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DarkSpace - Beta
News - 425 Articles, page 6 of 43 [PREVIOUS] [NEXT]
DarkSpace 1.517 Released & Free Trial Starts!
- Posted on June 21st, 2009 - 12:47 by Faustus
DarkSpace version 1.517 has been released. With this new version comes lots of new fixes and updates. Visit the Development Log for full details, but some of the new features include:

* Core weapons have been reworked.

* Ships are now audited again their original configurations when spawned.

* Interdiction fields are now visible.

* Many other balance and tweaks made to the game.

In addition to the new version -- DarkSpace is free to all players for the next two weeks.

Medusa Engine Released
- Posted on June 20th, 2009 - 14:52 by Faustus
I'm happy to announce that the full source code for the Medusa Engine is now available for download. I've been wanting to do this for years. My hope is the community can step in and help improve the code and help make new features that we can all share.

Medusa is being licensed under one of three different licenses depending on how you want to use my source code. In a nutshell, If you want to make money off my source code, then you will have to pay me. If you just want to make games and release them for free or just for fun, the source code and engine is free of charge.

Click here to download.
Royal Rumble Melee Event for May 17
- Posted on May 3rd, 2009 - 13:18 by Shigernafy
In Two Weeks™, join in the epic single-ship battle melee in this latest event. All players will be limited to a single ship type and will go after friend and foe alike in an epic battle to be the last one standing.

Full details of ship classes, competitors, prizes, etc can be found in the Royal Rumble Event Thread.
DarkSpace Grand Tournament Laddered Duel Tournament Announced
- Posted on April 9th, 2009 - 00:56 by Shigernafy
In Two Weeks™, DarkSpace will see the titans of combat face off in a laddered duel tournament: The DarkSpace Grand Tournament. Taking place Saturday the 25th and Sunday the 26th of April, the tournament will have a standard 16-player bracket, with each successive round employing the next level of ships, starting from Frigate and working up to Dreadnought.

Head over to the Signup Thread and claim your spot.

Note: The event will take place in the Beta Server, so we recommend you install the DarkSpace (Beta) client from within the Launch tab of GCQL to avoid any delays on duel day.
R33 Memorial next Saturday
- Posted on March 21st, 2009 - 21:32 by Shigernafy
In memory of a respected and missed DarkSpace player who passed away six years ago, the annual R33 Memorial will be held this coming Saturday, March 28 at 5pm EDT/10pm GMT. Players should go to R33 in Sagittarius at that time to offer their tribute. During the event, a general ceasefire will be enforced in R33 and players are asked to respect the peace in honor of R33.
DarkSpace Mafia game signups underway
- Posted on March 16th, 2009 - 12:50 by Shigernafy
And now for something a little different: an out of game event using the DarkSpace chatroom for a game of Mafia. If you're interested in some roleplaying shenanigans, check out the official DarkSpace Lobby Mafia thread, where you can find further details, rules, and signup information.
Station Race coming up soon! - Update: New Date!
- Posted on March 9th, 2009 - 08:32 by Shigernafy

Update: The Station Race has been rescheduled for this Saturday, 21 March, at 17:00 EST/22:00GMT.

Talk to your fleet, your faction, your friends -- the time remaining to pull together a team for the Station race is running out! This coming weekend will see teams escorting a station from Earth to Exathra, protecting their own and attacking the competitors. Sign up now to join in on the fun!

Complete details can be found in The Official Station Race Event Thread, where you can announce your team, request a team to join, ask questions, see the rules, or find whatever information you may wonder about. Just remember to sign up soon or you'll miss out on the fun...
DarkSpace Free Trial...
- Posted on February 22nd, 2009 - 19:42 by Faustus
DarkSpace is free for the next two weeks. All accounts will have full access to all servers and the ability to gain rank & prestige.
Server Maintenance
- Posted on January 24th, 2009 - 12:11 by Faustus
Servers will be down for about 1 hour tomorrow for maintenance starting at 10AM CST.
Feedback and bug reports policy
- Posted on January 22nd, 2009 - 04:04 by Tael
If you come across any suspected bugs or have feedback regarding the current state of the game or community, please feel free to contact a staff member or admin, or send an email to support@palestar.com

All messages will be read promptly and placed in our internal task tracking system.

This is a much more effective avenue than posting to the forums which may get over looked or drowned out and missed by other threads. Thanks...

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