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DarkSpace - Beta
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Games Played
Time Played
Bonus Prestige
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Ships Captured
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Planets Captured
Friendly Fire
Self Destructs
Planet Collisions
Resources Lost
164303 Players - page 35 of 1643

[Top] [-10] [-5] [-1] [+1] [+5] [+10]

Player Rankings
NamePlanets Captured
3401 Lord Griffon 61
3402 XaCe 61
3403 -10of18- 61
3404 The Yellow Flash 61
3405 Stupper 61
3406 Admiral C. Wilson 61
3407 Fatal Error 60
3408 HisDivineShadow 60
3409 Ooiittee 60
3410 Event_Horizon™ 60
3411 CelticWiccan 60
3412 Malvern 60
3413 tkalen84 60
3414 Tassadar{-|V|-} 60
3415 Esper8 60
3416 Snysnym 60
3417 Jeowan 60
3418 Chaos1369 60
3419 Abiro 60
3420 KaKayGeesick 60
3421 Meehan 60
3422 Destorka 60
3423 Gonzales 60
3424 Invader-Slush 60
3425 Avilion 60
3426 Excaluber 60
3427 Changrey 60
3428 Egir 60
3429 horser 60
3430 jake2011 60
3431 BloodBound 60
3432 HowlingWolf 60
3433 KamiKazE 60
3434 Xadavus 60
3435 Grandcruiser 60
3436 Krankor 60
3437 Night Elf 60
3438 Stealth Dragon 60
3439 Icarus II 60
3440 -AnthRaX- 60
3441 snipen 60
3442 TohungaBloke 60
3443 Pryde 60
3444 Firebomb333 60
3445 Liam Fremen 60
3446 [NoFleet]WhiteCoyote 60
3447 burger1 60
3448 NukeMeTiliGlow 60
3449 Lonectzn 60
3450 Derovius 59
3451 FireStorm *FA* 59
3452 Virago 59
3453 buggy123 59
3454 Skyfool 59
3455 TheBorg 59
3456 EarthShadow54 59
3457 Mrfixit84 59
3458 Satenki 59
3459 lotar 59
3460 Link_hyrulian 59
3461 Aeraesoria 59
3462 Flood Parasite 59
3463 skini 59
3464 Dageoffant 59
3465 XxpoexX 59
3466 ManualTimer 59
3467 Jim_Arc 59
3468 ReZ 59
3469 Wax 59
3470 Acen 59
3471 SatanicPickle 59
3472 Sh0wN0Mercy 59
3473 VooDooX 59
3474 Jarod 59
3475 Pinkus 59
3476 Teryd 59
3477 Dan1241 59
3478 Phantum 59
3479 Booker 59
3480 X-Cold85 59
3481 ShadyIrishdude 59
3482 Outlawstar 59
3483 entar256 59
3484 Saveth 59
3485 Vyse The Legend 58
3486 thedragon3456 58
3487 Jesterrr 58
3488 lilFrigate (Marys Soldier) 58
3489 Point 58
3490 Tiddles 58
3491 KISTech 58
3492 sirmorphic 58
3493 OttoMorgan 58
3494 Sirawuut 58
3495 Crashlander 58
3496 RedShadow45 58
3497 Nvance 58
3498 * Flying Dutchman * [RXE] * 58
3499 tkhellion 58
3500 Fishy_Fishy 58
164303 Players - page 35 of 1643

[Top] [-10] [-5] [-1] [+1] [+5] [+10]

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