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 Author Stranger In a Strange land
*Renegade Space Marines*

Joined: December 13, 2010
Posts: 102
From: Southland, New Zealand
Posted: 2011-07-23 20:25   
Chapter 16 is coming along, bit slower then id like but i'm confusing even me sometimes so i have to make it an incorhearnet ramble...lol
Capitaine de vaisseau, U.W.S Ajax

U.W.S Melborne

I.S.S Achilles

Author of Stanger in a Strange land.

*Renegade Space Marines*

Joined: December 13, 2010
Posts: 102
From: Southland, New Zealand
Posted: 2011-08-21 04:15   
Here we go! the epic adventure contiunes!

Chapter Seventeen

The Captains of all three ships sat round a table aboard the Discovery.
“So what’s the plan?” Asked Lightbreaker.

All the Captains plus the extra Admirals from the Discovery sat at an oval desk with small folders and a drink and took down notes from briefings they had got from scouting parties.

“Well according to the scientists the aliens surrounding the device do not match anything we have discovered, living or otherwise.” Reported the lead Scientist

“No surprises there really” replied Shadowalker.

“So have your scientists managed to find anything of value? Computers, weapons? Anything that could led to discover how to get that thing off our
Nav computers? Replied Lightbreaker.

“Well we have made a bit of progress there. It Seems that the station
sends this automatically to all incoming vessels and docks them into one of the many docking areas inside the station.”

“And how did you come to find this out?” asked Lightbreaker

“Well sir our search teams found another hanger with Ships inside”

The room erupted with chatter.

“What? You mean you found others?” replied Magoo

“No sir, just ships and equipment no people living or otherwise”

“Why weren’t we informed earlier?” demanded Lightbreaker

“Well sir it was easier to simply lay you with plenty of information in this
brief then come here and report nothing, this way you’s can debate on our next course of action”

“Alright enough, what ships did you find, UGTO? ICC?” asked Shadowalker.

“Well sir just got you run of the mill pirate ships who probley were exploring the area for a new hideout an…” Shadowalker cut him off.

“There haven’t been pirates round the home systems since the First Interstellar War”

“Yes sir that’s what I was getting to, these ships are some of the earliest forms of Human spacecraft, with very early Taceon drives installed, as well as pirate ships we found early UGTO vessels the E.S.S America and the E.S.S France both of which went missing in August of 2118 and are in our database as M.I.A presumed K.I.A”

“Wow, quite a History cache we have here” said Lightbreaker.

“Yes sir, what’s interesting to note is that each hanger have Ships from a specific war”

“So did you find ships from this war we’re in?”

“No not yet sir, but we’ve also made another….strange discovery”

“Well spit it out”

“I think we have to show you”

The Admirals got up and filed out of the room following the chief Scientist and after going through door after door and kilometres of hallways to one of the hangers.

The Hallways were a mix of light steel colour with a medium bright blue light from pieces from the walls, as well as the same strange writing they saw when the Stations computer hacked there Nav computers.

“Are we there yet?” Groaned Tucker

“Almost Sir” Replied the Lead scientist

After a few more bends and another 100 meters of hallway they came to a
open door.

“We’re here”

As the group walked in Magoo spoke up.

“What is it you want to show us that couldn’t of waited?”


The Scientist pulled away an object and stood behind it a glass viewing panel.

Behind this glass panel stood frozen and locked inside a capsule was a Man

All stood shocked at what they saw.

“Is that what I think it is?” Asked Magoo?

“Yeap” Replied Shadowalker.

“Local?” Asked Lightbreaker

“Not from what we have gathered” replied the scientist.

“Can you get it out?” asked Magoo

“No at this current time we cannot, ICC scientists are in charge here and
unfortually they haven’t managed any break thoughs”

Magoo pointed to an inscription next to the body.

“What’s that?” he asked.

“Well we believe it to be either instructions on how to free him, propley
that is, OR it may be like an obituary on their life, we just will not know till
we can translate the language.

“Well can’t you get those fancy UGTO computers to translate it or not?”
asked Lightbreaker.

“Sir, it’s not as easy as sticking in all the bloody letters into a computer and
it wising out the goddam answer! It’s a dead language that has no
translation to a known language, we’re starting from scratch here, it’s not
like we can just make up the bloody letters to suit!”

“Alright carm down you two” said Shadowalker.

“Keep working on it, ok?” ask Shadowalker.

“yes sir’

“Right, call us if you find anything more out”

The Four walked out of the room and started heading back towards there
hanger where there ships were, taking note that they went the way they
came, cause the station was big, and you could get lost pretty easy.

“Well what now?” asked Magoo as they walked down the hall

“aghh I don’t know” replied Shadowalker “just so much and not enough

“Aghh I’m just going to hit my bunk and sleep on this, I seem to get
answers in my dreams about this stuff” replied Shadowalker.

“Haha first we got to find our ships” replied Lightbreaker.

“On that front” replied Tucker, “There they are” he said while pointing a
hall on their left.

“About dam time I reckon” muttered Shadowalker

“Ae” replied Lightbreaker.

All four swung a left and began pacing their way back to their ships.

Suddenly the whole tunnel is thrown around violently and Magoo was
thrown into a wall.
Shadowalker, who by know was rolling around on the floor grabbed his radio

“Www…hat the the hell is goi..n..g on?”

Another violent shake struck.

The Radio bust with chatter Marines, scientists, ship crew it was like
everyone was trying to get hold of someone.

Shadowalker tried getting up, using the wall for leverage he managed to
get to his feet, meanwhile shaking was still continuing.

“Come…come on ge gget up!” “We nnn need to gget to the ships!”

Lightbreaker and Magoo managed to help each other up, but Magoo was
out cold, his head hitting the wall pretty hard. All three grabbed him and
began pulling him at pace towards the hanger. The radios were beaming
with chatter calling medics for people who’d been thrown and had hurt

“What the Hell was that?” yelled Shadowalker as he dragged Magoo

“Felt like an explosion” yelled back Lightbreaker.

“Yeah a Bloody big one!” replied Tucker.

“Not far left come on faster!”

Just as they were coming though the arch that led them though to where
the ships were docked someone disturbing came over the radio.

“Contact left high! It’s coming AGHHH”

Shadowalker grab his radio from his belt

“Last caller reply this is Admiral Shadowalker!”

