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DarkSpace - Beta
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164298 Players - page 27 of 1643

[Top] [-10] [-5] [-1] [+1] [+5] [+10]

Player Rankings
NameShips Damaged
2601 Moin 2,246
2602 Livity-x-2 2,246
2603 Shadow Wolf 2,244
2604 NanoBeard 2,243
2605 PanicSwitched 2,242
2606 Toey 2,236
2607 Bloodaxe 2,236
2608 Thunderbird Anthares 2,234
2609 ichzor 2,234
2610 Bresch 2,229
2611 direwolf 2,229
2612 Runner 2,226
2613 Mephesto_Odium {Sirius 1 Jockey} 2,225
2614 andy5798 2,224
2615 Kirby 2,220
2616 Osias 2,220
2617 1st Rear Admiral Sanchez 2,220
2618 Krankor 2,215
2619 SirDiesAlot 2,214
2620 Astro-builder 2,213
2621 daragan 2,211
2622 Wyldkat 2,210
2623 Gryphon 2,209
2624 The Ghost of the future 2,206
2625 FelipeOlay 2,205
2626 Axalon 2,205
2627 Hyperion~Lancer 2,205
2628 pucha 2,204
2629 12MrMoo 2,198
2630 wokwon 2,197
2631 Cikulisu 2,196
2632 Malorn 2,190
2633 PerfectFord 2,189
2634 Pa Ghost 2,189
2635 v3ss0n 2,189
2636 benjaminne 2,188
2637 NiteHawk78 2,188
2638 King-Demogorgon 2,187
2639 Flash1 2,184
2640 Lobotomized (i.e. missing some brain) 2,184
2641 omegga10 2,183
2642 mikew_E-9 2,183
2643 CoolD2k3 2,181
2644 Stern jr. 2,180
2645 xerox18 2,176
2646 Lapsed Pacifist 2,168
2647 DNME 2,166
2648 Hounti 2,166
2649 Firartix 2,164
2650 BadassMcGee 2,163
2651 WildFire 2,159
2652 -=GS=-Strike 2,159
2653 XcepticZP 2,155
2654 maksio5 2,152
2655 freckhard 2,152
2656 vbdwayne 2,151
2657 Valic 2,149
2658 Mr_Morton 2,149
2659 Blaster V 2,149
2660 Blue_Star 2,144
2661 Welshwarlord 2,144
2662 weeman392 2,142
2663 Stealth 420 2,139
2664 Señor Squiggles 2,137
2665 Maggot 2,136
2666 shafox 2,135
2667 Liquidshot 2,134
2668 pigghoti 2,134
2669 Hegemonia 2,132
2670 TE5LA 2,129
2671 Trathan19 2,128
2672 -DJSMITH- {Thors Hammer} 2,128
2673 aaronD48 2,127
2674 Pinto 2,127
2675 Side 2,127
2676 |1A| Avatar 2,127
2677 Lord Alie 2,127
2678 Jyard 2,125
2679 Yamata Kar 2,124
2680 Firebomb333 2,124
2681 Fatal Gordoh1 2,123
2682 Elrond 2,122
2683 Prometheusbum(England) 2,122
2684 archangels 2,120
2685 OzWally 2,115
2686 blackxicer 2,113
2687 Getsum 2,109
2688 SmellyTerror 2,107
2689 Caleb 2,106
2690 DLCv.1.00 2,102
2691 killer boat *_* 2,100
2692 Cygnus I 2,099
2693 DotPitch 2,094
2694 Captain Joe 2,092
2695 Shiva[God of Fire] 2,091
2696 BlackFlame 2,090
2697 NukeMeTiliGlow 2,089
2698 grak789 2,087
2699 Ho Chi 2,083
2700 Vanadium 2,082
164298 Players - page 27 of 1643

[Top] [-10] [-5] [-1] [+1] [+5] [+10]

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