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DarkSpace - Beta
News - 425 Articles, page 25 of 43 [PREVIOUS] [NEXT]
Flux Wave
- Posted on June 28th, 2002 - 19:38 by Faustus
All administrators have been instructed to reset the ships / storage of any players found using a faction specific device not belonging to their faction. This includes the Flux Wave (UGTO), Pulse Shield (ICC), Pulse Beam(ICC), and Flux Beam(UGTO).

All players are instructed to sell those devices at the nearest star port.
Version 1.473 Release
- Posted on June 28th, 2002 - 10:28 by Faustus
We anticpate version 1.473 will be released later today, June 28th, 2002. See the Development Log for full details on what has been changed.

- The imbalance created by the use of technology between the factions has hit a critical point. This has required the implementation of new code which restricts the use of certain devices to one faction only. The cloaking and auto repair devices remain K'Luth technology only. The ICC retain shields, pulse shield, and pulse beam as devices they can only use. The flux beam and flux wave can now only be used by the UGTO.

- Clients who exit the game without taking their ship back to the home gate are now left in-game for 60 seconds. If their ship is destroyed, then those points are counted against the player. This was done to prevent players from logging out right before they are destroyed.

- Several fixes have been implemented to fix lag in the Metaverse.

The metaverse will NOT be reset after this release. Ships with flux waves already equipped will not be removed except by natural selection.

Additional Community Admin
- Posted on June 27th, 2002 - 08:55 by sunshine
TheBumble (also known as Bumblebee) has been voted in as the latest addition to DarkSpace's Administration/Community Management staff. Let's all congratulate him on his new position ...

New Profile Options...
- Posted on June 21st, 2002 - 02:42 by Dr Evil
There are two new option located in the profile, Reset State and Reset Profile. Reset State will reset your MV ship statistics including anything you have in storage. Reset Profile will completely reset the player profile information to zero and your MV ship and storage. Exercise caution when using these options.
Version 1.472 Release...
- Posted on June 18th, 2002 - 13:26 by Faustus
Austin, Texas, June 18th, 2002. Palestar Inc has announced that the release of DarkSpace version 1.472 will occur on Wednesday, June 19th, 2002. Several new fixes and features have been included in this release, for full details of what has been added check the development log at www.darkspace.net. The key features and fixes include…

- The much anticipated Mission System adds random and scripted missions into the game. These missions provide additional means for players to advance in rank and earn credits within the game.

- A storage system has been implemented which allows players to store up to 50 items and 6 different ships for use in the MetaVerse.

- Players in the MetaVerse now spawn at the closest system with a direct line of control from their home system. This will allow players in the MetaVerse to quickly rejoin the battle.

- The new Moderator Orb gives moderators a indestructible ship from which they can moderate the game and add additional items and monsters into the game.

This release will require a full reset of the MetaVerse. All players should be online to recapture their territory after the release occurs.

Note: Few scripted missions currently exist at the time of this release, however we anticipate the number of scripted missions to increase rapidly after this release.
Fleet Culling...
- Posted on June 13th, 2002 - 08:47 by Faustus
Due to the large number of fleets with less than 4 members, many of which are in-active. We are now disbanding any fleet that has less than 4 members 48 hours after creation. Hopefully, this change will encourage fleets to actively recruit members and become more active in DarkSpace. All fleets will have 48 hours from today before they are culled for lack of members, so get recruiting.

Additionally, when a fleet is 20 or more members a forum will automatically be created for use by those fleet members.
Playing in Beta MV = Loss of regular MV ship....
- Posted on June 7th, 2002 - 01:06 by Dr Evil
If you wish to participate in testing the current beta code but are afraid to because you'll lose your heavily modded regular MV ship, have no fear!

We will compensate you for your lost MV ship in credits! Yes, you heard me correctly, we want you to go and try to blow up the beta servers, find all the bugs, and give us good feedback on all the code changes. Just let a mod or admin know you're going to be playing in beta (we'll be keeping track via server logs and first hand eye witnesses), spend a few days in there beating it up, then come out and give us your thoughts in the beta forum. When you're done, let an admin know and we'll compensate you for your time and lost MV ship.

-Dr Evil

Disco Fever... Just Call Me John Travolta...
- Posted on June 7th, 2002 - 00:08 by Dr Evil
Lately it seems that logging off in comat to save prestige has become very fashionable, some players are even so disallusioned as to call it a valid tactic. Sadly, we've been forced to take a stand on it and add yet another exploit to the Terms of Use, section 3-3...

Eventually, like all bugs and exploits, this will be dealt with in code. Until such time, the staff will do their best to enforce it and ensure that everyone plays fairly. If you are caught intentionally diconnecting, the admins will adjust your profile as necessary. Repeat offenders run the risk of having their profiles wiped and being banned from the game servers.

Play fair, play honest, have fun!

-Dr Evil
New exploit added to the RoC....
- Posted on June 3rd, 2002 - 13:15 by Dr Evil
As of Sunday, June 2nd, 2002, point blank cruise missle bombing is officially considered a punishable exploit. It was deemed an exploit for the simple fact that no single ship should be able to level a well built planet by itself.

Definition: Cruise missle bombing from a distance close enough to the planet surface so as to not allow the planetary defenses time to react properly. Basically, this is any distance 100 gu's and under. Due to the large blast radius of the PCM, even if the def base can fire, the resulting explosion from the PCM being intercepted still demolishes the structures on the surface.

DS strives to promote team work and cooperation and this exploit goes against those very things we strive for. Eventually, it will be addressed directly with software changes, but until such time, it will be enforced by administrative action.

Additionally, the exploit list has been updated. Please refer to the RoC for details.

Play fair, play honorably, have fun!

-Dr Evil
Version 1.470 Released...
- Posted on May 20th, 2002 - 08:41 by Faustus
Version 1.470 has been released, this version includes many new fixes and reductions in bandwidth usage. You can view all changes included in this version by viewing the Development Log. This patch includes many major changes, all players will be required to use the DOWNLOAD button in the lobby to get the patch. The auto-updater will most likely fail due to changes in the engine.

Due to internal data changes, all ships in the Metaverse have been reset. All players with less than 100,000 credits have been set to 100,000 credits to make up for their losses.

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