiral,” it was Mr. Abutu, “I think I have an idea how to not only attack the UGTO ships but to flush out the command ship as well.” “Well now is a good time to speak up Mr. Abutu.” “I have been reading the specification sheets on the PCM-12’s. It seems we can choose what direction to have them attack from.” “What? How’s that?” “We can enter a waypoint for them to travel too then have them turn towards the enemy ships and go active. The enemy will think we are attacking from somewhere we are not at.” “Fantastic idea Mr. Abutu. Plot the attack and pass it along to the other commanders. I want this ready to go in three minutes!” “Aye Sir.”

On board the Elite Assault Dreadnaught Victory, Admiral Erpin watched his escorts from afar. He was the Hunter and they were the Bushmen. They would flush out whoever was there and he would pounce on the prey quickly. “Sir, the Battle Cruiser Kantars reports no contacts. They are continuing search pattern Delta as per your orders.” “Very Well.” “I know you are out there you rebellious scum. Come out and fight like real men and stop being cowards.” Admiral Erpin thought as he sat in his command chair and pondered what was going on.

“Admiral, all missile attack plans laid in. We are ready to fire.” “Good, have the second volley launch when the first wave nears the turn point. Have them attack all targets via direct path.” “Targets are at maximum range.” “Very Well, fire all missiles.” “Missiles away Admiral. All ships report successful launch of the first wave of missiles. The ships are standing by to launch the second wave.” The missiles left the launch tubes and made a ninety-degree turn to the left towards their waypoint. As soon as the missiles reached the waypoint the missiles turned towards their targets and activated their terminal guidance units. “Fire the second wave of missiles!” “Missiles away sir.” “Very Well, secure from Cruise Missile Stations, prepare for Close Action Stations. Helm, have the fleet move to a position directly between the two launch points. Lets see who comes out to play.

“Admiral! We have multiple inbound contacts closing on our escorts.” “Helm, move us forward and set a course to take us left of the escorts. We shall attack the enemy from the left flank.” “Sir! Missiles inbound, port forward quarter!” “Belay that last order. All Ahead Flank! Put us right in the middle of the escorts!” “Admiral Erpin! All incoming missiles are active seekers. We are classifying them as Proton Cruise Missiles.” “All ships, engage Point Defense Systems, standby to launch counter battery fire! Tactical, get me targets to shoot at!”

“Admiral Willis, the Uggies have taken the bait and moved on the first missiles. The first salvo is heading directly towards their front while the second salvo is going to hit them on their left flank. There is still no sign of… wait, we have a massive power spike from behind the enemy formation! Classify as an Elite Assault Dreadnaught!” “Ah, the Hunter shows his face before he sees the pray. Bad move on his part. Engage the Aegis System. It is time we show the enemy what Hit and Run tactics really are. All PCM equipped ships standby to fire at will at the UGTO ships. Let us strike swiftly and strike hard.

The UGTO ships stood ready to defend against the incoming PCM’s, but they were not prepared for what laid ahead. The first to engage the incoming missiles was the Gunboat Destroyer Mystic. She did exactly what she was designed to do; protect the Capital Ships of the Fleet. She fired her Point Defense lasers, hitting the missile squarely in the middle of it. The result was both beautiful and deadly. The missiles Terminal Guidance Unit sensed its impending doom and triggered the bottled hell that was its warhead. A whit light flashed, like a flashbulb in the darkness, and a white shockwave from the detonated warhead reached out and embraced the Destroyer with its unbridled power. The Destroyer shuddered as it rode through the shockwave, armor peeling off its sleek nose like so much dead skin. The Destroyers lights flickered as systems, shocked by the impact, attempted to come back to life.

The second missle came straight at its target with nothing to stop it. It was if a giant fist had materialized and punched the Destroyer square in the nose. Bulkheads warped and broke away from their fittings. Armor plates buckled and tore away from the ship as the ships atmosphere escaped. If you could hear the atmosphere escape it would like a dieing beasts last breath. The other ships of the strike group faired only slightly better.

Seeing what happened to their little brother they took evasive action and turned on ECM trying to, and succeeding in some cases, fool the incoming missiles. But one lone sensor operator, who stayed at his station even though severely wounded, figured out where the missiles had come from. “Admiral, I think I have the possible launch point of the enemy missiles.” “Son, patch those coordinates in and pass them amongst the ships and Fleet Command. We might have more here than we can handle. Move the fleet to the target area at maximum speed. Prepare to engage the enemy ships. I will not let them have the best of us that’s for sure.

