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164297 Players - page 3 of 1643

[Top] [-10] [-5] [-1] [+1] [+5] [+10]

Player Rankings
201 -xTc- ExisT 1,254
202 Knightfall 1,236
203 $yTHe {C?} 1,236
204 Kapone 1,232
205 The_Enforcer (The Vindicator) 1,224
206 lorddark99 1,219
207 packice 1,219
208 Jynx2 1,215
209 Daylight \"The Beginning\" 1,211
210 Corsair Shevath 1,210
211 guardsman 1,208
212 Cydexz 1,207
213 AVATAR917 1,197
214 DaMadCow 1,196
215 Ash'elth 1,195
216 Mr.Grim[Loyalist] 1,185
217 DarkEmber 1,185
218 Nine Arts Dragon 1,179
219 KanaDIEn ^_^ 1,179
220 Aegis Fate 1,177
221 SpaceTator 1,162
222 Varz zZz zz 1,162
223 Tellaris 1,161
224 |2eason 1,160
225 Icarus II 1,151
226 TheHunter 1,150
227 Pimpalicious Nerd {C?} 1,146
228 Reek Havoc *XO* 1,142
229 EVA01 1,138
230 FA Nelson. 1,137
231 Red Wolf 1,132
232 Kelly_Darkstar 1,131
233 neon black 1,126
234 Jasper 1,121
235 Snärf 1,120
236 Entil-Zha the Starkiller 1,117
237 LittleApple 1,116
238 U.S.S. KELVIN 1,113
239 Andromeda {C?} 1,111
240 Tommas [ USF HunnyBunny ] 1,098
241 Azure.co.uk 1,081
242 Ryan-Leader of Lantians 1,080
243 ken2228 1,079
244 Draxcyn 1,076
245 PokeYourWaffle 1,075
246 Serpentz2 1,073
247 Thugomatic 1,072
248 Eggs 1,071
249 Quistis {C?} 1,070
250 air 1,066
251 ~nadir~ 1,063
252 Starcommander 1,059
253 Windless Storm 1,056
254 MacCabee 1,056
255 DarkScorpion 1,052
256 Ragglock 1,047
257 Rain of Fire [O-XII] 1,044
258 DubStep Santa 1,042
259 {FALLEN^ANGEL} 1,039
260 bigb 1,032
261 The Anarchist 1,022
262 HisShadow *the first of all shadows* 1,017
263 Griff 1,011
264 jake2011 1,010
265 TheCrow 1,009
266 Chosen of Chaos{Dictor Lord} 1,004
267 *Neo*(The Anomoly)}=P 1,003
268 Scorched Soul[+R] 999
269 Grand Admiral James 995
270 Stormy 987
271 Legatus Immolation 984
272 foks 979
273 Xpli$it 979
274 *Dark Flux* (Orange) 978
275 Screamin Eagle 977
276 redrumkillerforlife 972
277 Kinthalas 972
278 Space Bomberman 972
279 AdmBito 971
280 Mands 967
281 KamikazeRage 967
282 Maroc 962
283 Praetorian 959
284 Sheraton*XO* 959
285 ssmiro 953
286 Glamdring 949
287 Glaceon 947
288 Subtilizer 945
289 Slithis 945
290 Assault Ship Basroil 944
291 mirkocola 939
292 Acke 937
293 SabelTooth 937
294 El3menTT 934
295 Demorian 932
296 raptorXGI 931
297 Green_Devil 927
298 Banshee 927
299 Cory_O 924
300 Defence Unit-Alpha_Matrix[48] 922
164297 Players - page 3 of 1643

[Top] [-10] [-5] [-1] [+1] [+5] [+10]

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