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DarkSpace chat at the House of Commons
- Posted on February 11th, 2002 - 21:07 by Faustus
Stratics is hosting a DarkSpace chat on their IRC network at Febuary 22nd at 5:00pm CST. Visit chat.stratics.com for more information on the chat. Additionally, Stratics is holding a contest and giving away several blocks of free time in DarkSpace.
FluxGames interview...
- Posted on February 11th, 2002 - 14:53 by Faustus
FluxGames put online a interview with Richard Lyle of Palestar in their news section. You can read the interview by clicking here.
DarkSpace on TechTV...
- Posted on February 9th, 2002 - 09:48 by Faustus
DarkSpace was featured on todays 'Extended Play' on the cable network channel TechTV. You can view the segment with DarkSpace online at their website by clicking here then selecting the link under 'Video Highlight' to watch the segment with your media player.
GameSpot reviews DarkSpace...
- Posted on February 8th, 2002 - 08:42 by Faustus
Click here to read the newly posted review of DarkSpace. Here are a few of the better snipets from the review...

...'This attention to detail is mirrored in the presentation quality of the background universe. Nearly every scene could have been clipped from a big-budget movie. Planets and moons rotate in front of their suns, causing halos and corona effects so striking that one of the major pleasures is rotating the camera to gaze at the scenery. '...

...'the outstanding design is impressive enough to catch the attention of sci-fi nuts and anyone searching for an alternative to the typical massively multiplayer online RPG. That, plus the offer of a seven-day trial period, is more than enough reason to give this one a look.'

Thanks to Brett Todd for an honest and outstanding review of DarkSpace.

MetaVerse Reset...
- Posted on February 6th, 2002 - 09:58 by Faustus
Due to the massive balance problems created by uber-ships created in the MV before the new rules concerning refitting of ships were implemented. The entire MetaVerse will be shutdown, and all player ships and the metaverse will be reset later today at 12:00 CST.
Newest Community Administrator
- Posted on February 6th, 2002 - 01:22 by Selvarian
I would like everyone to welcome -mac our newest Community Administrator for the North American Region. Please congratulate him when you next see him in the chat room or in-game.

Note: -mac- is to be considered practice target instead of Selvarian.

Updated Rules of Conduct (RoC) - Exploitation Section Added
- Posted on February 5th, 2002 - 18:00 by Selvarian
The DarkSpace Rules of Conduct document has been updated with the latest information. Access it by clicking on the 'Terms of Use' link in the menu.


All Game Officials are expected to begin implementing the changes immediately.
Development Update...
- Posted on February 4th, 2002 - 17:05 by Faustus
We've finished some initial documentation on what we plan to implement into DarkSpace over the next months. We really want your feedback concerning this list, so please post your thoughts on the General forum.

Version 1.3 – High Priority Patches

- AI transports use jump drives, and fix bugs with transportation of goods.

- AI transports send distress signal when attacked.

- Fix missile code to track their targets better.

Version 1.4 – 02/28/2002

- Mining beam for extracting resources from asteroids/planets.

- Wormhole device, which allows a ship to open a wormhole to another ship with the same device.

- Barracks use Hand Weapons to train ground units from Green to Elite. Barracks also suck population to make units.

- New Planet management interface

- Revise planet production interface – production of goods is controlled via priority instead of percentage

- Units require credits from home planet to maintain; otherwise they start taking damage until destroyed.

- Hydro farm structure – Increases food production of the planet.

- Stronger defense bases – and upgrades

- Planet projects/Technology tree

- Restrictions on ship selections – Each team has a budget, the planets they control and the value of those planets increase this budget.

Version 1.5 – 03/31/2002

- Jammer device – which prevents all communications within 500gu of device when active.

- Missions – Player and AI generated missions for players to fulfill for credits or prestige.

- More control of units on the surface. Allow units to fortify, making them harder to destroy

- New ground units – Spy, Diplomat, Artillery, Heavy Infantry, Armor

- Send message when attacking player in FF zone

- Space based platforms build able by the engineering ship – Defense platform, supply platform, sensor platform, storage, shipyard, etc.

- Bunker structure – Protects unit and some population from bombardment

- Shield ship – which can protect several ships within 250gu with it’s shields


www.darkspace.net has a new look...
- Posted on February 1st, 2002 - 16:25 by Faustus
The DarkSpace web site has been redesigned by Oliver 'StarDust' Poetzelberger. If you haven't thanked him yet, please do so the next time you are blowing up his cruiser in the Luyten system.

In Addition, the Online Manual has been brought up to date with the current 1.3 release. Currently, the manual is only available in English. We will be translating it over the next couple of weeks.
Database crash...
- Posted on February 1st, 2002 - 10:59 by Faustus
Due to a database crash we lost some data from 2AM until 9:40AM this morning. The database has been restored and is functional, however some data may have been lost. We apologize for any inconvenience this crash may have caused you.

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