“My Lord, we have detected multiple anti-matter detonations on the dark side of Oblivion Major.” “From our ships?” “Unknown, but the Fleet wouldn’t move without telling us would they My Lord?” “Fleet Command makes their own decisions about how to move ships. Lets move to the other side of the gas giant and help our brothers destroy the Humans.” The K’Luth ships responded to the order and circled the gas giant at maximum speed. It didn’t take long to clear the gas giant and discover what had really happened. “My Lord, we are not receiving any K’Luth locator beacons. There are no other K’Luth ships present.” The Tactical Officer was referring to the special equipment which allowed other K’Luth ships to see each other on their screens while they where cloaked. “How is this? You were sure you detected anti-matter detonations?” “Yes My Lord, I am positive. You can see the humans have lost three ships.” “I can see what happened. I am neither blind nor stupid. Order the escorts to engage the Humans.” “As you wish, My Lord.” “These Humans will feel the wrath of the K’Luth Hegemony.”

“Admiral! The Uggies seem to have somehow figured out our general launch point. They are advancing toward us” Rocko knew his fleet had hurt them badly by destroying a Cruiser and two Destroyers but there was nothing worse than a wounded animal. “Ok folks, time to roll up the sleeves and do this the hard way. Standby to engage the enemy, all hands prepare to repel boarders.” “Admiral! New contacts bearing 053! Classify as K’Luth ships!” Rocko knew they were truly up a creek without so much as a paddle.

“Admiral! We have new contacts clearing Oblivion Major!” “So the K’Luth brings reinforcements. Well we can do the same. Transmit all data to Fleet Command and ask for assistance.” “Aye Sir, message sent and acknowledged. Fleet Command says they will be able to sortie a response force in five minutes.” “Five minutes? We could be dead in five minutes. Damn corporation lovers. They act like civilians not leaders of fighting men. If we are to die while waiting for reinforcements let us die like men. Let us die valiantly and with courage. Helm, bring us on course to meet the enemy.”

“My Lord, the Humans seemed to have detected us. They are on an intercept course towards us.” “It was inevitable. All ships unmask and attack at will. We shall teach the Humans who is the dominant species.” With this simple command the battle was joined. Admiral Carr was confident in his ship and his fleet. The only thing Carr didn’t know was there was a ghost lurking nearby, a ghost that was going to haunt him again very soon.

“Tactical, I want a classification on these new ships. I want to know exactly what I am up against.” “Sir I am detecting one Ganglia Dreadnaught, one Mandible Dreadnaught, two Clavate Cruisers and four Claw Destroyers.” Rocko could see the K’Luth where out in force, no doubt about it. “Ok folks, the K’Luth are going after the Uggies. Now as long as they do not detect us visually while the ECM is up we control our destiny. Are the Artic and Mercy finished with the resupply?” “Almost Sir, they are expected to be completed in five minutes.” “This could all be over in five minutes. They better finish in two minutes! All ships prepare to attack the K’Luth Fleet the moment the engage the Uggies.”

“My Lord, we have engaged the enemy. We have finished off the remaining escorts but we have lost a Clavate and three Claws. The Mandible Nagonia is reporting minor damage. The only ship left is their Elite Assault Dreadnaught.” “Make no mistake, it may only be a Human ship but the EAD is a formidable opponent. We shall kill it, ever so slowly, this way we will savor the victory.” Admiral Carr was about to get a rude awaking.

  Email Fatal Rocko Willis

Joined: February 24, 2004
Posts: 39
Posted: 2005-04-07 09:26   
Woa.. Good stuff. Chapter 22 did take sometime to come but it's like the best one yet Reading 23 as i post.. Good job on the story m8! Keep it going..

Galactic Navy

Joined: March 23, 2003
Posts: 11183
From: Bristol, England
Posted: 2005-04-07 10:55   

thats just scary for several reasons...

