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DarkSpace - Beta
News - 425 Articles, page 27 of 43 [PREVIOUS] [NEXT]
Version 1.466 Release
- Posted on April 26th, 2002 - 09:24 by Faustus
We anticipate version 1.466 will be released on Monday, April 29th. This newest version contains several fixes, balance changes, and many new features...

- Grouping has been added, which allows players to form in-game groups which share all prestige and rank gains as a group. Players can form, leave, and join groups at their discretion using the in-game interface.

- The Metaverse has been expanded to 25 star systems, providing a more balanced universe for all players. The new metaverse expands the space between all home systems and provides new players with relativity safe areas to play.

- Key mapping has been added to the in-game options screen. You can now reconfigure the entire keyboard to your preference.

- Weapon damage has been rebalanced, adding a random variance to all weapon damage.

- Shields have been increased in strength to better balance the ICC against the other factions.

- Ship capture code has been disabled until we develop a solution that is non-exploitable.

- Jumpgate Safezones have been implemented for all faction entry points. No hostile action will be allowed within 1000gu of the jumpgate safezone.

Prestige Loss from ship stripping
- Posted on April 24th, 2002 - 15:26 by Faustus
Serveral players have complained about prestige loss, this is not due to a bug. It is caused by stripping parts at the jumpgate. Ship stripping is when you take a ship, remove some of the parts into space, then get another ship or die. The value of the parts removed is added to your "Resources Lost", which will negatively affect your prestige and rank.
DarkSpace Radio at TSN
- Posted on April 19th, 2002 - 09:08 by Faustus
Team Sportcast Network will be adding DarkSpace Radio to it's current lineup of shows broadcasted from their shoutcast servers. The first show, scheduled to air May 2nd, at 8:00PM CST will be hosted by our very own Torquemada and co-hosted by H@voc. The show will include music, technical help, tactics, and even in-game live coverage of clan battles. Additionally, the developers of DarkSpace will be on the show to answer questions and provide some insight into future development.

You must have WinAmp or another program that can receive shoutcast broadcasts.
Online Manual Updates in Progress
- Posted on April 12th, 2002 - 13:15 by Vinco
Due to the recent changes in the gameplay, the online manual has become outdated. We are currently revising the manual, and will post when each section is up-to-date.

To report typos in the manual, please email mtaylor_vico@yahoo.com (Moderator Vinco)
DarkSpace Free Trial Offer
- Posted on April 11th, 2002 - 11:17 by Faustus
Austin, Texas, April 11th, 2002. Palestar Inc. and Playnet Inc. announced Thursday that a new version has been released and a free trial for the massively multiplayer online game DarkSpace will begin April 12th, 12:00CST and run until April 19th, 12:00CST. During the free trial, ALL DarkSpace account holders will be able to play with no limitations, and will have the ability to gain prestige, rank, and join all available servers.

Additionally, DarkSpace Version 1.458, which is being released today, adds several new features and fixes many bugs. “We have put a lot of effort into this release, added several new technologies to the tech trees and given players even more goodies to use against each other. Those who have tried an earlier version of DarkSpace, would be amazed at all the new features in the game now.” Commented Richard “Faustus” Lyle, Palestar’s President and Lead Programmer.

DarkSpace can be downloaded from www.darkspace.net.
Version 1.455 Released..
- Posted on April 5th, 2002 - 11:53 by Faustus
This is probably the most stable release of DarkSpace ever. The primary bug which was causing most of the crashes has been found and squashed. Additionally, much effort has been put into this release to make the factions as balanced as possible.

The auto update should automatically upgrade you to version 1.455, but if you do have problems a new installer is located in the Download Page

Check the Development Log for a complete log of all the changes going into version 1.455.
- Posted on April 4th, 2002 - 14:08 by Faustus
We have 2 events scheduled to happen tomorrow, Firstly the release of version 1.45x will happen at noon CST. This release will strive to correct balance and crash problems with the game, check out the Development Log to see the changes. Additionally, the technology tree has many more technologies to research, including the awsome AM Jump Drive.

Starting at 2pm CST, we will be putting online a new combat scenerio server for 24 hours. This event will hopefully allow alot of new players to have some fun playing with the destroyer class ships. The map will contain lots of linked jump gates, which should make the action pretty fast and furiious.
Poll and development log...
- Posted on April 2nd, 2002 - 08:13 by Faustus
A couple of new items have been added to the DarkSpace website.

The Polls link in the menu on the left will take you to our DarkSpace polling page where we are putting up polls concerning balance and future development. Another major addition is the Development Log link also located in the web page menu. Check here to see what code is currenly in Alpha, Beta, or just released.
Prestige Reset...
- Posted on April 1st, 2002 - 07:43 by Faustus
Due to exploits and cheats being used by many players, we will be resetting all player prestige to ZERO at 12:00 CST today. We regret and apologize for this poorly conceived April fools joke.
Version 1.44 Release...
- Posted on March 30th, 2002 - 11:25 by Faustus
A new update for Version 1.4 has been released, which corrects several bugs and adds a few new features.

- The ELF Beam is now available to the K'Luth, which can be used to drain energy from another enemy ship.

- The EMP device has been redone to cause moe internal damaged when used. The range has been reduced from 500gu to 250gu.

- The ICC now the SABOT Rocket added to their technology tree.

- Ship AI code has been improved to allow the Jump Drive to be used. This means, you can orbit a distant planet, and the AI will automatically use the jump drives to get to the destination. This improvement also applies to AI transports for the star ports.

- A bug with the trade route code has been fixed to allow trade routes to be created for all planets to all other friendly planets.

- Audio device is no longer required to play DarkSpace.

- Planet lock code has been improved, to prevent structures from being scraped or disabled when the planet is locked.

We are going to address balance and CTD issues all next week, and release those in version 1.45 later this week.

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