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DarkSpace - Beta
News - 425 Articles, page 34 of 43 [PREVIOUS] [NEXT]
QSB Damage / Supply Ship Kamakazi...
- Posted on Oct 23 2001, 18:16:20 by Faustus
After some testing today, the QSB is simply too powerful as it stands now. It's damage radius will be reduced to 200gu, and damage will be reduced to 100,000. Additionally, the damage the supply ship does when exploding has been reduced to 30,000 from 100,000 to stop it's use as a kamikaze ship.
Pulse Shield
- Posted on Oct 23 2001, 14:25:42 by Faustus
The ICC has begun outfitting several combat ships with the newly developed Pulse Shield. The Pulse Shield can destroy all incoming missiles and projectiles out to 300 gu from the ship, making this a very effective defense system for the ICC. UGTO is stated, as saying the ICC development is a myth, and that the ICC do not possess the ability to develop such a advance defensive system.
- Posted on Oct 23 2001, 14:22:29 by Faustus
UGTO weapon researches announced the first phase of testing has begun of the new Quantum Singularity Bomb. Researches have stated that this weapon is possibly the most powerful weapon ever developed. The ST-80 Bomber Cruiser is the first ship to be outfitted with the QSB.
- Posted on Oct 19 2001, 15:43:42 by Faustus
Scout ships are now equipped with beacons, which can be used to tag planetary and ship targets. A beacon is launched when the T key is pressed at the current target. Once a object is tagged, it can be detected from any range. Scouts receive prestige based on the following rules. If a scout attaches a beacon to another enemy ship they receive 1.0 point added to their scout statistic. If they tag a enemy structure on a planet, they receive 0.25 points for doing this. Scouts receive no points for an object that already has a beacon attached. Currently, each point for scouting adds 1 point of prestige. The beacons can be shot down by point defense.
Creative Mine Laying...
- Posted on Oct 18 2001, 21:07:32 by Faustus

Thanks to the 'Elites' clan for making me laugh for atleast 2 minutes over this screen shot.
Clan Members...
- Posted on Oct 18 2001, 20:26:06 by Faustus
We have added more to the clan system for DarkSpace. Providing much more depth to the game by providing ownership within the DarkSpace universe. All clans home pages now show what planets and which servers are owned by the clan. Additionally, we have added a planet list to the Metaverse Map and a Full Planet List which shows the status of all planets on all servers. If you are looking for the status of planets on a specific server, view the Server List first and select that server in the list

NOTE: We are going to begin tomorrow the process of deleting inactive clans. Any clans with a score of 0 or less, will be removed from the clan list.

Development Update....
- Posted on Oct 17 2001, 16:31:55 by Faustus
Progress towards a release date is on track, and hopefully we can make some official announcements in the future. Lets try to break 20,000 players before the end of this month, so everyone please get the word out on DarkSpace.

3 new screen shots have been put online, including a view of the new jumpgate map. The jumpgate map allows players in the metaverse to view and navigate the entire metaverse. The navigation map has been changed to fix another major exploit, now only objects which your team can detect are rendered. Thanks to all the beta testers, the last couple of weeks we have made a huge amount of progress towards getting DarkSpace stable and as fun as possible.
Moderator Meeting
- Posted on Oct 15 2001, 08:37:40 by sunshine
To all moderators,
please try to share in our meeting this evening at 1PM CST, 6PM GMT (8pm german time).

Many issues need to be discussed and i'm looking forward to see you.
Clan Forums...
- Posted on Oct 08 2001, 10:07:46 by Faustus
Due to the total number of clans, and the additional work in creating any new clan specific forums on our website we are going to start requiring that a clan have a minimum of 20 active players for it to receive a forum on the DarkSpace website. Active players, are those who are actually playing DS, and have gained a minimum of 40 points of prestige.

Planet Capture Exploit....
- Posted on Oct 08 2001, 09:08:47 by Faustus
We're addressing the planet capture exploit in code today by adding a time delay before prestige is given for capturing a planet. Afterwards, all players will have their 'Planets Captured' reset to zero. Points are no longer given for capturing neutral planets.

Additionally, we are fixing how points are given for planet captures, so units from more than one player are distributed equally.

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