Coeus {NCX-Charger}
Admiral, I can't read,
Sundered Weimeriners

Joined: February 16, 2004
Posts: 3635
From: South Philly
Posted: 2005-04-07 16:45   
KILLLL THE EAD! Hehehe, daddy like! GJ bro

Darkspace: Twilight

  Goto the website of Coeus {NCX-Charger}
Axianda The Royal
Fleet Admiral
Terra Squadron

Joined: November 20, 2001
Posts: 4273
From: Axianda
Posted: 2005-04-27 13:16   

- Axi

Fleet Admiral Busby
Fleet Admiral

Joined: October 15, 2004
Posts: 239
Posted: 2005-04-27 16:11   
i wish i was on here as a Vice admiral that has a bad attitude and can kick ass ) Please ) UGTO or Kulth! )

[ This Message was edited by: Evil Lol on 2005-04-27 17:21 ]
My God There are Stars

Coeus {NCX-Charger}
Admiral, I can't read,
Sundered Weimeriners

Joined: February 16, 2004
Posts: 3635
From: South Philly
Posted: 2005-04-27 17:19   
I'm sure no one would mind the fiction of the last part of that request...

Darkspace: Twilight

  Goto the website of Coeus {NCX-Charger}
Fatal Rocko Willis
Fleet Admiral
Fatal Squadron

Joined: March 01, 2003
Posts: 1336
From: Kentucky
Posted: 2005-05-12 09:47   
I think I can help you out... I am sorry for the delay in getting the last part of this Trilogy of Chapters out but I have been on leave since my return from the Persian Gulf. I have started the Chapter and plan to finalize it this weekend... Now that I have gotten back into a regular schedule I am ready to start cranking out more chapters.

(And the gathered masses rejoiced! ~YaY~ )

I am also taking notes and plan to try something new and bold.... It concerns a ongoing story of struggle... BUT placed in the new DS Beta Era... With all the new cool toys... It could be interesting if it plays out like I want to.

Have a good day all as I am currently at work...


  Email Fatal Rocko Willis
Fatal Rocko Willis
Fleet Admiral
Fatal Squadron

Joined: March 01, 2003
Posts: 1336
From: Kentucky
Posted: 2005-05-14 11:09   
Hello all, I have finished writing Chapter 24 and it is being prepared (my lady is "editing" it as we speak.) and should be uploaded soonest. It may not be as long as the last few Chapters but I felt I had to do this to be able to set up for Chapter 25.... Chapter 25's name is tentatively being called "The Showdown At The OK Corral" .... That should be tease enough.

Now with out further ranting by myself, your combat author, brings you Chapter 24 - "The Longest Day, Part III"



  Email Fatal Rocko Willis
Fatal Rocko Willis
Fleet Admiral
Fatal Squadron

Joined: March 01, 2003
Posts: 1336
From: Kentucky
Posted: 2005-05-14 11:20   
*****Chapter Twenty-Four*****

Rocko could see the attack was not going well for the Uggies. Only the EAD was left and the Ganglia, Mandible and a Clavate were ganging up on it. Rocko didn’t like the UGTO any more than the rest of his crew but they were still human like him. “All ships target the Ganglia! Prepare to fire a full salvo at his hull.” “Aye Sir, targeting solutions set, checked and matched on all tubes Admiral.” “Fire!” Once again the Anti-Matter PCM’s raced towards their target. Halfway to their target they switched on their active seeker heads.

“My Lord! We are tracking multiple inbound missiles. They are Human PCM’s” “Ah, so the Humans have called in reinforcements. No matter, we are almost done here. Engage the cloaking system and pull away from the escorts. Tell them we are moving off to find the source of the missiles and they are to continue the attack on the EAD.” Admiral Carr’s Dreadnaught vanished like an ethereal spirit, moving silently away from the target area.
The missiles were nearing the target when suddenly the target disappeared. The tiny brain in the missiles Terminal Guidance Unit came to a quick decision. Since the target had disappeared from its scanner the target must have been destroyed. The missiles did exactly as they were designed to do, seek out the nearest hostile target and attack. This was good for the Ganglia but very bad for the Mandible. The Mandible attempted to escape at the last minute but was out of position to do so. The Mandible was consumed and died in a full brace of deadly white anti-matter detonations.

Admiral Erpin looked on as the Mandible died before him. “Admiral, the Mandible has been destroyed and the Ganglia has cloaked.” “Who fired those missiles? I want to know now!” “Unknown Sir, but I can say one thing Admiral, we have no such weapon in our inventory. The weapon seems to have the same characteristics as the one fired at us.” “That would mean only one thing. The ICC has a new toy to play with.” “Sir, we have killed the Claw Destroyer.” “Very good, let us repair and then see who is launching these new missiles at everyone. I think Fleet Command would love to get its hands on a few of those.”