“Sir” came over the radio

“There not responding”

“Who is this?” he demanded
“Lieutenant Ross sir, 2nd UGTO marine detachment, U.W.S Discovery!”

“Aye, what the hell just happened Lieutenant!”

“Sir I don’t know but an explosion came from an unexplored area on the
north western side”

Just as Shadowalker was going to reply the hanger went dark and a green
flashing light began pulsating.

“What the hell is going on here! Somebody, anybody got an idea!?”

“Sir the machine! It’s turning on!” Cried out someone

Shadowalker dropped his radio and began sprinting towards the first room
that they had entered. His lungs and muscles were screaming stop but he
just sped up. He slid into the room and ran into the viewing glass using his
arms to stop his momentum.

It was such an awing sight. The Statutes were slowly collapsing and the
centre oval had arching bolts of electricity flying everywhere.

“Everybody back to the ships NOW!!!” yelled Shadowalker.

All personal in the room grabbed what they could and ran back towards
the ships. Shadowalker made sure everyone was gone before he ran
behind them, Just as he was sure everyone was gone a figure stood in
front of him. It was that person in cytogenesis.

“You have woken us from our eternal slumber, and have unleashed doom
apoun your kind and all of whom you protect. You are finished like those
that have come before you”

“What are you?” asked Shadowalker

“We are the third race, the Machine Intelligence race and we are here to
finish what the first two races could not do”

“Finish what?”

“Finish you”


“Yes and your pitiful race” “There’s just one thing truly stopping us and I
am here to make sure the he goes’ away before my whole fleet is
unleashed onto your kind”

The machine grabbed Shadowalker by the throat and tossed him across
the room like a toy, he slammed into the steel platted wall and dropped to
the ground.

“agghhh” Shadowalker grunted.

He began getting up when the machine walked over to him and again
picked him up and throws him across into a pedestal.

“Bloody hell” he moaned

Shadowalker started getting back onto his feet and he feet around his hip
for his service weapon, a nine shot 5megawatt coil gun which could take
out small vehicles and turn any person unlucky enough to be caught on the
receiving end. He pulled it out of his holster and while holding his now
broken ribs pointed his pistol and fired at the machine hitting it in the left
shoulder as it walked towards him. The machine just shrugged off the
damage which the 100gram projectile had just inflicted and carried on
walking, Shadowalker fired again….and again and again till he was out of
rounds and the thing just tanked it and kept coming. It grabbed him by the
neck again and began strangling the life out of Shadowalker, suffocating
him rather quickly.

Shadowalker thought this was the end, and while looking into the eyes of
his killer suddenly his head was missing and the death grip on his neck
released. He dropped to floor and began grasping for air. A hand came into
view and looked up to see a familiar face….Lightbreaker.

“Those wee things are good for small things. But when you need some
serious power, reach for the rifle”

He held his 2kilowatt heavy Gauss coil rifle, or cutely named by those who
use it as ‘GC’ or blue as the recoil it gave made your shoulder blue in one

“Come on, we need to get out of here”

Both men sprinted for there life back to there ships. As soon as
Shadowalker was on board the doors sealed and engines burst to life at
full power.

Shadowalker hit the nearest intercom on the wall and questioned the
bridge staff who were present.

“What the hell is happening?!?” he demanded

“Sir the Nav is plotting a course for somewhere Inside the building!”

“Oh for”

“Can you override?”

“No sir we’re under its control again”

“Ahh this is guna be fun, strap ing, you never know what this thing is guna

“Aye sir!’

Shadowalker ran to the nearest view port. The power the oval had
consumed everything and the ship was heading towards the centre.

The Nose of the ship started crossing and the whole ship began shacking
and felt like it was going to rip apart.

Suddenly The ship lurched forward and everything was carm.

Shadowalker looked out the view port once more. They were in space in
orbit of a planet.

He ran to the bridge.


“Sir we have hull breaches everywhere and our two Auxuilly reactors are
down as well as engines, we’re drifting.”

“Seal those sectors and get my goddam engines back online!”

“Aye sir”

“What planet is this, where are we there was no planet when we arrived.”

The sensor operator typed into her computer.

“Sir it’s Earth!’

Shadowalker was dazed and confused.


“Yes sir!”

“Wh…what year is it?”

“Ahhh let me calculate that.”

“Aghh sir you’re not going to believe this, but according to astronomic
charts I’m getting a read back of 2011”

“2011? Jesus! It’s happened!”

“What happened sir?”

“we’ve gone back in time!”



“What is it?”

“Sir we’re being dragged down and we can’t maintain orbit!”


“We’ll hit the upper…..”

There was a thud and now constant shaking, and the temperature began
to increase, everything turn black and Shadowalker slipped into the world
of blackness.

Shadowalker could hear muffled sounds crying out
His head hurt and was wet.
He opened his eyes to see hell.
Fire everywhere, rain all over and the distant sound of thumping rotor blades could be heard in the distance.

Capitaine de vaisseau, U.W.S Ajax

U.W.S Melborne

I.S.S Achilles

Author of Stanger in a Strange land.

Fleet Admiral
*Renegade Space Marines*

Joined: March 18, 2009
Posts: 79
From: USA
Posted: 2011-08-21 15:54   
*shuderz* I love it, except i got knocked out.....lol but i wrestle in real life.... oh well xD atleast i didnt die....

Fleet Admiral

Joined: February 16, 2009
Posts: 141
From: deep jungle of vargo
Posted: 2011-09-20 13:28   
i think i need to die a heroic death lol

Achilles Lord of the Myrmidon
Grand Admiral
The Myrmidon Legion

Joined: December 15, 2009
Posts: 327
Posted: 2011-09-20 16:50   
Will I ever get a part? Cool story man I really like it

There Are no Pacts Between Lions and men.

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  Email Achilles Lord of the Myrmidon   Goto the website of Achilles Lord of the Myrmidon
*Renegade Space Marines*

Joined: December 13, 2010
Posts: 102
From: Southland, New Zealand
Posted: 2011-12-01 03:43   
Well your Favourite fan fic has returned! i re-read the entire book.....all 192 pages to remember what had been going on. I then thought i was quite ahaead when i relised how far the release chapter was lol

Arch you'll be added in at a later date as i couldn't write you in this chapter.


