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 Author The Forgotten Fleet (Now including Book II)
Fatal Rocko Willis
Fleet Admiral
Fatal Squadron

Joined: March 01, 2003
Posts: 1336
From: Kentucky
Posted: 2004-12-07 11:17   
The Forgotten Fleet

*****Chapter One*****

It was early morning on the bridge, or at least that’s what it looked like while your ship was on the darkside of a planet. The bridge of the modified Supply Ship was just finishing its nightly maintenance cycle in preparation for the morning work shift. Captain Rocko Willis was in a foul mood… Not only was his ship, the ICCS Mercy, not cooperating but he had been having to deal with some damn awful pirates in the star system and to top it all off he was three days behind schedule for getting a local planetoid Terra-formed. As he looked through the messages on his message board he turned to his communications panel and opened a channel to Engineering. “BILLINGS!” “Yes Sir!” “Have you gotten every thing ready for this morning? I want to be able to have BOTH Terra-forming modules on line.” “It will be or I will go down to the surface personally with my shovel and axe!”

Chief Engineer Billings… Now there was a character if he had ever saw one. It went along with all that was here… His crew… the whole motley bunch of them. All the engineers, scientists, supply types, yeomen, cooks and every person that could turn a wrench was the “Black Sheep” of the whole ICC Fleet and he wouldn’t have it anyway else.

Captain Rocko Willis, Age 40, son of a son of a son of a sailor as the old song went… passed over for Major Command so many times he had gave up counting. Funny thing is he was also the most needed, but not necessarily the most wanted, Starship Captain in the ICC. His ship, the Mercy, was not just a Supply Ship but also an Engineer Ship. This ship was a mixture of gear that had been scrounged from all across known space, but it was his ship to command.

Captain Willis sat down his messages and turned to the small table attached to the left of his command chair. A single, white bowl had been placed there sometime while he was not paying attention. He would have to remind his steward not to sneak stuff up there like that, for it tended to worry him what he might put his elbow in.

Willis looked into the bowl to see what its contents might be this morning when he smiled and wondered what his mentor might think if he could see him now. The contents of the bowl where perfectly cut, one inch big, cheese squares. Willis knew what would happen if he were here… the bowl would have never made it to the bridge in the first place. Just as he was going to reach into the bowl the lights dimmed and the power fluctuated, “Aw what now!” His Comm. Officer Lt. Cummings beat him to the answer… “Sir, power readings are down across the board sir by 45%. It seems the Anti-Matter Drives are offline. We are operating on Auxiliary Power currently.”

Willis was about to ask what else could go wrong but decided not to tempt fate. “Well might as well have a smoke and kill myself some more…” as he opened and lit the dark metal lighter with the Skull and Crossbones on it. “Sir I have an incoming message on a frequency I have never seen used before. It’s on the Theta Band, Sir.” Willis knew exactly who was calling… “Lt. I will take the call in my Stateroom.” As he walked in and sat down before his terminal he had a moment to glance at a simple wooden plague hanging on his wall… It said simply, “The Buck Stops Here”. Willis thought differently… the buck stopped long before it got to him.

Finally the screen went from its dark blue to a brightly lit office some millions of Gu away from his backwater posting. The face was of his mentor, “Well, now what do I have the pleasure of this long distance call?” The face belonged to none other than Grand Admiral Bito. Willis could not miss the look on his face… “Well it is not to ask how that bucket of bolts you call a ship is holding out… especially since I see its status reports every week.” Well then Willis thought… why was he calling for then? “Willis as you may or, more likely may not, know is the ICC is taking a beating. The UGTO are pushing hard on our border and those god awful K'Luth are out in force once again. The ICC can handle one or the other, not both… you understand me?” He did fully…. One on One the ICC was able to stand toe to toe but the Republic could not defend against a two front war. “Yes sir I do understand, but what does this have to do with a simple supply ship Captain such as myself?”

Bito took a deep breath and let it out slowly… “I would love to tell you but this needs to be told to you directly. I am directing you to report directly to me at Exathra. I have a little job for you that is right up your alley.” Rocko thought about what Bito said and could think of nothing pleasant. “Yes sir, I will be there as soon as I can.” “Very Well, get here soon… I really need you on this one my boy.” Yeah right, he probably needed me as bad as he needed some stale cheese.

