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 Author OMG
GothThug {C?}
Fleet Admiral

Joined: June 29, 2005
Posts: 2932
Posted: 2007-06-26 00:08   
i'll try..like i said...i'll try to not to do that anymore....but yeah...like i said...Repairing burning bridges is gonna take a while to fix

  Email GothThug {C?}
Raven Warriors

Joined: May 23, 2002
Posts: 284
From: 10 minutes away in a fast boat
Posted: 2007-06-26 01:08   

On 2007-06-25 23:16, Crim wrote:

Alright. You want some truth? I get in trouble 90% of the time I say something to you, with or without you saying anything back.

I dont know which one you are.. The blatant ass, who knows exactly what he's doing and likes to get people angry, or the rather idiotic person who doesnt know that people are very angry at the things you say.

Actualy, your usualy wrong on alot of your post, in my opinion.

Well, I paraphrased a bit from your post, since I don't have the patience or knowhow to do the multiple quote thing, but I suppose if you read the short version of your message it kinda makes sense why u get in trouble...

Now lemmie ask.. who are you to make such observations? Your post sounds like you're trying to give him advice, yet you call him a blatant ass, or an idiot.. Don't you get it? No one wants to hear that. Keep it to yourself.. it doesn't help Goth, it gets you in trouble, and regardless of what kind of a person you might be in real life, it sure doesn't make you sound like anything but one of those griefing people that make other users miserable. Thinly veiling your insults in the guise of trying to help is really a lame thing to do. I'm assuming since you commented about high school that you have graduated. Perhaps try and show the tolerance of an adult, because frankly this is like junior high all over...
-so precious lovin the thrill...

Pitch Black

Joined: March 18, 2004
Posts: 1895
From: Maryland, U.S.A
Posted: 2007-06-26 01:17   

On 2007-06-26 01:08, Devils Advocate wrote:
Well, I paraphrased a bit from your post, since I don't have the patience or knowhow to do the multiple quote thing, but I suppose if you read the short version of your message it kinda makes sense why u get in trouble...

Now lemmie ask.. who are you to make such observations? Your post sounds like you're trying to give him advice, yet you call him a blatant ass, or an idiot.. Don't you get it? No one wants to hear that. Keep it to yourself.. it doesn't help Goth, it gets you in trouble, and regardless of what kind of a person you might be in real life, it sure doesn't make you sound like anything but one of those griefing people that make other users miserable. Thinly veiling your insults in the guise of trying to help is really a lame thing to do. I'm assuming since you commented about high school that you have graduated. Perhaps try and show the tolerance of an adult, because frankly this is like junior high all over...

Well, if you had read the actual long version of my message, you'd see that I wasnt trying to insult him. Who am I? (I'm spiderman!) I'm a person who's had to sit through each of Goth's rants and complaints for the past two years. For the most part of it, I tried to be tolerant of him and tried to give him advice. I even had him on my friends list at one point in time.

I'm trying to be as honest as I can, he needs it. He's said he'd change his ways several times, yet he's done the same thing. Being as honest as I can with him is the only way I see to actualy get through to him. I have shown tolerance towards him, but after the third time of this, I've finaly worn out my patience of trying to be nice towards him. He may not want to hear the honest truth of what I think, but I do think he needs to hear it, so he can understand why I act this way towards him.

I wasnt trying to insult him here, and if I was, it'd be alot more obvious. Goththug is a nice person, when he isnt doing the things that makes alot of people angry. Please, dont try to assume what I'm doing, when you do not even know me.

[ This Message was edited by: Crim on 2007-06-26 01:31 ]

  Email Supertrooper
GothThug {C?}
Fleet Admiral

Joined: June 29, 2005
Posts: 2932
Posted: 2007-06-26 02:00   
and crim gave up on me trying to help....see...if people gave up on me all the time i'd be permaed again from darkspace...you see...its guidence from players that have rehabilitated me and i'll never forget that but thanks anyways

  Email GothThug {C?}
GothThug {C?}
Fleet Admiral

Joined: June 29, 2005
Posts: 2932
Posted: 2007-06-26 03:56   
because....im interested in peoples opinions....thats all they are...opinions...but thats beside the point...The Fact of the matter is this is the 4th anniversary of the day i got banned (as of 3:51 AM CST) and i am trying (boy am i trying) not to be banned again....you guys need to understand that with all this BS goin around that i might lose my temper again like i did several months ago and take a 7 day vacation but yeah...enough about that...