Chapter Eighteen

Juex lend over to his chilly bin and grabbed another beer.

“You know I’ve just been thinking” Juex said staring off into the distance.

“Thinking about what” asked Shadowalker

Larna, Magoo and Tucker came up the sand dune and laid some chairs
around Juex and Shadowalker and pull out a few drinks of their own.

Juex looked at Shadowalker.

“Never mind”

“Never mind what?” asked Larna.

“Never mind the fact that walker here picks gay music” Juex remarked.

“We are from different times you know” Shadowalker

“Haha yeah and I’m a Rear Admiral in this UGTO of yours…”

“But you are” Larna replied.

“Haha Riiiight, I believe you, I believe it when I see it”

“Time for some music….Mmm what shall we have”

Juex searched though his collection of music on his IPod.

“Ahh, a Kiwi Classic”

The slow base guitar of Six Sixtas, Don’t Forget your roots began playing.

“whoo don’t forget your friends my friend….don’t your family roots…”

“Nice song” Magoo commented.

“Weather suits it also.” Juex said.

“Yeah, nice sunset”

“Yes it is…..yes it is” replied Juex.

Shadowalker’s Head was bleeding. He had ‘shell shock’ and was heavy distorted as he looked around the crash site of the Discovery. He could vagly make out someone yelling his name and managed to get on his knees and look around from where it was coming from.

He couldn’t quite make out who it was, his vision was going back and forth
between in-focus and out of focus.

Someone grabbed him and threw him over their shoulders and started
running. Soon he started coming to and his hearing and vision came too he
looked up and saw what was left of the Discovery. She was in pieces
everywhere with what was the bridge spread over a 100 square meter
area, and fire everywhere and with bodies lying everywhere.

The person carrying Shadowalker began to slow down to where from
Shadowalker’s point of view was where this person was taking the living.
BOOM an explosion threw Shadowalker clear of his saviour and into the
crowd of wounded crew members.

He crawled up onto his hands and knees and looked at from where the
explosion had come from. One of the tiny Back up Generators had
exploded throwing debris and shrapnel everywhere.

Tucker came up and grabbed Shadowalker’s shoulder.

“We’re missing hundreds”

“What the hell just happened?”

“I don’t know, I guess that device was what caused us coming here.”

“Larna and Magoo?”

“Ehh #%#$$&?$ I don’t know, Larna was here before but I haven’t seen Magoo
since I got to my section after we boarded”

Over the Noise of the Rain and Fire, a noise could be heard, Shadowalker
stood tall and started looking.

“So what happ…”

“Sssshhh” Shadowalker Said putting his hand up.



Both started listening out.

“I ain’t hearing anything” Said Tucker.

The Thump Thump kept coming closer and closer.

Colonel Bill Ross looked out the side door of the UH-1H Huey as the
approached the Crash site.

“ETA” He asked over the Intercom

“Ten Minutes sir” replied the Co-pilot


He looked out to the other choppers heading with him. He’d received word
of Meteorites striking land near his base, but apart from a casual that’s
cool thought hadn’t taken much notice, until he got a high priory Search
mission to see where they had made land fall. From his sources in other
units throughout the Island these meteorites had made land across the
whole Country.

Ross was expecting maybe a small fire from where the space rock would
have landed maybe even see nothing at all, but not this. Fire was strewn
over almost then entire horizon and debris was scatted all over the place.
Ross realised that he might have an airliner crash on his hands.

“Lieutenant, call in it in, we might have wounded down there”

“Roger sir”

“Base this is Helo one, calling papa whiskey at my location”

“Roger Helo one, sending Medevac, ETA one fife minutes”

“Roger One Fife minutes, Helo one.

“Fifteen minutes Sir”

“Roger, Tell the others sit papa whiskey”


“Chief Open Doors”


The Crew Chief opened up the Starboard Side door and moved to open the

Ross moved out to the edge and grabbed the handle and put his foot on
the Skid.

“Land us in that Clearing!” he said pointing towards a clearing.


Ross took his Aircrew helmet off and put his Red Beret one on, readying
himself to jump out as soon as the skids hit the ground.

“Twenty Meters”




Colonel Ross jumped out followed by a Section of troops.

Ross Quickly surveyed the scene, Burning Debris on both flanks and what
looks like wounded on the right flank.

He clicked his speech button on his radio

“Set up a perimeter! All Medics on me!”

Shadowalker looked as these flying machines landed and people pour out.
He watched as they set a perimeter and saw a staunch looking man with a
red hat with people following him run to their location.

Some went straight to the wounded while the man in the hat ran to him.

“What the hell happened here?!” he asked

Shadowalker stood slient for a while; he was having trouble understanding
his Accent.

“What happened?” he asked once more.

“Ahh” Shadowalker looked round.

“Our ship crashed on re-entry” he replied.

“Your what crashed on what?”

“Our Space ship, burned up on Re-entry into the Atmosphere”

Colonel Ross Couldn’t quite sure if he was hearing this person right, if so
he had to be dissolution…, I mean Space ship…with all these
people….burning up on Re-entry? One or two people maybe but not the
amount of people he can see.

“Alright, Can I have a name?” asked Ross

“Shadow, Shadowalker”

“Alright Mr Shadowalker, I’m Colonel Ross”

“Ahh It’s not Mr”

“Oh I’m sorry, didn’t mean to offend”

“No, I ment I’m a mr, but I have a rank, I’m an Admiral. Admiral
Shadowalker, Galactic Navy, United Galactic Trade Organisation”

Again with the space ship stuff thought Ross

“Alright follow me, we’ll take you back to my base and we’ll talk further!”
Ross Yelled over the Roar of taking off Helicopters.

Colonel Ross clicked on his radio.

“This Is Ross, I’m E-vacing now, Major you’re in charge!”

“Roger sir”

Ross Motioned towards Shadowalker as they approached Ross’s Helo.
Shadowalker climbed in and sat next to a crewmember looking after a
wounded crew member of the Discovery.

Ross Climbed aboard and signalled the pilot and they took off towards the
Rebel base.

Colonel Ross lend over a table.

“What the hell do you want me to do?”

A voice came back.