“Captain to Chief Billings…” Rocko said to no one particular… “Yes Sir?” “Drop everything we got going and get the Anti-Mater Jump Drive warmed up…” “Sir?” “Billings! Just shut up and do it” “Captain to the Bridge… Navigation Officer spin up the Nav Computer and have the Helm set course for the nearest Jump Gate at best possible speed…” Just as he was getting up to use the shower he felt lighter, “and somebody PLEASE fix the AntiGrav plates AGAIN!” God he was getting too old for this!

Bito closed the connection… “Do you think he can handle this mission?” said one of the assembled Admirals… “I know he can… I’ve know him since he was a Midshipman Plebe out at the ICC Academy… If anyone can pull off this hair brained stunt, he can…” “He better Bito or it will be more than your beloved cheese we shall remove from you…” said the ICC Senator that was present.

[ This Message was edited by: Rocko Willis *CO* on 2007-01-11 20:06 ]

  Email Fatal Rocko Willis
Coeus {NCX-Charger}
Admiral, I can't read,
Sundered Weimeriners

Joined: February 16, 2004
Posts: 3635
From: South Philly
Posted: 2004-12-07 15:12   
HAHAHHAHAH! I love it!

All these stories are inspiring me

Darkspace: Twilight

  Goto the website of Coeus {NCX-Charger}
Fatal Rocko Willis
Fleet Admiral
Fatal Squadron

Joined: March 01, 2003
Posts: 1336
From: Kentucky
Posted: 2004-12-08 04:37   
Well coming from you that's a complement... I am glad you liked it.. I bet you will love the next chapter and its "Surprise Guest".... LOL


Now on to Chapter Two of.... "The Forgotten Fleet"

Enjoy All!

[ This Message was edited by: Fatal Rocko Willis *CAPT* on 2004-12-08 08:05 ]

  Email Fatal Rocko Willis
Fatal Rocko Willis
Fleet Admiral
Fatal Squadron

Joined: March 01, 2003
Posts: 1336
From: Kentucky
Posted: 2004-12-08 05:00   
*****Chapter Two*****

The approach to Exathra was uneventful at best though there was a large number of warships in system. “Nav… How many ships are in system?” “ 23, Sir… and that does not include those being repaired at the Diamantine Repair Yards” “How many are there?” asked the Captain. “Seven, Sir… It seems they are working overtime to get them ready to move out… I think the Home Fleet is getting ready to move out…” That would mean bad things if the Home Fleet was mobilizing. Thirty ships where all that protected the CD System from enemy aggression and with them moving out, for god knows what reason, meant trouble. “I wonder if they are going to have us join them?” said the Non-Com at the Helm. “Well whatever they need us for I think this old bucket will be able to handle it with ease” though Rocko knew that even though the Mercy had a lot of Gu left on her he didn’t want to use them up for no good reason. “Sir, Approach Control is contacting us to continue on coarse for Andro Station and we are directed to dock as soon as we can.” Rocko wanted to know what they had planed for him and his misfit crew though he dreaded to come right out and say it… Andro Station was the Support Station used by the ICC General Consul when they needed to speak in private to the Admiralty. Why in god was he here?

DING… DING… Captain, ICCS Mercy, Arriving… Willis heard over the 1MC… “God I hate that… Wish I could just walk in and not be known I am here…” “Because you know how the Admiralty and the Senate love their Protocols, Rocko…” Captain Willis turned towards a voice he had not heard in a very long time. “Well if it isn’t Admiral Nub Marine… How’s it going Nub?” “It’s Fleet Admiral now and it’s not going too good… As you can see the Home Guard is on the move… We have a major fleet action in the works, but that is not why you where called home for… your audience awaits you in the Main Hearing Chamber.” Egad, what now… It would have been bad enough to join in on the Fleet Action but what in the name of Neptune did they have planned for him? As they walked along the busy corridors of the Station he noticed lots of Royal Guard Marines present. If what he thought might be happening was happening then all was not well and something was way up Admiral Bito’s cheese stained sleeve. As Willis and NubMarine came to the front of the ornately detailed entrance to the chamber Rocko had to stop and ask, “Do you have any idea what this is all about?” “Yes I do, but I am not allowed to say… All things in good time my friend…” “Yeah… In good time, my friend…” Rocko straightened his dress uniform. Charcoal Grey with the Skull and Crossbones Flag patch of his Squadron… Fatal Squadron. “Well, here goes nothing.”

