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DarkSpace - Beta
News - 425 Articles, page 30 of 43 [PREVIOUS] [NEXT]
Action Vault Reviews DarkSpace..
- Posted on Jan 31 2002, 10:24:18 by Faustus
IGN Action Valt posted a review of DarkSpace on their website, Click here to read the full article..
New Poll...
- Posted on Jan 31 2002, 09:43:17 by Faustus
Please vote in the latest online poll concerning the ICC shield strength. Click here to vote...
Version 1.3 Update...
- Posted on Jan 28 2002, 16:31:42 by Faustus
We have made several new fixes and updates to version 1.3, you can read complete details on what has been changed or fixed in the Development Updates forum.

- More restrictive customization of ships has now been implemented. Keep in mind, any ships that are already customized in the Metaverse, keep their configuration until they are destroyed.

- Systems can now be bought and sold for credits at the Starports.

- Resources lost is now calculated differently. Lower ranking players lose less prestige for getting destroyed, than higher ranking players.

- Code has been fixed which was causing syncronization errors.
New Community Manager...
- Posted on Jan 25 2002, 08:51:42 by Faustus
Selvarian has become the newest DarkSpace community manager. Everyone, please congratulate him on his new position as an administrator for DarkSpace when you see him in the lobby or in-game.
Lobby Changes / Invalid Server
- Posted on Jan 24 2002, 13:13:24 by Faustus
The Download button at the top of the lobby will now download the latest code and data updates for DarkSpace.

If you are getting an invalid server message when attempting to join the servers, you need to run setup and turn OFF the 'Beta Test' checkbox.
DarkSpace Free Trial...
- Posted on Jan 19 2002, 12:01:27 by Faustus
All new subscriptions will receive a 7-day free trial before the first charge occurs. During this free trial period, players will be able to experience the full game and cancel their subscription before the end of the 7 days.

Subscribe now and get access to the green servers where you can gain rank and prestige in the DarkSpace universe.

Free Trial Extended...
- Posted on Jan 18 2002, 16:17:55 by Faustus
We're extending the free trial to all players until January 19th, 12:00 CST.
Network Down Time...
- Posted on Jan 15 2002, 11:09:07 by Faustus
Playnet is doing some more reconfigurations of the network at their ISP to improve bandwidth and connection speeds. We anticipate the network to go down around 11:00AM CST for no more than an hour.
Version 1.3 Released
- Posted on Jan 14 2002, 17:35:25 by Faustus
Austin, TX, January 14th, 2002. Palestar Inc has released version 1.3 of DarkSpace which adds many new features to their massively multiplayer online game DarkSpace.

-TRADING has now be enabled in the DarkSpace universe. Players can now buy goods from the new star port structures available in-game, as well trade with other players in-game.

-Planets have a more complex ECONOMY, populations requires food, budgets need to be maintained, and production of different goods can be controlled by players from within the game.

-The new STAR PORT structure, which can be built on planets provides an place for players to buy and sell their goods to the planets in-game. Opening up the possibility to make a nifty profit by carring goods from one planet to another where demand is high.

-Players can now BOARD enemy ships with infantry units which can wreak havoc with internal ship systems or even capture the ship.

-The K'Luth have a new DREADNAUGHT class ship, the Ganglia class dreadnaught acts as a command ship for the K'Luth fleet.


All ships systems are priced at 0 credits until 1.4 coming next week, we feel more balancing needs to be done before we allow players to buy and sell ship systems for profit.

Respawn UK reviews DarkSpace
- Posted on Jan 12 2002, 14:21:07 by Faustus
Darkspace scores 9 out of 10 in a review by Respawn UK, you can read the review by Clicking here.

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