“Colonel you heard me, place them in VIP rooms and do not chain them”

“I mean sir, what if there spies? We just can’t risk having them moving
freely on our facility”

“They are not a threat”

“But Sir! We cannot just have unknown, untrusted people in premier parts
of our compound, it’s just too much risk!”

“You will do as your told Colonel! Keep them under watch but you will not
treat them like the others is that understood?”

Colonel Ross sighed

“Yes sir”

“Also I will be flying over and I will see you in the morning, Juex Out”

Colonel Ross moved round to the chair in the room, kicked his feet up and
lit a half-finished cigar from his ash tray.

The door opened and Ross’s 2IC entered.

“Ga-day Rick, what brings you to my office” Ross inquired.

“Ahh just the usual, need you just to sign for the opening of the VIP rooms
that’s all”

“How’d you know?” asked Ross.

“I’m your trusty second in command, I know everything” Ricky said with a

Ross sat there wondering for a while.

“You know we got to sort this you knowing #%#$$&?$ before in do stuff ae, it’s
really starting to scare me” Ross chuckled while signing the orders.

Ricky smiled “Just doing my job” and he left the room.

Shadowalker Lay on cot day dreaming off into space. He wondered about
what had happened over the last day and a bit. Warring factions working
together, strange blood thirsty Computers trying to take over the galaxy,
time travel, what’s next flying ponies? Shadowalker inquired to himself.

The Heat was the next thing on his mind. He was sweating profoundly and
was rather parched, the heavy space flight suit probably didn't help either.
He got up and sat on the end of the cot and looked around the rather
large tent, he estimated 22ft x 11ft with eleven more cots inside with his crew members on most of them, a few were vacant suggesting that they had woken or were yet to be assigned.

He sliently made his way towards the tent flap and sliped through
unnoticed by the sleeping crew members.

The Sun blinded him. It was so bright.

It took Shadowalker's eyes awhile to adjust to light.

The camp he saw was minimal in appearance not much could be seen
apart from a few foxholes, tents spaced between scrub and bush, and two
permanent structures on his far left down a dirt track. Almost everything
was covered in camouflage netting to hide or reduce the buildings to make
it appear more like a few trampers camping out rather then a guerilla
hideout and to pull this further a single sliver four person tent sat next to a
small camp fire with dummy’s playing the role of trampers.

Shadowalker started walking to be quickly approached by a uniformed

“Halt! Who goes there?” he asked.

Shadowalker dumbfounded as to what to say, shurgged his shoulders.

The alert solider radioed in.

“Sir we have an unifig down here in camp.”

A voice come back and the Solider nodded and looked back towards Shadowalker.

“Follow me Admiral, the Colonel would like to see you”

Shadowalker promptly followed.

The soldier escorted him to the second permanent building and knocked on
the door and walked in saluted and left.

Shadowalker who didn't pay attention to the person sitting watched as his
escort walked off and looked back to see a familiar face in the chair.

“Juex!” He yelled

Juex looked at Shadowalker confused.

“Do I know you Admiral?” he asked

“Yes? We're ship commanders don't you remember?”

“Admiral I not commanded a sea faring ship in all my life so who are you?”

“I'm Admiral Shadowalker, Admiral in the United Galactic Trade
Organization, Galactic Navy Fleet.”

“You been taking drugs mate?” Juex asked.


“Cause it certainly sounds like it, so you better get talking or I’ll have the
guards shoot you and the other survivors as spy’s”

Shadowalker found a seat and began talking, explaining everything.

Juex sat and listened quietly without asking any questions.

After Shadowalker finished, Juex stood up and stretched.

“Right then. What's next then?” He asked.

“How do you mean?”

“Well I’m betting that you going back and time and meeting the past
version of me while I lay Knocked out in a Hospital in the middle of no
where are connected.”

“So how do we suggest we do that then?”

“I don't know” “You can start by helping the war effort, with you advance
technology maybe you can give us the upper hand on the
enemy”........ “And you and your engineers will come with me to the crash
site to strip all valuable pieces of tech and information as we can get.” “

“So if you follow me, my men have already spoken to another officer who
directed us to your engineering crew”

“What about the rest of my Crew?”

“They'll be moved to a sercue compound to the west, don't worry they'll be
safe” “We better get moving, the satellite has passed over so we're
cleared to fly.

“Satellite?” Shadowalker asked and Juex left the office”

“Occupies have Satellites which pass over every six hours which take a
super high Res photo of the country and compare it to the last one and
check for any major differences such as fresh tyre tracks in sparsely
populated areas or debris from things which have gone unreported”

“So my fleets debris site would be included?”

“Yes, however there is a significant delay between when the photos are
first take and when a correlation is made as a six plus hour gap is needed
to confirm the information”

“wow you certainly know your stuff”

Juex Smiled “Yes” his body language changed “we lost many good people learning about some things, very good people.

Juex and Shadowalker climbed into a Helicopter which was idling on a now
visible landing pad and as soon as they were abroad it took off heading
towards the crash site.

As they neared the crash site debris could already be seen starting to dot
the land below them.

“Wouldn't anyone notice how a load of helicopters flying around the middle
of no where?” asked Shadowalker

“No, Civilian Primary and Secondary radar never extended this far south ,
you'd have to be at 10,000ft before your picked up”

“What about Military scanners?”

“Radar can't pick up anything lower then 300ft and locals tend not to dob
us in when they see us so as long as we stick to our present height of
200ft no one should notice us.”

Shadowalker wasn't really surprised, he knew for a guerilla movement to
survive this long with this type of equipment that they knew there stuff or
were simply not hunted enough, he seen what happened to a
underground resistance if it didn't adapt to how they were being hunted
by regular armies.

“Approaching the crash site sir” reported the Captain


Salvage parties were already on the ground picking though the wreak
mainly in the Sensor array areas and engineering compartments as making
sure the reactors cores hadn't been breached was paramount as if they
somehow went run away a blast of well of 100 megatons was more then
likely and a nuclear blast could be seen as a nuclear attack and
appropriate response highly likely.

“Flaring” Reported the pilot.

The chopper touched down softly and all passengers quickly disembarked
and then took off back towards the camp.

“Where to first” asked Juex

“Your asking me?”

“Well its your ship ain't it?”

“Well yeah but how I meant to know what to grab?”

“Anything that could help us that we haven't already thought of”

“Well I need to get the ship's logs and download it's data-banks”

Juex turned to his people around him

“Well then, lets get moving!”