As the door swung open you noticed it was not only well lit but the room had 10 people sitting at a long table with several functionaries seated behind them. Those 10, along with NubMarine, made the 11 most powerful men in the ICC Republic. There were so many stars in this room you would swear you were looking at a Space Chart. Seated right in the middle was none other than Grand Senator Faustus. Captain Willis could do nothing but stand as straight as he could during the approach to the single padded chair that looked up to the dais where the Admiralty and the Senator sat. “Captain Willis, please have a seat if you would…” said Admiral Bito. Like I really have a choice to say no he thought… “I hear you have been rather busy out in the Frontier… Terra-Forming planets and Repairing Ships in the Fleet…” “Yes Sir, I have been…” “Well guess what, you have been relieved of command of that bucket of bolts you call a ship…”

WHAT! They cannot do that to me! I earned the right to that ship, why that little Son-of… “Captain Willis, Attention! I believe you are out of uniform…!” Admiral Bito yelled at him… Rocko popped to attention faster than a plebe in a… Well maybe not THAT fast… “It has come to my attention you are over due for this…” At that moment Bito tossed a small Blue Velvet box through the air at Rocko. As Rocko grabbed it out of the air “You have deserved that for awhile… go ahead and open it up.” Rocko opened it up to discover the single Silver Star of a 2nd Rear Admiral… “Sir… what did I do to deserve this? Not that I wouldn’t keep it but what did…?” “Are you going to argue the point or say thank you, shut up and listen to what has to be said!” NubMarine bellowed… Rocko could do nothing but say, “Yes Sir…”

For the moment Rocko didn’t know what to think. What could they have in mind? He did know he was happy to see those stars but at what cost? Finally the one man that had not spoken did…Senator Faustus... “Admiral Willis… I believe you are wondering why you have been called here in front of the Admiralty and myself in particular? Hopefully I can shed some light on the situation.” Sitting patiently Rocko knew the other shoe was about to hit the floor. “As you have been told by Admiral Bito, we are currently under attack from two forces… The UGTO has been hitting us hard, as usual, but we are not loosing ground… only ships and men, which is just as bad. On the other front somehow, someway, the K’Luth have become seriously organized and that Sir, frightens me. I have called you here to, and I speak for Myself and the Admiralty, ask you to take a task to heart for the greater good of the ICC Republic and its people.” Rocko’s head was swimming. What in Heavens name could they be planning? Why are they going to give some mighty mission to a freshly minted Admiral? Where they that desperate? “Mr. Willis, there is only one stipulation to this mission… you must agree to it in whole before you even know what the plan is…”

A Commander came out from behind the Senator and walked towards Rocko. “On the plate the Commander holds is the Top Secret – Eyes Only orders that will direct you as to what to do… but you must accept the mission before you can see through the ‘looking glass’ so to speak” As he looked at the Information Packet he was amazed to see the package said Operation: Lost Cause… man talk about building up a guy… Rocko weighed all the pro’s and con’s and said… “Ah hell Senator, you only live once… but what about my crew?” “Ah yes… the Mercy… Officially it has now been transferred to your XO…” Rocko winced at that, god another ship gone out of his hands… At least his XO was top notch. “And you will find in your orders you still retain overall command of the ship… more will be discussed in the packadge and you will be able ask more when you leave the Station.”

Rocko looked around to see if it was ok to stand up but decided there was nobody going to tell him to… I guess it was expected of him. “I will take my leave now… I will not fail you Senator, Admirals…” “You had not… or we will all have to start learning to speak Lobster…” Bito said quietly… Rocko turned and marched towards the entry. “God what have I gotten myself into…” he said to himself.

“Admiral Willis… could I have a moment with you…” It was Nub… “Hey I think they got the right guy for this…” “What exactly is ‘This’” pointing to the Data Packet under his arm. “That is the plan that will take the initiative away from both the UGTO and the K’Luth and give it back to the ICC.” “Well I will try to do the best I can…” What was inside this packet? “Are you going to take a look?” “In here? You got to be kidding? This thing is so hot I think I need Environmental Gloves to handle it…” “Well you are the one who volunteered… besides what’s going to happen to you… they going to send you back to Terra-forming and Supply duties? You have already been to the lowest of the low…” “Nope… wrong there Nub… Never been an Extractor Captain… and neither do I ever want to be…” Those damn rock hounds were really weird people… they sucked in way to much mineral dust to be good for you… “Ok… I guess I can have a peak…”

