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News - 425 Articles, page 10 of 43 [PREVIOUS] [NEXT]
Yo ho me hearties!
- Posted on September 19th, 2007 - 05:17 by Captain McGee the Scurvy Dog

Today be the day for all salty sea dogs! Happy "Talk like a Pirate Day" from Palestar...
Moderator 1-Up
- Posted on September 15th, 2007 - 11:10 by Mersenne Twister
Join us in welcoming our newest community moderator, Smartin. He's been singled out to join the rest of the staff in your targetting cross hairs.
Competition: Iconed Draw, Can You?
- Posted on June 19th, 2007 - 14:38 by Mr Black
We are running a competition for all you arty types to create a new icon for the K'Luth "Chitinous Armor" that we are planning to introduce in version 1.484.

Read here for more information...
Updated Beacon Policy
- Posted on June 10th, 2007 - 16:02 by Mersenne Twister
A staff decision has reached regarding the issue of excessive beaconing. As per the decision, beaconing a ship to the point where it has a signature greater than 200 will result in stat wiping and removal from the game to be dependant on the number of prior infractions.

This policy has be added to the Rules of Conduct under section 3.3i.

The updated policy may be viewed here and a discussion thread is open here for feedback on the policy changes.
Metaverse Map Re-restored
- Posted on June 2nd, 2007 - 20:44 by Mithrandir
The MV has been going through something of a roller coaster ride these days, with yet another change of the map. We had to load up an old map the other day, but tonight we uploaded a newer, more optimized map.

The new map is very similar to the one you knew and loved before the MV corruption issue of a week ago. However, due to some underlying changes to fleets, most planet ownership settings were lost, and some ships may not properly spawn. Any ships you cannot spawn will not cost you anything to remove and remod, though this will require some time. Palestar apologizes for any inconvenience.

Your comments and feedback...
Metaverse Map restored
- Posted on May 27th, 2007 - 21:49 by Mr Black
Although we have managed to get the MV back up an running, we have had to restore it from a much older map. Unfortunately, this means that a many of the changes and optimizations we have done over the few months have been lost, so please bear with us over the next few days while we try to sort this out.

In addition, due to the MV being restored using an older dataset, there will be some issues with players in newer fleets being unable to access stored ships. The only work around for this is to delete the ships in question and re-mod them. We realize this is inconvenient, but there is little else we can do to address this issue.

Your Comments and Feedback.
New Translation Forum
- Posted on May 24th, 2007 - 19:47 by Mr Black
We are always looking for people to help with translating the DarkSpace Website and the Game documentation. In an effort to make this easier to co-ordinate we have now set up a special forum section specifically for this use.

If you would like to help out with the translations, then contact me or one of the other members of the Administration team to gain access.

Of particular need is help with updating the officially supported languages (German, Dutch, Czech, French, Finnish, Swedish and Spanish), but translations of certain documentation into other languages will also be useful.
Skylathian Cheese Riots
- Posted on May 18th, 2007 - 12:02 by Mr Black
A dispute over excessive cheese taxation has broken out between Incarnath and Skyline in the R33 system. The Incarnathians have sided with the UGTO, who favor blocking independent retailers from engaging in the cheese trade. Meanwhile, the citizens of Skyline, backed by the ICC, are revolting, quite literally. They are dumping vast quantities of prime imported Gouda out of the warehouses and into the streets. Both factions are continually sending reinforcements in a battle for control of the systems Cheesedom.

More Information...

Shiver Me Timbers!
- Posted on May 12th, 2007 - 05:10 by Mr Black
There is expected to be an increased number of pirate attacks over the next few days following the seizure of several large ICC and UGTO warships. The Quadrant Shipping News Service advises that civilian merchants avoid trading or traveling alone until the military forces are able to deal with this threat.

Comments and Feedback
Homeplanet SafeZones
- Posted on May 9th, 2007 - 20:05 by Mr Black
Just a reiteration to let users know that the no-go area around other factions home planets is a 5kgu radius.

More information...

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