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News - 425 Articles, page 11 of 43 [PREVIOUS] [NEXT]
Curse of the Blue Ruby
- Posted on May 5th, 2007 - 04:23 by Mr Black
As you may be aware, Dr Bones recently lost his ship, the Quark, in what appeared to be a freak radiation accident. One Grand Admiral Charaznable led a valiant and successful mission to track down the missing ship. Unfortunately, one of his subordinates tripped the Quark's defensive systems when he got too close, resulting in the ship ultimately being destroyed. Despite this, Charaznable was duly rewarded for locating the vessel and, more importantly, recovering the black box data recorder from the wreckage.

Raiders Of The Lost Quark
- Posted on April 28th, 2007 - 12:20 by Mr Black
The famed explorer, Dr Cincinnati Bones, was recently found drifting in a runabout between the Luyten and Tripwik systems. It appears his ship, the Quark, was hit by a radiation flare while he was out in a scout ship investigating an anomaly. This flare caused the Quarks artificial intelligence to emergency jump into hyperspace. Unfortunately it appears that the flare damaged the Quarks guidance systems, leaving the ships AI lost, and the poor doctor stranded in his little scout ship with no way to get home.

DarkSpace reaches 140,000 registrations
- Posted on March 23rd, 2007 - 08:36 by Mr Black
It has taken us 6 years to get there, but on the 18th March 2007 we finally reached 140,000 user registrations! Hopefully, with a little effort, the support of the community (and the upcoming patch), we can achieve the next 140,000 in a slightly shorter timespan. Thank you to everyone who has made this possible and for all of the community members who have stuck with us through the years.

Here's to the future!

Your Comments and Feedback.
Firewall issues...
- Posted on March 11th, 2007 - 09:55 by Faustus
Due to a firewall failure DarkSpace has been down for the past several hours. We are back up and fully operational again and looking into the problem with the firewall. We have made more configuration changes to the firewall to improve stablity.

We apologize for the inconvenience.

Signature Size Guidelines
- Posted on March 7th, 2007 - 13:15 by Mr Black
We have recently been reviewing profile signature sizes and noticed that they are starting to creep up once again, not just in dimensions, but also in file size.

It has therefor been decided to publish some definite guidelines regarding signatures.

From now on, all signatures are expected to conform to the following specifications:

  • Signatures images must be no more than 500px in width.

  • Signatures images must be no more than 200px in height.

  • The total signature file size must not exceed 50kb.

  • Multiple signature images are allowed, but the total signature size must not exceed the above dimensions or file size.

  • Animated signatures are allowed, but the total file size must not exceed the above dimensions or file size.

These limits are necessary in order for the forums to maintain readability, and to reduce excessive load times that can often be caused by profile signatures, in particular for users who have older internet connections.

Thank you for your co-operation.

-The Staff.

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Ranking Changes...
- Posted on February 18th, 2007 - 17:42 by Faustus
Player rankings are now calculated in an off-line process every Tuesday at midnight CST. The on-demand rankings were killing the database, leading to lag in-game and slow web-site response times. Hopefully, this change will improve performance for everyone in-game and on the website.

Additionally, when viewing your rankings from your profile, if you select the category link it will display the rankings table with your rank highlighted in red. Making it so much easier to compare your rank against your friends.

NOTE: This does NOT affect your in-game rank or prestige calculations. This change only affects the "website" player to player rankings.

Your Comments and Feedback.

More network maintenance...
- Posted on February 17th, 2007 - 08:33 by Faustus
We will be performing more network maintenance this coming Saturday morning from 9AM CST until 11AM CST. You may not be able to access the website or connect to the game during this period of time as we finish the installation of some new hardware.

Planned Network Maintenance...
- Posted on February 6th, 2007 - 10:40 by Faustus
DarkSpace will be down for network maintenance this coming Monday February 12th from 6PM CST until 8PM CST. We are installing some new hardware in preparation for the upcoming version release.

Recent Performance Issues
- Posted on February 3rd, 2007 - 12:13 by Ninja Gaifen
The recent issues with the game servers and the resulting downtime have apparently been due to ongoing malicious attacks against our server network, intentionally attempting to crash our database and the other game servers.

This has resulted in an abnormally high number of disconnects and server errors, and resulted in a significantly deteriorated game play experience for most of our users.

The major avenues of attack have now been blocked, and the game servers have returned to near-normal operation.

Please understand that although our Game Staff are doing what we can, there is still the possibility of a lower than usual level of performance if such attacks continue.

Your Comments and Feedback.
DarkSpace Down due to server failure...
- Posted on February 1st, 2007 - 21:52 by Faustus
Due to a server failure DarkSpace is currently down. We are working to resolve the issue and expect the servers to be back online at 10AM CST.

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