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Free to play for the next two weeks....
- Posted on December 29th, 2008 - 12:10 by Faustus
DarkSpace is now free to play for the next two weeks... no coupons are needed to access to the full game. Just download the client, install it, and play for free.

Get a FREE month of playtime...
- Posted on December 28th, 2008 - 14:35 by Faustus
Get a friend to subscribe and you will receive 30 days of free play time in DarkSpace. If your friend subscribes and provides your user name or user ID while doing so then you will receive a 30 day credit to your account.
Team Duel Tournament Approaching!
- Posted on December 21st, 2008 - 22:47 by Shigerclause
The "Battle Royale" team duel tournament is quickly approaching! If you want to join with a couple friends or fleetmates (up to seven) in a group duel, sign up in the Battle Royale event thread. The duel is next weekend, so sign up now to avoid missing out on the fun! The prize for the winning team includes access to the exclusive Pirate faction, so don't miss out!

If you can't make a team in time, make sure at least to come watch the fun in person. Check the events list for time and date details.
Maverick joins Palestar...
- Posted on November 29th, 2008 - 23:56 by Faustus
We are happy to announce that Jeff "Maverick" Everett has joined Palestar as Director of Development. Jeff has worked for over 15 years as a programmer, director, and producer in the game industry. He brings great amount of experience in MMOG development to Palestar and we look forward to the many improvements coming to the game very soon.
Start November off with a Duel
- Posted on October 25th, 2008 - 22:46 by Shigernafy
After you've enjoyed your All Hallows Eve, hop into DarkSpace, grab your preferred ship class, and duel it out with a foe of your choice. Start honing your skills now so you can take home honor, glory, and prizes -- to the victors go the spoils, after all.

Check out the event thread for more details and to sign up.
Running DarkSpace 1.5x under Windows Vista
- Posted on October 13th, 2008 - 16:51 by Mr Black
If you are having issues getting DarkSpace to run correctly under Windows Vista, please see our Running DarkSpace 1.5x under Windows Vista forum guide.

Version 1.5 is Alive!
- Posted on October 2nd, 2008 - 22:29 by Mersenne Twister
There are those who say this day would never come. What are they to say now? - Prophet of Truth

After a very, very, very long 3 years of sporadic development, 1.500 has finally been released.

Current users will need to update, to the new GCQL2 Lobby, and then update/install DarkSpace from the Launch tab. Players with beta installed can copy their Data folder from /.Cache/DarkSpaceBeta to /.Cache/DarkSpace , which will reduce the patch size considerably.

For new users and everyone else, a full installer for 1.500 is available on the Downloads page, or by clicking here directly. Other mirrors should be available in the next few days.

A lengthy list of changes can be found in the Development Log, and the 1.500 Manual revision will commence in the next few days.

Player that get an "Unable to initialize display" error, please go to the Launch tab, run Darkspace (Setup) and verify that the display mode setting is correct for your system. Ideally it should be set at your desktop resolution or Windowed. Changing resolution setting is often enough to clear the error.


3 on 3 Battle Tournament
- Posted on October 2nd, 2008 - 06:12 by Shigernafy
Grab two friends and prepare to battle another triad to the death! While some ships are banned (PD, ED, Scouts, and ICC Sensor Frigate), come up with any three-ship group you think would be best in a faceoff and go sign up!

Further details and the place to signup are contained in the Official Event Signup Thread. Better hurry, though -- the battle is THIS Saturday!
Scientia is under attack!
- Posted on September 25th, 2008 - 06:27 by Shigernafy
If you're hankering for some semi-organized combat and melee excitement, the ICC are facing off against the combined forces of the UGTO and K'Luth at Scientia this weekend. Come join the battle!

The event is being organized by JBud; check out general event information here. If you want to sign up as ICC to Defend Scientia, head to this thread. If you prefer to be on the combined UGTO and K'Luth attacking side, head for this thread.

Please note that balance is not being enforced via code, but it is requested that if one side is vastly outnumbered, some players volunteer to switch sides. If you're willing, you might want to mod some extra ships in advance on another faction.
International "Talk Like a Pirate" Day
- Posted on September 19th, 2008 - 10:26 by Mr Black
Avast, ye scurvy scum! It be a day fer a'wenchin' an' drinkin' the ol' rum. Mayhap we be findin' some o' Davey

Jones' treasures.

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