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164300 Players - page 81 of 1643

[Top] [-10] [-5] [-1] [+1] [+5] [+10]

Player Rankings
NameResources Lost
8001 AngelsHells 18,381
8002 Cotasnoova 18,380
8003 Heffkip 18,354
8004 Liret 18,349
8005 Siruder 18,348
8006 gunsmoke63 18,334
8007 DarKm1nStreL 18,334
8008 Kadorak 18,323
8009 R0kn1X 18,308
8010 MAiniAC 18,302
8011 Ion_Six 18,294
8012 Yami 18,286
8013 Notasian 18,285
8014 Drone56 18,283
8015 Skillet 18,282
8016 scorne 18,278
8017 Simcha10000 18,273
8018 Soul Purge 18,268
8019 Davathean 18,253
8020 Pathfinder76 18,228
8021 Major-Kool 18,220
8022 Shakes37 18,217
8023 BlueDaemon 18,202
8024 Pendan 18,192
8025 space commando 18,179
8026 steven_p12000 18,166
8027 NeophyteElite 18,164
8028 sado456 18,151
8029 luca2003l 18,133
8030 Jonnyboy 18,128
8031 dingbat91 18,124
8032 eforen 18,121
8033 Everest 18,108
8034 Fonessa 18,104
8035 Captin Taters 18,088
8036 Linaon 18,043
8037 Zirxis 18,032
8038 Debris 18,026
8039 Brother Cavador 18,021
8040 JLewis 17,976
8041 azzielol 17,962
8042 Silverwolf 17,960
8043 Strikertat 17,952
8044 speedxp2020 17,945
8045 Pabst@Pizza 17,944
8046 hellcry 17,933
8047 ThisIsNotTheShipYouAreLookingFor 17,923
8048 DivisionByZero 17,921
8049 ihavetenfingers 17,914
8050 dreadrun 17,914
8051 Zelaria 17,911
8052 *Deckard 17,890
8053 X&Y 17,890
8054 MantrA 17,888
8055 argent07 17,871
8056 hell6781 17,870
8057 GamlGandalf 17,860
8058 Dark_Temp 17,859
8059 Tallsmith89 17,856
8060 BroKeN_SouL 17,856
8061 Chilli 17,836
8062 voltz501 17,836
8063 Kapell0 17,831
8064 Lemon Pie 17,828
8065 Siko 17,824
8066 Triplexxx123 17,816
8067 coochie coo 17,807
8068 Lunamaria 17,776
8069 CCM 17,767
8070 Grayson 17,764
8071 ShadowFlare 17,729
8072 Virona 17,723
8073 +jackel+ 17,712
8074 jadedevil 17,711
8075 RedeemerX 17,702
8076 Emperor _mw_ 17,697
8077 bigin nen 17,679
8078 Michaelg21 17,651
8079 Thief2k 17,631
8080 nedia 17,621
8081 SunZhao 17,616
8082 Deus ex Noctu 17,601
8083 Jartana 17,594
8084 Minako 17,576
8085 USS-Andromeda 17,576
8086 Icon Cowboy 17,575
8087 Master Chief 17,566
8088 Polarbear 17,551
8089 flyboy 17,532
8090 xenthorious 17,528
8091 ibrahim126 17,520
8092 Cmdr J. E. Archer 17,520
8093 Tronne 17,508
8094 soktuki 17,479
8095 cizzijr 17,475
8096 xmartynx 17,465
8097 seasofstars 17,449
8098 Durente 17,449
8099 Eskimo523 17,448
8100 dab10 17,447
164300 Players - page 81 of 1643

[Top] [-10] [-5] [-1] [+1] [+5] [+10]

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