Username | FA DarkSpetznaz |
User ID | 114767 |
Registration Date | May 18, 2005 | Last Login | July 19, 2015 |
Occupation | Taking the Initiative |
Location | Center of the universe |
Fleet | PB |
Prestige | 61,898 |
Rank | Fleet Admiral |
|   |
Games Played | 412 |
Time Played | 18 days, 17 hours, 22 min, 25 sec. |
Kills | 712.26 |
Killed | 482.47 |
Bonus Prestige | 566 |
Ships Damaged | 24,297.65 |
Ships Captured | 22 |
Planets Damaged | 1,876.40 |
Planets Captured | 128.94 |
Friendly Fire | 2,496.76 |
Repair | 4,275.01 |
Construction | 3,697.75 |
Kamikaze | 714.28 |
Self Destructs | 44.72 |
Jumps | 4,474.73 |
Planet Collisions | 105.36 |
Scout | 113.37 |
Resources Lost | 4,976,966.95 |
Credits | 11,050 |
Resources | 0 |