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164342 Players - page 15 of 1643

[Top] [-10] [-5] [-1] [+1] [+5] [+10]

Player Rankings
NameBonus Prestige
1401 Da-kkon 1,416
1402 Gebieter 1,410
1403 Lupino 1,410
1404 MistenTH 1,406
1405 SaberRider 1,403
1406 (Eject) 1,403
1407 NorOka 1,399
1408 midnight742 1,397
1409 Murphy 1,397
1410 [Haste] 1,396
1411 Sadeema 1,395
1412 Dancer 1,394
1413 Z-Type 1,393
1414 Sovereign 1,390
1415 MeguminLife[+R] 1,390
1416 miffo! 1,389
1417 Magik4200 1,388
1418 Zealot [1stRA] 1,386
1419 The Ghost of the future 1,386
1420 Solman V.Adm 1,384
1421 Ham&Swiss 1,383
1422 Joe dirt 1,382
1423 lankar 1,381
1424 caladin 1,379
1425 chrono_13 1,378
1426 lockey 1,375
1427 Alpaca 1,374
1428 Zodira 1,372
1429 Apotheosis 1,371
1430 neogodz 1,371
1431 Supertrooper 1,371
1432 MaWs 1,367
1433 ShortbusNinja 1,363
1434 Clete2 {C?} 1,355
1435 bit_junkie 1,352
1436 SirDiesAlot 1,351
1437 Ceridan 1,350
1438 G@lenThor 1,349
1439 Warbird 1,348
1440 Dronek 1,347
1441 Pitr 1,343
1442 Nitewalker 1,343
1443 Quorthon 1,342
1444 Wierden 1,342
1445 Mortimer Aeinhardt 1,342
1446 Captain LlamaPajamas 1,339
1447 pr3o4ever2 1,339
1448 -Rah- 1,338
1449 KamiKazeEngineer*PFC* 1,338
1450 Lyedtau 1,337
1451 Dread Pirate Roberts 1,335
1452 Pyroto 1,334
1453 IsnaNosleeVX 1,333
1454 Agisi 1,330
1455 Devlin *EN* 1,322
1456 Clone Pandora {C?} 1,320
1457 Mad Bear 1,317
1458 $wiss 1,315
1459 lankar44 1,313
1460 Steelmage 1,311
1461 Forseth (Ret) 1,310
1462 Muaddib2014 1,307
1463 InMe 1,299
1464 Victor Davion [TSLTB] 1,298
1465 Leonide 1,295
1466 Black Hawk 1,295
1467 Noquar 1,294
1468 Reena 1,293
1469 Ignight 1,292
1470 SylverOne 1,292
1471 Kynish 1,290
1472 GrayFox 1,288
1473 Jimstar 1,287
1474 Fleet Admiral mR wISPERS 1,287
1475 A_Fluffy_Bunny 1,286
1476 Fatal Walfor 1,285
1477 Division 1,284
1478 Mint Ice Cream[+R] 1,283
1479 KillerDawa 1,282
1480 Hexa 1,282
1481 krakrazor 1,279
1482 Gray-Fox 1,277
1483 Jolan 1,276
1484 Wolf74 1,276
1485 Ravenlight 1,276
1486 Crocidolite 1,271
1487 Prothall 1,271
1488 wokwon 1,271
1489 Sir Ursus 1,269
1490 Lartek 1,269
1491 Fattierob 1,267
1492 Crazy Ivan *L.CPL* 1,266
1493 Freespacer 1,264
1494 1Istnil1 1,262
1495 Kar-aK 1,253
1496 Master_of_Puppets[SK] 1,252
1497 Sokoban[DeadWarrior] 1,252
1498 Hetuni 1,251
1499 Frohike 1,248
1500 doda *EP5 no longer exception...* 1,247
164342 Players - page 15 of 1643

[Top] [-10] [-5] [-1] [+1] [+5] [+10]

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