Rocko and NubMarine walked over to a small alcove and opened the Eyes Only message. Rocko looked over the flimsies quickly and had to raise an eyebrow… “What the… They want me to go out and do what? And do it with…? Ah man I think I am going to go get a shot of liquor and go to bed… I suddenly see I am going to have a large headache in the morning…” “Well if you are going to have a headache, lets do it the right way… but your paying since you are the new Admiral!” “Sure my friend, but if I do not make it back to my ship by 0600, I am drafting you into this little adventure!” said Rocko “Deal my friend, you got a deal…”

[ This Message was edited by: Fatal Rocko Willis *CAPT* on 2004-12-08 05:31 ]

  Email Fatal Rocko Willis
!Lono! {Rogue Kluth}

Joined: April 19, 2002
Posts: 128
From: Hawaii
Posted: 2004-12-08 05:16   
hehehe this is good stuff m8
Shahks, dey only byte wen u touch dea privet pahts.
Calm down befoa I karang ur allahs!

  Goto the website of !Lono! {Rogue Kluth}
Fatal Rocko Willis
Fleet Admiral
Fatal Squadron

Joined: March 01, 2003
Posts: 1336
From: Kentucky
Posted: 2004-12-08 08:23   
*****Chapter Three*****

Rocko walked into his darkened stateroom… looking left revealed he was truly was in his room, while looking right showed the wall clock in big blue numbers… 5:48am… “Damn… thought I just might have Nub along for the ride…” As it was, 1 shot had turned into 12 and he was really feeling it now. He walked over to the sink, turned on the water and looked into the mirror… Yup this was really a young mans job but the brass had asked for him… DING! DING! Admiral… Home Fleet… Arriving… “Ah, what is going on now…”?

Rocko washed his hands and face and started to wipe his face when NubMarine showed his face through the door all clean and pressed as if he was a newly commissioned Ensign. “I just wanted to see you off on your little adventure across the stars and remind you about the fact I still got you home before 6:00” “yeah… and how in the hell do you look so damn chipper in the morning and I look like a deep fried K’Luth??” “Well my boy, I had my aid make sure you got home this morning… I never said ‘I’ was going to see you home… Just that you would get home by 6am…” Nub was laughing his butt off and there was nothing Rocko could say…

Nub had held up his end of the bargain. “I was out of the bar by 8pm and you, well, were drinking with the woman in a corner booth and so I decided I three was a crowd…” “Woman? What woman…? I guess that serves me right to drink shots from a glass bottle with no label…” “Well I see you have to get cleaned up and dressed so I will let you go for now… As you can see they gave me command of Home Fleet… I wish you well and good luck” “Same to you my good friend and come back safely from where ever you are going…” “I will be in touch during our respective endeavors and who knows … maybe we will run across each other.” “That would be good…” Nub left seemingly as fast as he came in. Maybe that was a good thing, since he really needed to have a look at his orders.

Captain Will… no now it was Admiral Willis sat down at his desk, powered up the monitor and the disk reader, loaded the data disk into the reader and waited for the mission to display. “Mission Briefing: Operation: Lost Cause…” came the soothingly sweet voice of some unknown female… Rocko always wondered why they used female voices for things really important… “This is an Eyes – Only briefing intended for Rear Admiral Rocko Willis, ID #8R-DR18…” “Ok already, get on with it… I know who I am” he said to the voice most fighter pilots called ‘Bitching Betty’. “This mission is intended to deploy a Fleet to disrupt Enemy Controlled Facilities. You, as Fleet Commander, will first proceed to the Cypress Shipyard at Gemini Station. There you will meet with the Officer-in-Charge of the Shipyard. He has been directed to assist you in obtaining any assets you may need for this mission. Further information shall be released upon arrival at Gemini Station.” And with that the screen went blank.

“Hey what the… Where’d you go? Come back I got questions to ask…” Rocko was yelling at the screen. Boy this was getting worse by the moment. “I wonder whom I am going to meet and where in gods name is this shipyard and since when have we had a Gemini Station… I have got to get a hold of…” “Sorry to bother you Sir, I mean Admiral…” Boy news travels fast… the ink on his advancement papers wasn’t even dry and his crew already knew about it! “Yeah, what’s up?” It was his Science Officer, “We seem to have a Guest on board… He says…” “I didn’t hear any bells ringing?” “As I was saying Sir, the Guest asked not to tell you he was aboard till we got underway but I thought you should know…” "Very Well Mr. Tanner… by the way… who is our guest?” “Umm, Sir, he asked not to be identified before our arrival at our next destination unless absolutely necessary… by the way sir… where are we going?” “You wouldn’t believe me if I told you… I am not sure I believe what I have been told myself. Make preparations to get underway Mr. Tanner if you please.” “Aye, Aye, Sir… We expect to be underway in 10 minutes.” “Very well Mr. Tanner, I will be there shortly to give the coordinates for our destination.”

