Username | Blackjack [DBL] |
User ID | 217292 |
Registration Date | February 25, 2011 | Last Login | March 01, 2016 |
Occupation | No clue |
Location | The land of venomous reptiles. |
Fleet | *FTL* |
Prestige | 150,986 |
Rank | Grand Admiral |
|   |
Games Played | 333 |
Time Played | 40 days, 17 hours, 48 min, 23 sec. |
Kills | 2,433.12 |
Killed | 742.69 |
Bonus Prestige | 328.82 |
Ships Damaged | 87,300.40 |
Ships Captured | 41.70 |
Planets Damaged | 6,008.57 |
Planets Captured | 369.64 |
Friendly Fire | 6,399.40 |
Repair | 5,250.49 |
Construction | 3,363.91 |
Kamikaze | 2,343.32 |
Self Destructs | 143.87 |
Jumps | 9,962.88 |
Planet Collisions | 104.00 |
Scout | 41.20 |
Resources Lost | 25,645,857.28 |
Credits | 598 |
Resources | 0 |