Capitaine de vaisseau, U.W.S Ajax

U.W.S Melborne

I.S.S Achilles

Author of Stanger in a Strange land.

Galactic Navy

Joined: September 23, 2007
Posts: 709
From: Shadows
Posted: 2011-12-01 08:21   

  Email -Shadowalker-™
$yTHe {C?}
Grand Admiral
Sundered Weimeriners

Joined: September 29, 2002
Posts: 1292
From: Arlington, VA
Posted: 2011-12-01 09:28   
I have ctrl-f'ed through all of your pages and have yet to find the word "grok", I am calling shenanigans.

Blackjack [DBL]
Grand Admiral
Faster than Light

Joined: February 25, 2011
Posts: 344
From: The land of venomous reptiles.
Posted: 2011-12-01 14:36   
I'm glad your continuing the story and if you need a suicidally persistent ICC Cruiser pilot in the near future there's always me

Names I used: Da Bes Loser, Perseverance, Loyalty.

Chief Marshal

Joined: May 24, 2010
Posts: 237
Posted: 2011-12-01 23:46   
Very interesting story, but the rapid changes in point of view and your inconsistant grammar make it a little hard to read. Maybe you should send your stories to someone to proofread or something? Maybe you could indicate a change of view by a horizontal line of underscores or something. *hint hint*
I be rebuilding your planets!

*Renegade Space Marines*

Joined: December 13, 2010
Posts: 102
From: Southland, New Zealand
Posted: 2011-12-02 03:52   

On 2011-12-01 23:46, Incinarator |SoT| wrote:
Very interesting story, but the rapid changes in point of view and your inconsistant grammar make it a little hard to read. Maybe you should send your stories to someone to proofread or something? Maybe you could indicate a change of view by a horizontal line of underscores or something. *hint hint*

Lol i was woundering when someone would pick up on that....lol others probely already saw it but didn't want to say anything. the constant changes coupled with at times not entirely making sense can make things confusing i've sometimes re-read parts and said to myself that that does't make sense and should fix it.

And if your willing to proof read for me email me, you can find it on my profile if not just say so.
Capitaine de vaisseau, U.W.S Ajax

U.W.S Melborne

I.S.S Achilles

Author of Stanger in a Strange land.

Fleet Admiral
*Renegade Space Marines*

Joined: March 18, 2009
Posts: 79
From: USA
Posted: 2011-12-19 21:48   
Love it once again, though youd think "airliner" wouldnt compare to the hundred-thousand ton armored beast lol

*Renegade Space Marines*

Joined: December 13, 2010
Posts: 102
From: Southland, New Zealand
Posted: 2011-12-22 19:58   
Righto, as the following chapter involves heavy fleet action (you can draw your own conculstions from that) i've gone and made the UGTO fleet structure right from Frigates up, took two hours and plenty of confustion later i think i got a working system. Now at first it may seem confusing but with many ranks, and different ships etc i've had to base the unit around the ship rather then the ship around the unit.

Combat formations (exculding all Corvettes, Assault Destroyer, Torpedo Cruiser and EAD)

Destoryers: Element= One destoyer + 2 frigates- Commander
Unit= Two Destoyers + 3 frigates- Captain
Squadron= Six + 4 Frigates- 2nd Rear Admiral

Cruisers: Element= One Cruiser + Destoryer Element- 1st Rear Admiral
Unit=Two Crusiers + Destoyer Unit- 1st Rear Admiral
Group= Four Cruisers + Destoyer SQN- Vice Admiral

Carrier: Element= One Carrier + Cruiser Unit- Vice Admiral
Group= Two Carriers + Cruiser Group- Vice Admiral

Dreadnought: Element= One Dreadnought + Cruiser Unit- Admiral
Group= Two Dreadnoughts + Cruiser Group- Admiral

Battle Fleet= Two Dreadnought Groups= Fleet Admiral

Fleet= One Battle Station + Two Fleets= Grand Admiral

Naval Group= One Command Station + Two Fleets- Marshal

Assault Formations: (Only inculdes Assault Corvette, Assalut Destoyer, Torpedo Cruiser, EAD)

Juggernaught Element= Two Assault Derstoyers+ Four Assault Corvettes- 2nd Rear Admiral
Squadron= Torpedo Cruiser + Two Elements- Vice Admiral
Fleet= One Elite Assalut Dreadnought + Two SQN's- Fleet Admiral

Transport Formations (exculding Extractors)

Raider Element= Four Assault transports + One Jug Element- 2nd Rear Admiral
Battalion= Six Assault Transports + Two Jug Elements- 1st Rear Admiral
Regiment= Two Heavy Transports + Two Battalions- Vice Admiral

Division= Two Regiments- Admiral
Corps= Four Regiments+ extra Jug SQN- Fleet Admiral

Surrport Formations

Surrport Element: Two Surrport Ships (light or Heavy)- Commander
Squadron: One Engineer Ship + Two Elements- Captain
Task Group: Two Advance Engineer Ships + Three SQNs- 1st Rear
Fleet: One Surrport Station+ Two task Groups- Grand Admiral

Bomber Formations:
Unit= Four Bomber Corvettes- Lieutenant Commander
Element= Four Bomber Firgates+ Two Units- Captain
Group= Two Bomber cruisers+ Two Elements- 1st Rear

Overrall Structure:
'Patrol' Navy: One Naval group+ One Supply Fleet+ One Juggernaught Squadron- Grand Marshal
Planeterly Attack Navy: One Navy + One Bomber Group+ One Corps (Attached) four Scout Corvettes

System Navy: Two Navys + Twenty Aussalut/ blockade Corvettes

All Navys are commanded by Grand Marshals Who if commanding a System Navy are also the System Commander, who are Stationed on the local system Captial. (So they are not a ture field Commander) Expect in systems where Faction changes are too common, they they stay on the command Station.( Added)

Naming: Naming of the fleets and sub-fleets will clear (or create) confustion so i'll tell you how they are named.