This mission was getting weirder and weirder by the moment… Secret Orders, Mysterious Passengers, an audience with the Grand Senator and now a Destination that wasn’t even on the map. Well he was going to see this mess through no matter what the cost was… If the whole Republic was ‘resting on his shoulder’ it really must be in a world of hurt. As they approached the Jump Gate from CD to Tau Ceti, Rocko decided to address his crew…

“This is the Captain speaking… As you know we are on a Top Secret mission for the ICC Republic… We are on our way to a Secret Military Installation and when we get there you will know as much as I do. I know that may sound incredibly insane to go on a mission without knowing what your mission truly is but these are strange times indeed. I ask that all hands stand to their stations and perform as well as normally expected. I have the utmost confidence in you as much as I know the Republic also trusts you. Good Luck and God Speed to us all. That is all.

“Helm…” “Aye, Sir?” “Enter the Jump Gate and make for Farstay” “Aye, Aye, Sir” Now he was taking his first step into the great unknown that was Operation: Lost Cause. It was a disheartening step for sure since he was doing this all based on a few sketchy details and a mysterious guest in his one and only spare stateroom. The scary thought was not knowing what was expected of him… He understood taking the fight to the enemy but the not knowing how was driving him crazy. Slowly, but surely, the Mercy was coming to the new heading he had given his Helmsman just a few minutes before. “Sir… May I ask a question of you?” It was his Navigator… “Just where are we going once we get to Farstay?” “Per our orders we are to proceed to the Farstay Shipyard where we will be given new coordinates to our ultimate destination.”

Admiral Willis leaned back and pondered the thought of finally seeing this ‘Gemini Station’ and finding out what goes on at the ‘Cypress Shipyards’… and to top it all off, who in Sam Hill was his ‘Mystery Guest’? “I guess you will find out when you find out you old cranky ‘Admiral’” Rocko said to himself… Just as the Mercy crossed the Event Horizon of the Jump Gate, the last thought Rocko had on his mind before the nothingness that was a Jump Gate hop consumed him was, “Well Nub… ‘Once more into the breach my friend’” Then all was nothingness…

[ This Message was edited by: Fatal Rocko Willis *CAPT* on 2004-12-13 07:32 ]

  Email Fatal Rocko Willis
Fatal Rocko Willis
Fleet Admiral
Fatal Squadron

Joined: March 01, 2003
Posts: 1336
From: Kentucky
Posted: 2004-12-08 09:11   
Ok folks that is the first three chapters of "The Forgotten Fleet"... I hope all enjoy it... There will be many people, read DS game players, referenced and portrayed in this story. I hope that I do justice to those I include... I may, at times, edit chapters if I find myself painted into a corner but I doubt that will happen since I tend to write at least two chapters ahead on note paper so I do not screw up. This Story will also contain some more Senior people as they are people I "grew up around" when I first joined DarkSpace. There may be twists and turns and if you do not understand something at first, bear with me... all will be explained... and if you do not see yourself in the story at first don't worry... you probably will be showing up somewhere in the storyline... Just sit back, relax, and enjoy the show...


  Email Fatal Rocko Willis
Grand Admiral

Joined: November 09, 2002
Posts: 181
From: San Antonio, Texas
Posted: 2004-12-08 12:27   
Pretty good, my friend. Watch yourself out there, as I have been in that region myself. Speaking from an Ex-Army point of view.
The fleetless are not to be trusted.

  Email Zepher
Coeus {NCX-Charger}
Admiral, I can't read,
Sundered Weimeriners

Joined: February 16, 2004
Posts: 3635
From: South Philly
Posted: 2004-12-08 16:50   
Got yer email bro - just forgot to respond

Great stuff!