“Admiral, the Ganglia has cloaked and we are unable to determine its location.” Rocko knew their trip to the Oblivion System was over with. A Ganglia Dreadnaught was cloaked and on the prowl and an Elite Assault Dreadnaught was damaged and wanted to kill something as retribution for its injuries. No matter what the Senate said this was not a place for a bunch of Cruisers and Frigates to be at. “Very Well. Helm, have the Fleet form on us and prepare to move out, set you course to 185, all ahead ¼ impulse.” “Aye Sir, course 185, all ahead ¼ impulse.” “Tactical, keep your eye out for the Ganglia, I do not want him popping up in the middle of the Fleet.” “Aye Sir, be advised the EAD is also heading in this general direction.” “It was expected but let’s not give them any more reason to shoot us than we already have. That EAD is the last ship I want to deal with right now.”

“My Lord! We have detected a possible power fluctuation consistent with an ICC Sensor Frigate. They are approximately 1,000 Gu away. They are moving towards us at a slow speed, shall we engaged the jump drive?” “No you fool, they would be alerted to our presence the moment we exited Hyperspace. We shall lay in wait and attack them as they close on us. Helm, move us slowly into a position that will place us on their intended path of advance. We shall be like a shadow in space till they are close enough.”

“Admiral, the EAD continues to close on the fleet.” “Yes I can see that, Helm, increase speed to ½ impulse. No more than that or they will be able to detect us and that is the last thing I want them to do.” “Aye Sir, ½ impulse.” “Have all jump ships spin up their Wormhole Devices. Have them each pick a safe corridor out of the System and lay them out one next to the other. I will pick which one we travel through leaving the enemy guessing which one we took.” It was a gamble, knowing if the enemy just happened to pick the correct one, they would not be able to wormhole away.

“Admiral Erpin, we are detecting a massive power build up off our port bow. The power levels are consummate with a Wormhole Generation Device.” “That is them, those are the ICC ships we are hunting after! Helm, place us on an intercept course to those energy readings, all ahead flank! All Hands to battle stations!” “Aye Sir!” Admiral Erpin stood in front of his command chair, leaning as the floor tilted while feeling the deck plates rumble beneath the heel of his polished black boots. The Hunter had gotten a whiff of the Prey and the scent was like an aphrodisiac, making his head swim with pleasure.

“My Lord, the prey has accelerated and is now emitting a large power surge. I believe they are preparing to open a wormhole to try to escape.” “They shall not escape. Close to within visual range and hold at that distance. If they do use a wormhole we shall slip in behind them and catch them on the other side. There we shall crush them without mercy!” “But My Lord, shouldn’t we wait till we have reinforcements to help with this ICC fleet?” “You idiot! Did you not say you detected a Sensor Frigate? Are you afraid of a Frigate?” “No My Lord, but we are unsure of what ships may be with them.” “Do you think a Sensor Frigate could hide anything large enough to hurt us? I think not. We shall follow this group of ships and destroy them all!”

“Sir, this EAD is closing on us at a rapid speed. I think they may have detected us.” I believe they may have but they are still outside of visual range. I know this is a risk but move the fleet up to maximum group speed. Prepare to open all the wormholes. Instruct the jump ships to make them close. I have a feeling we are going to have to make a hasty retreat.” “Sir, all ships are up to Fleet Speed, Jump Ships are standing by to engage Wormhole devices.” “Very Well, Engage the Wormholes.” Suddenly there was not one but three wormholes sitting side by side, each going somewhere different. Only Rocko and his fleet knew which one they where taking or so Rocko thought.

“Admiral, we have detected three separate wormholes. We currently hold no targets either by sensors or visually. You’re orders Admiral?” “Range to wormholes?” “1,500 Gu to the closest one.” “Ah, we have missed the opportunity to get revenge on these devious rebels. Mark my words there will be a time I will have the upper hand. The will beg for my mercy, though I find it disheartening to think they helped to save not only this ship but my crew.” Admiral Erpin was in turmoil over his hatred for the ICC and his gratitude for the ICC Fleet Commander who had destroyed the K’Luth Mandible. He could have very easily fired those missiles at his ship. They were Human as well after all.