Combat: Each Element right down to Destoryer Element is named after the ship in which the Element/SQN etc Commander is aborad

E.G 90th Command Group Commanded By Admiral Achilles
OR the Ninth Juggernaught Squadron Commanded By Vice-Admiral Juex
OR The 700th Gunboat Squadron Commanded By 2nd Rear Admiral Doe

Battle Fleets, Fleets are called Just that
E.G The Tenth battle Fleet
OR the Third Fleet

Naval Groups: Are Named After Planets With there number corrsponding to that planet

E.G 1st Earth Naval Group commandered By Marshal Storm

Navys: Are named after the System they are based in.
E.G Sol Navy commandered By Grand Marshal Flash (Note: No system Navy has all it's Planets Naval Groups in it, so Sol does't have ten Naval Groups)
Note: Commander of Sol navy is also UGTO Naval Chief So his 2IC takes over his Normal Navy day to day duties.

Surrport Naming:
Since there are two types of Supply ship Light and heavy Elements and SQNs can be either:
E.G 900th Light surrport Squadron
OR 899th Heavy Surrport Element
If in a SQn it has one Light and One Heavy it will be call a Composite SQN
E.G 50th Composite Supply SQN

Task Groups Contain Three SQNs one light two heavy as theres no point wasting a heavy supply ship on a Destoyer.
E.G 700th Supply task Group

Fleets: Same as above

All fleets as well as a Planet name is asigned a a number, if the group is wiped out or decomissioned theat number is not used again (apart from all PLanets/ numbers for the Sol system, so 1 though 12 is the only reused numbers)
Navy Structure:

In our Example we will be using the Sol navy as our example.

The Sol Navy-Commander- Grand Marshal Flash
Inculded: 1st Earth Naval Group- Commander- Marshal Strom
1st Supply Fleet- Commander Grand Admiral Hemlock
1st Juggernaght Fleet- Commander Fleet Admiral Doe
+ Patrol element of Twenty corvettes.
The rank Structure follows the above, so if Flash is K.I.A Storm is navy commander, if he's killed hemlock is commander so on and so fourth.

Each navy is different so if the above was attacking a planet is will have a Bomber Group or two attached with a Raider Corps aswell.

HOW it works.
Planeterly attack (Example)

Our Sol Navy (With the 3rd & 4th Bomber Group and the 500th Raider Corps Attached) are Attack and trying to reclaim Mars.

First: Formation: The Naval group will spread out, with the Bigger ships in the middile and spaning outwards with the Supply ships Sread out with them, the ENG ships will build plats as a return point for heavyly dmaged ships. The Raiders, Bombers and Jugs will stay with them.

Plan: the Naval Group will take position just short of the dictor field. Here the scouts will tag any ships they deem a threat (Dreads heavy Crusiers Etc) where the Guns of the Group will take out plats or smaller ships. Here the Jug fleet will go in (or jump if no dictor) and Smash all Captial Ships and carve a route for the bombers, who will then destoyer all Defense guns planet side for the raiders, who when the path is resibalely clear drop there Marines onto the planet.

When the planet defenses are lighted, and major damge cause, the naval group will also move in closer.


Questions? Ask away, and i will help you understand aspects you might not understand.

(yes Achilles the 90th command Group is yours in Book)

Capitaine de vaisseau, U.W.S Ajax

U.W.S Melborne

I.S.S Achilles

Author of Stanger in a Strange land.

*Renegade Space Marines*

Joined: December 13, 2010
Posts: 102
From: Southland, New Zealand
Posted: 2012-03-16 05:29   
And We're back with another Great Chapter!

Chapter Nineteen

Grand Marshal Flash stood over Juex's bed.

“What’s happening in there he wondered”

Flash Felt a person enter the room. He turned around and saw the Doctor
looking down reading a Holo-tablet with many graphs and a small from
what Flash could tell, live feed of Juex's vitals.

“Anything knew” Flash asked.

“No, nothing” replied the doctor

“However Sir someone dropped this off” handing Flash a small package.

Flash softly took it from the Doctor.

“Anything else there sir?” he asked.

“Ah no that will be all, thank you.”

The doctor walked out of the room, Flash followed and quickly closed the
door and sat on the chair next to Juex's bed.

Flash opened the package and pulled out a piece of paper with writing on

“Through paper opens the path. An Enemy at the gate. Friend and foe will
end, though the sting of mother's warrior will set him free”

Flash quickly ran out the room and grabbed the doctor by the Arm.

“Did you see who dropped this off?” he barked

“No I didn't, it was just sitting on the front counter when I arrived”

Flash let go and walked away back towards his office which was on the
other-side of the installation.

Just as he was about to enter his office, his senior aide ran up to him with
a piece of paper.

“Sir, you better read this” he said handing Flash the paper.

Flash read the message.

His facial expression widened as he read further.

“When did this occur he asked quickly.

“A day ago sir, the battle group was so badly damaged it took a day for
distress beacon to reach the nearest ship.”

Flash Signalled his aide to follow him into his office, the two walked in, with
Flash Slumping into his chair.

“What system were they patrolling?” Flash asked bringing a hologram of
the known galaxy”

“The 89th Battle-Fleet were passing though Lalande on the way to the R33
system” the aide said, showing it on the hologram.

This News visibly worried Flash. A Full sized battle group almost wiped out
in UGTO home territory. This wasn't going to go down well with the senate
or that fleet command.

“Have you sent a rescue team?” Flashed asked.

“Yes Sir, Admiral Achilles with U.W.S Bradley and the 90th Command group
with the 200th Light Supply Squadron attached were dispatched when I
first received word.”

“How long before they arrive?” Flash asked.

“They should be there now sir”

“Patch me though to the Admiral.”

“Yes sir”

A picture of a Large solid built male popped up on the end wall in front of

“Admiral, report. What the hell happened to the 89th?”

Achilles was visibility shocked at Flash appearing. He wasn't foretold of this
and wasn't expecting it.

He turned to where the recorder was and saluted and stood with his arms
behind his back.

“Sir My fleet with the 200th Light supply squadron have began sifting
though wreckage only found three ships with living crews on-
board.” “However we've only been here for 30 minutes so our
investigation is still active”

“Admiral have you been able to identify the attackers?” Asked Flash.

“Reports from Commander Hazing have shown scorching marks correlate
with the Machine Intelligence Race as the most likely attackers.”

“M.I.R this deep?” quarrelled Flash's senior aide.

“I know” replied Flash

“They've been pushing us further and further back lately. We've completely
pushed out of Kaus Borealis and we've been barely able to hold them at
the transfer gate in Cincinnati.”