Darkspace: Twilight

  Goto the website of Coeus {NCX-Charger}
Fatal Rocko Willis
Fleet Admiral
Fatal Squadron

Joined: March 01, 2003
Posts: 1336
From: Kentucky
Posted: 2004-12-10 10:11   
*****Chapter Four*****

“Sir, Farstay is in the viewscreen and we are approaching the Shipyard…” “Very Well Mr. Riley, make for Standard Orbit near the shipyard… Lets see who crawls out from under this rock and tells us where to go…” “Oh I’ll tell you where to go but you may not like it…” came the voice from the view screen before the face he had known belonged to the voice…” It was none other than Fleet Admiral Backslash, Defender of the Republic, Commander, ICC Defense Forces, Tau Ceti Sector and one of his Combat Tactics Instructors from the Academy. “Ok Backslash… Let me guess… you are in on this little adventure too? And how did you know what I said before I even called the Shipyard? Let me guess, you have my ship wired for sound, heh?” “No… you just have an over eager Communications Officer who didn’t tell you I was connected already.”

He was going to have to have a little chat with Mr. Cummings to wait for the Captain of the ship to dial the call before he put it through… “So since you are part of this happy little group what is next for me… I bet you even named this little mission…” “No, that was Mr. Meko’s doing… He always did have a way to zing you…” “Yeah, but where is he? I don’t see him… Ah, I bet he is my 'Mystery Guest'! He is some how feeding you guys information without my knowledge.” “Well aren’t we getting paranoid, my dear Rocko… And no, it’s not Meko on your ship.” “So you know who it is then? Why not tell me and get it over with!” “Now, now Rocko… Don’t get testy with me… You know I can’t tell you. If I could have, I would have.” “I know… Its just all this ‘Secret Squirrel’ stuff that is driving me nuts and yes… I am a bit paranoid… you would be to if you were in my shoes and getting pushed from one Admiral to another… I just want to be in the loop so I can get this job done” “Well that part, getting your job done, just got a little bit easier… Here are the coordinates to Gemini Station and the Cypress Shipyards. I hope all goes well with your endeavor and that you make it out alive” “Me too… I will take my leave then sir and hopefully we will see each other again…” “I hope the same too Rocko, Good Luck and Gods Speed, you slimy little plebe…” “I am NOT a Plebe anymore I am a Vice Admi….” But he was already gone…

Why where all these people, many whom he had know from his past, coming back to be a part of this mission… to haunt him even… Rocko had to, no needed to know just what was going on out in space… Something really bad was brewing and he was smack dab right in the middle of the pot. “Mr. Riley… Set coordinates to match the ones coming over the Net. And make sure engineering has a full charge on both the Anti-Matter Jump Drives and the RepairBots… I’m thinking we may need a reload of energy on this jump. I will be retiring to my stateroom… I need to see if I can find out who I am supposed to contact at Gemini Station.” “Coming to heading 183… moving at half sub-light… ready to engage Jump Drives.” “Very Well, Engage Jump Drive, at +5 minutes… Mark!” It was time for bed… this was going to be a long trip… little did he know how really long this trip was truly going to be.

Rocko was at the head of the table in the Wardroom, eating his meal with his Staff Officers, when Mr. Dalzell, his Navigator, entered the Wardroom… “We should be coming out of Hyperspace at our destination in about 10 minutes, Sir” “Very good… I can’t hardly wait to find out wha…” Suddenly the ship dropped out of Hyperspace and into Sub-light… “Whoa, that wasn’t supposed to happen yet…” said Mr. Billings just as they all got up to go to their stations… “Captain’s on the Bridge…” “All Stations, Report!” His Science Officer was first… “Sir, We have been pulled out of Hyperspace by a Interdiction Field, source unknown…” “How far are we away from our destination?” asked Rocko. “5,000 Gu, Captain…” the Navigator said. “That’s impossible… no field is THAT large!” His Science Officer was quick to add “One would think so but, yet, there it is…” “Ok folks, Status Report…” “All systems reporting Normal Operation with the exception of the Jump Drives and the Nav Computer, it seems to be having fits… it cannot match up the local area to any star charts in its core memory…” Rocko was getting a little wary… “Ok, lets recharge the Jump Drive, just incase we need it later… Helm, set course for the destination coordinates, ½ impulse if you please…” “Aye, Aye, Sir… ½ impulse”.

As they closed the distance a small moon started to appear out of the blackness that seems to be all that was here. “Science Officer, Report.” Rocko ordered… “That Sir, seems to be our ‘Destination’ based on the information that has been given, the coordinates match correctly.” Rocko pondered what had been said for but a moment… “I don’t like this one bit… Sound ‘General Quarters’, Raise Shields, Load all Weapons…” “BONG, BONG, BONG, General Quarters, General Quarters, All Hands man your Battle Stations… This is not a Drill… Make Manned and Ready reports to the Bridge…” As his crew rushed to their stations, loading weapons and raising shields along with all the other tasks which make a ship ready for combat, Rocko contemplated what was going on… Too many things didn’t add up or seem to appear right… Just then those very words hit him hard.

