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DarkSpace - Beta
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164303 Players - page 16 of 1643

[Top] [-10] [-5] [-1] [+1] [+5] [+10]

Player Rankings
NameFriendly Fire
1501 Viktor Tupolev 486
1502 supream53 486
1503 capt kirk 483
1504 joshuacm 482
1505 Eikan 478
1506 Solman V.Adm 478
1507 Eomer ~Animal Mother!!~ 477
1508 Draken 477
1509 triplexxx1988 477
1510 Doc Holliday 477
1511 Just a Rambi 476
1512 Kami_samad 476
1513 Frivolous Disguise 475
1514 Doubleumc 475
1515 ballenmousse 475
1516 Ad Astra 475
1517 mirkocola 474
1518 lockey 473
1519 JediKnight 472
1520 Valiant Wolf 472
1521 bomberglen 471
1522 Minoer 470
1523 Kit D Mia 470
1524 uberturkey 469
1525 notalotuk 469
1526 Pavachek 469
1527 Amagill 468
1528 shadedancer 468
1529 quin441 468
1530 SizzlingSpudMonkey 468
1531 goops 468
1532 Yitram 467
1533 Equinoriox *FM*(Angel of Life) 466
1534 |Kakashi| 465
1535 FloridaSunrise 465
1536 Pharoh 465
1537 HisDivineShadow 464
1538 Dune Warz 464
1539 cisco256 464
1540 Heptane_SET 464
1541 NZ-juex16 463
1542 LordGuardian 463
1543 big john 463
1544 Fluttershy 462
1545 Eeep 462
1546 Neo_chaoz 462
1547 Botji 461
1548 Zodiac115 461
1549 Vendoga 459
1550 Tetrarch 458
1551 Klutzershy 458
1552 Canada4tw 458
1553 NeoofGenesis 456
1554 Invixor Nistrim 456
1555 shockhey 456
1556 Wise One 452
1557 TECH GEEK 452
1558 HeManWomanHater 452
1559 Walrus of Apathy 451
1560 Araith*LTJG* 451
1561 EternalSoldat 450
1562 7-121 448
1563 Admiral Starkiller 448
1564 Purpura 448
1565 Truefinesse 447
1566 Kieran Zund 447
1567 xlxxuxxlx 447
1568 Kanman 446
1569 diff4er 446
1570 JOTRkid 446
1571 Hutch 445
1572 KENNY 445
1573 codemonkey 444
1574 Skrimisher 443
1575 Darth_Vader 443
1576 WarpHunter 442
1577 warlord 1050 442
1578 FusionDarkness 441
1579 Dragoz 441
1580 FUBAR 440
1581 Palatro 439
1582 Dron1885 439
1583 Swancomb 438
1584 Sevnn 435
1585 Alex0874 435
1586 2007mage15 435
1587 AnnoyingPanda 435
1588 Darkness 434
1589 kudosil 434
1590 JadeFalcon 434
1591 Dwarden 433
1592 Panimu 433
1593 Thiresias 433
1594 Dane 432
1595 RealSuperSand 432
1596 MakaDawgG_C.O/AG1L 432
1597 awildstar 432
1598 Lightning 431
1599 AlCap00n 428
1600 Steelmage 428
164303 Players - page 16 of 1643

[Top] [-10] [-5] [-1] [+1] [+5] [+10]

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