“Sir” chimed in Achilles “This is still only raw reports, i've heard about
Pirates with some new weapon and they could be trying to make a point”

“Well Lets hope it's only pirates” replied Flash.

“Thank you Admiral that will be all, Report in if you find anything else”

“Yes Sir, Achilles Out”

Achilles turned and walked up to the observation window on the bridge of
his Command Dreadnought and watched the debris of destroyed ships
float past. A cold feeling ran down Achilles back. “Who?” he wondered

Achilles felt a presence of someone behind someone.

“Yes?” he asked softly

“Commander Hazing sent this message.” said a young enlisted man,
handing him a piece of paper.

“Anything else?” he asked.

“Yes sir, sensors picked up a Battle dreadnought with a cruiser element
dead in the water 9000 G.U away”

“Are they Intact? Life signs?” Achilles asked interestedly

“Unknown Sir, we are picking up atmosphere inside all ships bar two
Destroyers but we can't tell much more at this range.”

Achilles pondered on what to do. It could be a trap set up by the attackers
to lure in more ships. Then again there could be living crew on-board those

He turned and started walking towards his Chair, He turned to the
Bradley's Captain.

“All hands to battle stations!”

“I want the Abram’s with the Supply boys and a Destroyer Squadron to
stay here and carry on, everyone else is to follow us”

“Yes sir!” replied the captain.

A alarm began sounding throughout the ship and the bridge became I hive
of activity as crew and officers began getting into there chairs ready for

“Tell all Marines to ready for boarding action!” barked the Bradley's Captain.

Achilles Stood in front of his chair and looked out towards the viewing

“Patch me thought to all the Cruiser Captains” he asked.

“Sir, Captains patch in to you Mic”

“Listen up peoples, we have a Dreadnought with a Cruiser element dead
in the water. It could be a trap so maintain eyes and ears and scan
repeatedly, Take a Escort and maintain spacing and fire on anything that
ain't ours. Questions?”

“No Sir” replied all the Captains.

“Get to it then”

Achilles Sat down and put on his Lap belt, then his shoulder straps and
tightened them. He then put on a eye piece that served as a heads up
display, showing what the scanners read and running damage report form
the sensors around the ship.

“Lets Rumble” He said aloud.

“Jump 250 G.U from the Nearest cruiser, Jump on your mark skipper” He

“Aye sir, helm jump on my mark. Three...Two....one, Mark!”

The 12 ships all jumped to F.T.L for four four and a half seconds and then
dropped out, with the de-acceleration enough to throw all crew into there
straps with anything not bolted down flying forward.

“All ships spread out, all cruisers drop you marines onto any ship with an
atmosphere” Achilles ordered.

Achilles watched on his eye piece as his ships spread out and transports
began showing on sensors as multipliable marine units began there search
on-board the dead element and Dreadnought.

The Ships in the UGTO Navy a Massive. The destroyers alone are 362
meters long and 136 meters wide the Cruisers are Double that at 765
meters and 254 Meters wide. And the Dreadnoughts are double that again
at 1, 538 meters long and 518 meters wide.

So the marines had a lot of ground to cover.

Achilles realised this, he re-buffed his previous order and ordered ALL
marines to help in the search. He also placed a distress call for a supply
Task Group to repair the ships.

Achilles undid his straps.

“Captain keep the ships moving, I have a bad feeling about this.”

“Aye Sir. Helm ahead one-third.”

“Aye, ahead one third” replied the helmsmen

“Sensors, keep an eye out for any anomaly and track it. No surprises”
Asked the Captain.

“Aye Sir”

Achilles got up and walked around the bridge. He then went to the Sensor
station and lend over an operator and looked at her data screen.

“What sort of damage does that B.D have?” he asked softly.

The operator looked surprised, she then regained herself and switched
over to infra-red view of the Battle dreadnought.

“Well sir, as you can see here the temperature is quite hot inside. Around
40 degrees Celsius so any body heat from live crew cannot be seen.”

“What about our other sensors? Radar? H.B.S? X-Ray?” asked Achilles.


The Operator flicked dials and the picture of the dread changed as the
different ways of 'seeing' it was changed.

“Life signs in the engine bay, Number 9 enlisted barracks and...” the
operator paused. She flicked a few more dials and zoomed in.

“One on the bridge sir”

Achilles let the information sink in. He stood up fully.

“Right send that information to all rescue party’s, and do it for all ships”

“Yes sir”

On-board a automated transport a Squad of Marines command by Staff
Sergeant Nolskog a ten year combat veteran sat ready for anything. He
was a tall man at six foot seven but skinny and lanky that really diminished
any real threat he looked like. He had very distinctive facial features with a
pale skin tone, passed down from both his home world of Titian, where the
surface doest get enough U.V light to get a real sun burn and his family
Origins. His family originated from the country of Sweden a country located
in Scandinavia on Earth. His Grand father's Grand Father was one of the
among the first settlers of Saturn’s moon Titian during the first wave of
colonisation that occurred after an asteroid nearly wiped out all life on
Earth, but was blown off course by the gallantry sacrifice of the ships crew
who were sent to stop it.

His heads up eye piece on his right eye gave him the view and information
the transport was reading from it's sensors, orders and E.T.A's. When it
read one minute he stood up to give a quick brief to his marines.

“Right ladies!” he yelled “Lets lock and load!, we have friendly s on-board
keep those fingers off the trigger and do not fire on anything that isn't
screaming at you and charging with a knife! Is that understood?”

“HooRah” yelled back his squad.

“Our area is the bridge, so expect casualties call the medic when living is
found NOT for dead or wondered who will not live much longer”

“We ready ladies?!”

“Sir yes Sir!”

“twenty seconds, everybody ready to broad!”

The squad of twenty stood up simultaneity and turned right, garbing the
railing on the roof.

“Ten seconds”

There was a thud and the noise of a duel plasma cutters as the transport
cut into a glass section of hull. It was quickly followed by another thud and
a hissing noise with steam coming from the corners of the door.

“Stay calm and go hard boys go go go!!!”

The lead marine pushed down a lever and the door bust forward and
smash against a wall inside the dreadnought. The Soldiers on the left
fanned out the the command bridge and the soldiers on the right went
right towards the back area.