“Maximum power to Sensors! I also want a close visual of that ‘Moon’.” His Tactical Officer, Mr. Agoutis, looked like he was seeing something that shouldn’t be… “Sir… That’s not a moon, it’s a Space Station built into a moon!” Rocko really didn’t like this… 1,000 Gu, and closing, from a moon based Space Station and he didn’t even see it for what it was… “Remain at General Quarters, but do not target the base…” “Aye, Aye, Sir” Then from behind him a voice spoke… “Not to worry Admiral Willis, the base will not shoot at you. They are expecting us… though I doubt they actually know I am onboard.” Rocko turned in his chair as quickly as he could to see who his ‘Guest' was… “You?? You’re my ‘Mystery Guest’ I have been dragging around space?” “Yes I am, and you look a bit surprised too I see… Lets just say Grand Senator Faustus thought I might be helpful in this particular part of your endeavor.” “Well if you think so…” Rocko said as he turned back to his viewscreen. “Then let us pay our new host a little visit, shall we?” his guest said… Rocko wondered for the hundredth time if this was a good idea by taking this mission, but knew he couldn’t back out now. He closed his eyes and muttered a simple prayer, “Though I walk through the Valley of the Shadow of Death, I shall fear no Evil….”

[ This Message was edited by: Fatal Rocko Willis *CAPT* on 2004-12-10 10:46 ]

  Email Fatal Rocko Willis
Axianda The Royal
Fleet Admiral
Terra Squadron

Joined: November 20, 2001
Posts: 4273
From: Axianda
Posted: 2004-12-10 11:29   
Very nice...... quick gimme the next chapter

*oh btw i want to be the one that saves you ship at the right moment *

- Axi


Joined: November 27, 2004
Posts: 25
Posted: 2004-12-10 11:58   
next plzzz

Coeus {NCX-Charger}
Admiral, I can't read,
Sundered Weimeriners

Joined: February 16, 2004
Posts: 3635
From: South Philly
Posted: 2004-12-10 11:59   
Oh you rat bastard - I wanna know who the mystery guest is

Thats just taking teasing to the entirely next level! LOL

Darkspace: Twilight

  Goto the website of Coeus {NCX-Charger}

Joined: November 27, 2004
Posts: 25
Posted: 2004-12-10 12:39   
oh plzzzzzzzzz next chapter

Fatal Rocko Willis
Fleet Admiral
Fatal Squadron

Joined: March 01, 2003
Posts: 1336
From: Kentucky
Posted: 2004-12-11 04:25   
OK folks.. I am gald you liked that last chapter.. I am almost done with the next chapter.... just puting people into the storyline as they fit in... You know... trying to make in-game Personalities somewhat match in the story... It just makes for better reading...

Also If you are in a particular Faction, Read .. .UGTO or K'Luth... then you are on that faction for the story, but if you are currently Factionless then that helps me a bit.... I have "someone nearby" doing some research to help me flesh out some characters...

Too use a term from DarkSpace...

Chapter Five - Preparing for Release

Chapter Six - In Beta Testing

Chapter Seven - Intitial Scripting

Chapter Eight - Concept writing

Chapter Nine - Basic Scribbling

So as you can see I am busy to give you guys some really good Fan Fiction without sacrificing the story... I write/take notes of everything I think of no matter when it strikes me then work it in as needed... Funny thing is... My "First" Chapter is actually a modified version of Chapters 5 and 6.

So I hope you will be patient, I have lots to give.. and yes.. I am a Rat Bastard.... I absolutly LOVE a good cliffhanger! Unless it is happeneing to me...

Soon to come.. Chapter Five... or "Hey! This Moon isn't made of Cheese!"


I have a 8 Hour Time differance from East Coast (EST) to where I am at so ADD 8 hours to East Coast time and that is what time it is for me... That might explain why I post at such weird, unregular hours... (I got a Priv Msg. regarding this so I thought I would pass it along...)

[ This Message was edited by: Fatal Rocko Willis *CAPT* on 2004-12-11 04:46 ]

  Email Fatal Rocko Willis
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