I love this community Despite some differences we might have...but lets leave it like this...I have my own style of fair play.....you have your own style of fair play (however exploitive it might be) lets just leave it at that K? Im just greatful of the helpful responses im getting.....in friend chat...PM's...Emails...Forum Posts....Clan Chat heh..im truely greatful for all the friends i STILL have and new ones im making....still...my clan leader asked me to take some time off from the game (even tho i came back 2 weeks ago) but yeah....im gonna do just that...im gonna turn off the computer...turn on the tube...and watch a few movies.....maybe 3 days? i dunno....i just got some personal issues to work out and stuff....

anyways thanx for all the kind words laters


  Email GothThug {C?}
Guyton (Angel of Death)

Joined: January 25, 2004
Posts: 706
Posted: 2007-06-26 08:14   
If you cannot be civil and avoid personal attacks, then please do not post. It will only result in having your forum posting rights removed.
- Mr Black

[ This Message was edited by: Mr Black on 2007-06-26 08:54 ]
Yes, its scifi lore : https://www.youtube.com/@BlackstarLore


Joined: June 10, 2007
Posts: 185
Posted: 2007-06-26 08:35   
Ok lets all go home and.....
HAVE A FISHY STICK!....(i cant insert teh picture!!!! -_-*)
Times Quoted - Probably 11
00:44:23 Feralwulf: \"I am, therefore I ban\"

Courageous Elite Commandos

Joined: May 11, 2005
Posts: 1786
From: Netherlands
Posted: 2007-06-26 08:40   
*waits for someone to lose post rights*

GothThug {C?}
Fleet Admiral

Joined: June 29, 2005
Posts: 2932
Posted: 2007-06-26 08:44   
Personally Achilles AKA Guyton...i dont care what you think...and as for the fact of personally attacking my WEIGHT on darkspace that draws the line right there...calling me fat ON THE FORUMS! i guess you have no feelings because that right there just hurt them -.-

  Email GothThug {C?}
Grand Admiral
Pitch Black

Joined: August 26, 2005
Posts: 1017
From: Virginia, United States
Posted: 2007-06-26 09:40   
Man! How do you do this, GT? In just 2-3 days a single thread reaches 4 pages long, has admin editting, and has players I have not seen in ages posting. You are like some kind of Forum Fairy.

[ This Message was edited by: Kanman *FC* on 2007-06-26 09:45 ]

GothThug {C?}
Fleet Admiral

Joined: June 29, 2005
Posts: 2932
Posted: 2007-06-26 09:44   
lol kan....what can i say? i dunno man...but...yeah glad to see yer still forum trolling kan

  Email GothThug {C?}
Fleet Admiral

Joined: March 17, 2007
Posts: 67
From: Boston, USA
Posted: 2007-06-26 09:50   
well i came in on this a little late but ive been playin here a while and ive seen and heard things. but if you ask me i say dont even listen to people giving you crap about who you are or how you play. if you following the rules then screw those people. like for mirving and ed's screw em man they would do the same thing if they wanted pres bad enough and they all know it. and as for the rest of your post like i said i came in a little late but just play the game and forget about those people.

GothThug {C?}
Fleet Admiral

Joined: June 29, 2005
Posts: 2932
Posted: 2007-06-26 15:38   
Thanx -ghost- i really appreciate that -.- and how ya doin? whatever happened to the other name -fireghost- err something like that lol

  Email GothThug {C?}
Grand Admiral
Sundered Weimeriners

Joined: March 22, 2006
Posts: 2815
From: Philly
Posted: 2007-06-26 15:38   
I would just like to state - for the record - that Fattie and RS win the internet.

And ya know what... I think I'll actually comment on the subject matter of the original post. I treat everyone more or less equally, in that I bust my friends chops as much, if not more, than people that I find... unpleasent to deal with. So my question is this... what makes you any different from anyone else in that you are exempt from getting your chops busted about what you do and say?

And this goes out to anyone and everyone. What makes anyone more or less special than anyone else in that they are exempt from getting ripped on now and then. Does it go too far sometimes? Hell yeah, what matters is how YOU take it and YOU respond. What seperates my friends from ... other people? My friends (both online and in real life) is that they take it in a mature (or inmature rather) fashion and either respond in kind or laugh it off.

All I'm saying, just for the record, is that maybe the problem isn't with the fact that people are busting your chops...

/This message brought to you by the LambChops Busting Corp of America.
Do I really look like a guy with a plan?
'I'm gonna go crazy, and I'm taking you with me!'

ICC Security Council Chief Enforcer

  Email Coeus   Goto the website of Coeus

Joined: November 05, 2002
Posts: 196
Posted: 2007-06-27 12:19   

[ This Message was edited by: Surok on 2007-06-28 05:53 ]

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