Achilles looked backwards from his chair. “Report” he asked

“All squads are moving to their assigned spots. Sir” replied the 1st officer.

“Are any close to the bridge?” Achilles asked.

The 1st officer checked and looked back up.

“Yes Sir Staff SGT Nolskog is approaching now sir”

“Roger, patch me though to his squad's helmet camera”

The moving video of Staff Sergeant's Nolskog's battle-cam popped up on
his personal screen, which attached to his command chair.

The bridge of the Battle Dreadnought mirrored that of the Command
Dreadnought that Achilles was on broad almost exactly, with the only real
difference being that the BD had one less officer chair, Less weapon
stations due to the BD having less weapons and not a full command and
control suite that the Command Dreadnought had.

“Spread out men” commanded Nolskog.

In the corner of the camera edges Nolskog's squad could be seen moving
throughout the bridge, checking for any sign of life.

“The Admiral reckons that life signs were shown abroad the bridge”
Noskog stated.

“So assume that they any bodies you find are alive”

Staff SGT Nolskog paused when he was standing by the Captains chair. A
lifeless body was slumped over itself, blood all down it's side. Nolskog
went over to check, trying for a pulse from the neck and wrist. Nothing. He
was dead.

“Rest in peace Captain, we your going home now” he said softly to himself.

“Medic!” Cried one of his Marines.

Nolskog quickly snapped out of his sombreness. And began hurriedly
power walking to where the cry came from. When he got to behind one of
the Large Glass displays, he could see three of his men laying over a crew
member. An Officer as well Nolskog noted.

“This is Nolskog, I need an advance medic with a stretcher here Now! We
have a live one here” Barked Nolskog into his radio.

“Sorry Staff SGT did you say you have a live one?”

The ships hull was playing hell with the radio signals.

“Yes, Confirm we have one living found. And we don't know how bad he
truly is.”

“Roger, confirm one living, we're sending a stretcher crew to the bridge

Juex looked over to Shadowalker. They were finally back at the camp after
eight and a half hours of sifting though the Discovery's wreckage.

“So your saying I will revive accurate 100% true to the centre-meter Radar
for the entire country?”

“Yes” Shadowalker replied firmly.

“So what if I want the entire planet?” asked Juex.

“Well I’d need another sensor unit and it would have to be in orbit or
further to work for the entire planet”

“So can't we just put this one in orbit?”

“Well yeah, but if we screw it up you'll lose the coverage you already had,
and if you badly screw up have the unit destroyed and if you screw up
Royally it might fall into your enemy’s hands, and they could somehow
reverse engineer it.” Said Shadowalker, with a slight smart ass tone to his

“So where the hell am I going to get another one of these units then? I
mean you only had two and we have one and the other in in ten bits in
some stream”

“Well you'd have to find another UGTO ship”

Juex's head suddenly shot up, a light bulb idea had hit him in the face.

“I.C.C” he muttered.

Shadowalker's attention were straight away alerted to the hearing of the
name of his Enemy.

“How do you know about them?” He said angrily

“I haven't said anything about them yet”

“Yeah I know. But they did”

“What, you've met an I.C.C as well?”

“Not quite” Juex said shaking his finger at Shadowalker.

“Hey, the ICC use the same kind of system as your sensor layout don't

“umm sort of, I’m not that familiar with ICC tech, I’m just a watch officer.”

Shadowalker clicked.

“But I do have a guy... no, rather girl who would be familiar”

“Well then, why we waiting?” Juex said Smiling

Staff Sergeant Nolskog looked out at the black a bliss that was space. He
placed his hand of the window that though only nineteen centime-meters
of glass and some weird plastic compound that was used to glue each
plane, separated him from the cold vacuum of space and certain and very
painful death. He quickly caught his composure and turned around and
looked over the battered remains of the Battle dreadnought U.W.S Skövde.
The Name Skövde sounded familiar to Nolskog, but he didn't let his
curiosity get the better of him, he was on a mission that required his full

It had been almost ten hours since he and his marines had boarded the
Skövde and he hadn't had the chance for a brack. A total of One Hundred
survivors had been found so far, with all but ten being found unconscious.
However, five hundred were found dead. The ship was so badly damaged
during the battle it was in that there were multipliable hull breeches that
leaked atmosphere. Not to mention the violent manoeuvring that if
anything or anyone wasn't welded to the floor they would have struck a
bulkhead or wall, leaving a real mess.

Currently however present issues were being looked after. With all his
marines still searching the ship, Nolskog was instructed on the bridge to
look after a bunch of Navy personal who were searching though ships log's
and trying to get some systems such as Sensor and the more advanced
part of life support working. Not an easy task with most of the electrics
blown out during the battle.

“Progress Petty officer?” Asked Nolskog as he approached the sensor

“We've got major sensor function online staff. Plus the main automated
proton cannons are now working at 90% efficiently.” Replied the Petty
officer in a thick Welsh accent.

“Have you managed to get the temperature down or find a manual way of
doing it. It would aid the people of the Bradley if they could see in infra-red.

“We're working on that now”

“Roger, keep doing your best”

Nolskog moved to the Captain's chair and sat slumped into it. He began
looking out back into space.

His eyes caught a flash far into the distance.

Thinking nothing of it he didn't take real interest. But then his worst fear
was confirmed.

“Tachyon disruption 3,000 G.U bearing negative one niner niner at One fife
seven.” chimed the automated Sensor reporter.

The female voice came again.

“Tachyon Disruption Two thousand five hundred G.U bearing Positive One
Six Six, at One Fife Fife”

Nolskog instantly became alert and began strapping in. He could feel that
these weren't going to be friendly.

He looked over to his watch. 7am Earth time UTC+1:00.

"Gotta love the smell of Torpedo fire in the morning he muttered to himself with a sly grin on his face.
Capitaine de vaisseau, U.W.S Ajax

U.W.S Melborne

I.S.S Achilles

Author of Stanger in a Strange land.

Forger of Destiny
Chief Marshal
We Kick Arse

Joined: October 10, 2009
Posts: 826
Posted: 2012-03-16 07:24   
liking your 19th chapter

keep it up juex

also liking the thin format, it looks like a ballad poetry than a story written on a game forum
Forging legends and lives outside till naught remains inside.

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