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DarkSpace - Beta
News - 425 Articles, page 4 of 43 [PREVIOUS] [NEXT]
Consolidation of Beta...
- Posted on August 20th, 2010 - 23:32 by Faustus
We are consolidating the DarkSpace Beta website back into the main website. This consolidation will occur over the next few days, eventually the DarkSpace Beta lobby will be removed as well. You will still be able to play Beta, this will not change.

In the end it just didn't make sense to maintain two websites for the same product.
Time Played Reset for some users...
- Posted on August 20th, 2010 - 23:00 by Faustus
Due to a bug we had in the server a while back, some users "Time Played" was corrupted and increased by huge amounts. These users may find that their "Time Played" has been reset to 0.

If this REALLY bothers you, you may submit a request to support@palestar.com and a administrator will process your request to change your time played based upon your estimate of the total amount of time you've spent playing DarkSpace.
New MV Interface
- Posted on August 10th, 2010 - 15:14 by BackSlash
A few players have been noticing that the MV servers you're used to seeing in the server list have been 'offline' since patch 1.539 went live. This is not true. Our MV servers are now intergrated into one giant map that you can see all at once. Simply join the one MV server and enjoy.
DNS Issues...
- Posted on August 3rd, 2010 - 12:10 by Faustus
We are aware of some ongoing DNS issues with our domain name which appears to be caused by our current provider. We are now in the process of switching to a new DNS hosting service and should be back up and running 100% within 24 hours we hope. Please accept our apologize as service may continue to be interrupted until we are switched over to the new DNS host.
Public Events
- Posted on July 4th, 2010 - 07:46 by Drafell
Thanks to BackSlash, players are now able to submit Public Events via the Events page. Please see Comments thread for more information.

Your comments and feedback...
Update Problems...
- Posted on June 14th, 2010 - 22:58 by Dr Venture
We are aware of the problems some users are experiencing with updating their clients. We are working on the problem and expect to have a new installer and update available soon to fix the issue.

UPDATE: A new 1.534 installer has been uploaded to the website to fix the issue. If you are having problems, uninstall, download and run the new installer from the downloads section.
Enhancement changes coming!
- Posted on May 12th, 2010 - 17:55 by BackSlash
We have made some major changes to the enhancement system in beta... These changes need to be tested as much as possible before release, please report any problems to the bug reporting forums.
Recruiting forum Open
- Posted on May 6th, 2010 - 15:28 by Mersenne Twister
In an effort to clean up clutter in the Diplomacy forum (which is for clan relations and interactions and other diplomatic matters), we've added a new forum under the Groups category.

Whether you're LFG or GLF, if you wish to post a recruitment thread, please post it in the Recruitment forum, not in Diplomacy.

And don't self-bump your threads either, that's just tacky.
Reverse Jump bug Exploit
- Posted on April 13th, 2010 - 05:03 by Tael
We are aware of the issue that cropped up in a recent patch set that allows ships to jump backwards a short distance. This was never an intended function of the game. Its a bug that we are going to be fixing shortly. As it is an unintended bug, abuse of this function will be considered "exploiting" and will be delt with as such.
Online Store Online..
- Posted on March 31st, 2010 - 08:57 by Faustus
PLEASE REMEMBER that servers & bandwidth are NOT FREE, so show your support for DarkSpace by SUBSCRIBING or buying in-game credits using our NEW ONLINE STORE.

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