“My Lord, the ICC ships are heading towards the center wormhole at high speed.” “They are obviously trying to get away from the EAD. The ICC ships have not detected us yet have they?” “If they have they have not given any notice of it.” “Very Good. We shall follow them through their wormhole and there I would venture we shall find their base. We shall be not only victorious but famous.” “Yes My Lord, I couldn’t agree more but there is something I should let you know first My Lord.” “What is it you wish to tell me that is so damn important as to ruin this fantastic moment.” “One of the ICC ships is the ICCS Charger, the ship you so desperately desire to destroy.” The pain came back and his blood ran cold, as himself and his ship slipped through the Wormhole’s Event Horizon, chasing his own personal Ghost.

“Admiral we are clear of the Event Horizon and the fleet is reporting normal operations. The scopes are clear of any hostile ships. Sensors report a large asteroid field ahead approximately 2,500 Gu away.” “Very Well, put the asteroid field on screen.” The screen snapped to life and there before him in all its brown splendor was just what the sensor operator had said, an asteroid field. “There are no life signs or energy readings from the asteroid field.” “Very Well, have the fleet set normal cruising stations.” “Aye Sir, engaging active sensors and raising shields. I would also like to inform you sir this asteroid field is not on any ICC navigational display.” “Really, that’s odd. I thought all of this area was on the maps.” “I would have thought so too sir, but there it is.” Slow to ½ impulse and scan the asteroid field. We shall save the data and incorporate it into out navigational databanks.”

“My Lord, the ICC ships have dropped their ECM coverage and have raised shields. They have slowed their speed and turned towards the asteroid field directly ahead of us. We are still cloaked and there is no evidence they have detected us.” “Very Good, but we must be careful as we close in on the target. If we close too fast we risk detection. Target the ships in the rear and close to optimum firing range.” “Yes My Lord. We have several targets in the rear including a Large Supply Ship, a Sensor Frigate, an Interdictor Cruiser as well as the ship which haunts you My Lord.” “We shall pull this fleet apart piece by piece, saving the Charger for last. I will have my revenge but I wish its Captain to see the death of his fleet before seeing his own.”

  Email Fatal Rocko Willis
Axianda The Royal
Fleet Admiral
Terra Squadron

Joined: November 20, 2001
Posts: 4273
From: Axianda
Posted: 2005-05-14 14:42   
WOOHOO what took you so long

- Axi

Galactic Navy

Joined: March 23, 2003
Posts: 11183
From: Bristol, England
Posted: 2005-05-14 17:04   
Get cracking on the next one I say

Coeus {NCX-Charger}
Admiral, I can't read,
Sundered Weimeriners

Joined: February 16, 2004
Posts: 3635
From: South Philly
Posted: 2005-05-14 18:19   

Bravo amigo I'm gonna go pass out now.

Darkspace: Twilight

  Goto the website of Coeus {NCX-Charger}
Fatal Rocko Willis
Fleet Admiral
Fatal Squadron

Joined: March 01, 2003
Posts: 1336
From: Kentucky
Posted: 2005-07-18 02:34   

This is a self-induced BUMP!!!

Due to the arrival of the new version to the DarkSpace MV I have currently scrapped what was going to happen in Chapter 25... The structure of the Chapter and Storyline remains intact but with the current release of the Beta Client into Release I felt I had to include this into the storyline...

To give you an idea of what is to come the intended battle scene between the K'Luth Dreadnaught, The Forgotten Fleet and the Alpians has been changed somewhat...

I am changing this to make it more.... dramatic... you will see, and feel the hunt from both the K’Luth side and the Human Side.... feel the sweat trickle down the spine... this will be the dawning of a new era for all the factions... for a new force has arrived to drive the K’Luth like a fire before the wind...

Now the K’Luth will not fight for supremacy of our know galaxy but for their very survival...

I have been scribbling so man notes on sticky pads, note binders, legal pads and whatnot.... I should be going strong again soon...

This is also a BUMP for those who have not read this story to enjoy it as much as it current fan base...

I will also be looking for new people to add to this.... some to flesh out the K'Luth, some to flesh out the UGTO/ICC Fleets and some to flesh out the Alphians...

And finally the Sleeper will be revealed...


  Email Fatal Rocko Willis
Coeus {NCX-Charger}
Admiral, I can't read,
Sundered Weimeriners

Joined: February 16, 2004
Posts: 3635
From: South Philly
Posted: 2005-07-18 05:06   
Just don't update your ships to match the current release, I'm gonna do that in twilight which is like 15-20 years after forgotten fleet

Darkspace: Twilight

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