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DarkSpace - Beta
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164298 Players - page 20 of 1643

[Top] [-10] [-5] [-1] [+1] [+5] [+10]

Player Rankings
NameShips Damaged
1901 Prawneh 4,319
1902 HMS Fearless 4,309
1903 Fallen |3lood Angel*Kiyoh* 4,307
1904 wakuzan 4,304
1905 mandalore river 4,291
1906 GeneraLD 4,287
1907 Schroedingers Shotgun 4,285
1908 MikeyRifraf 4,274
1909 kudosil 4,269
1910 Lanon Cahligan 4,269
1911 capt kirk 4,266
1912 Caudax 4,262
1913 Frybag 4,247
1914 Teknoman 4,246
1915 Tommeh94 4,244
1916 Kingrammer 4,244
1917 thedragon3456 4,239
1918 Mawi 4,236
1919 Marshmania 4,228
1920 NorOka 4,222
1921 Lobo_Sentado 4,216
1922 foggyd 4,210
1923 Brutality *XO2* 4,206
1924 Sirghost 4,205
1925 Lightning 4,203
1926 -Praetor- 4,199
1927 Ranger_Hills 4,198
1928 Krinsee 4,196
1929 Fallen 4,189
1930 Hutch 4,187
1931 Murphy 4,184
1932 Rod222 4,182
1933 Hong Kong Phooey 4,181
1934 FusionDarkness 4,179
1935 -Admiral Dylan Hunt 4,176
1936 HDryder 4,175
1937 Qinc 4,170
1938 Vyse The Legend 4,164
1939 Cosgrove 4,161
1940 Pillar of Autumn 4,161
1941 clockwerkspectum 4,160
1942 forcewielder 4,158
1943 Slycer 4,157
1944 gnugnu 4,152
1945 SirAce 4,143
1946 Ignight 4,139
1947 Fireguy0306 4,138
1948 Duny 4,128
1949 Mazo 4,127
1950 Solman V.Adm 4,126
1951 Chaosratt 4,120
1952 Deadeye1989 4,118
1953 Kano's Revenge 4,116
1954 Cheeses of Nazereth 4,115
1955 Karkkell 4,113
1956 Mae Gavenon 4,110
1957 GreenManPan 4,091
1958 Vor 4,083
1959 bobbyj4u 4,076
1960 Chazerous 4,074
1961 Neilan 4,073
1962 Nax 4,065
1963 mythics 4,063
1964 Gabo 4,058
1965 Vice Admiral Joseph 4,055
1966 Klutzershy 4,053
1967 Dimitaar 4,052
1968 Valakias 4,042
1969 AmbasadorThron (Bringer of Hope) 4,040
1970 Manteuffel 4,037
1971 insane3495 4,033
1972 Mitsuki 4,026
1973 Burntime83 4,026
1974 BloodBound 4,024
1975 Astri 4,021
1976 Sparklestar 4,013
1977 madphysics 4,007
1978 DrakeReborn 4,003
1979 FidgeT 4,002
1980 Cloak1 3,997
1981 NinjaPaladin 3,989
1982 Tebos 3,988
1983 Torlok 3,988
1984 Sooven 3,966
1985 Eleda 3,959
1986 Lastcultist 3,958
1987 raccoon~ninja 3,958
1988 Orion_Prime 3,954
1989 Freshmeat {-=Planet Collider=-} 3,946
1990 Steel Chicken 3,944
1991 Spaceflower (Swe) 3,943
1992 Massacre 3,942
1993 Sir Steelius 3,936
1994 gungin 3,925
1995 Vice Admiral Soul 3,922
1996 Victory_Through_Sacrafice 3,920
1997 holycomp 3,918
1998 Shigernafy 3,916
1999 Meehan 3,912
2000 Tenka 3,911
164298 Players - page 20 of 1643

[Top] [-10] [-5] [-1] [+1] [+5] [+10]

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