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DarkSpace - Beta
News - 425 Articles, page 23 of 43 [PREVIOUS] [NEXT]
User Culling...
- Posted on October 22nd, 2002 - 11:29 by Faustus
Beginning on November 1st we will begin culling the user database of inactive accounts. Any account without a paid subscription will be subject to being deleted from the database 90 days after the subscription has ended. Accounts which have never subscribed, will be deleted within 30 days after their creation.

Fleet Culling...
- Posted on October 17th, 2002 - 16:21 by Faustus
The requirements for having a fleet has been changed. The minimum number of members is now 2 instead of 4 and the amount of time to meet these requirements has been increased to 7 days.
Server and Billing Changes
- Posted on October 16th, 2002 - 12:46 by Faustus
We will be performing major server maintence on October 31st 10:00AM CST. All servers will go offline at that time, we anticpate they will be back online by 2:00PM the same day.

The servers are being moved to a new co-location which will provide better bandwidth and ping times for all players. We are also adding serveral new servers as we prepare for the retail release.

The new billing system will go online at this time as we switch from Playnet to our own internal billing system. Our new payment processor, Bibit, will be processing all future subscriptions for DarkSpace.

Bibit will appear on your bank statements instead of Playnet after the 31st of October.

Version 1.480 Release
- Posted on October 4th, 2002 - 14:37 by Demorian
Palestar has released Version 1.480 of the DarkSpace Client as of October 4, 2002. The major changes are as follows:

- The stabilized Network Code has been completely implemented, drastically reducing the frequency of server crashes.

- Arming Clocks are now installed on all MiRV Fusion Bombs/Bio Bombs and Proton Cruise Missiles, requiring that a certain amount of time pass after launch before they arm themselves and are capable of exploding on a planet or vessel's surface.

- The Proxy Server has been implemented to regulate the flow of inter-server traffic in the Metaverse, ensuring a 99.9% chance of successful travel between servers.

- The ELF Beam has been given a technological upgrade by K'Luth scientists, ensuring that no Human vessels, ICC or UGTO, may install it.

- A number of other bugs and issues have been corrected with this version as well. See the Development Log for full details on this patch.

New Community Administrator -The Evil Griffin
- Posted on October 3rd, 2002 - 12:50 by Tael
Please join us in welcoming aboard our newest Administrator for the NA region: The Evil Griffin.
DarkSpace Available for Pre-order at EB Games Online
- Posted on September 28th, 2002 - 22:20 by Selvarian
The retail release of DarkSpace is now available for pre-order at Electronics Boutique Games Online for $19.99 plus S&H.

The package will contain a CD, printed reference manual, and a coupon good for 1 free month of DarkSpace. Other extras may be included and will be announced here.

Show your support for your favorite game by reserving your copy today!
Faustus interviewed on Radio DarkSpace...
- Posted on September 21st, 2002 - 03:12 by Dr Evil
Click here for the Radio DarkSpace interview of Faustus on 09/18/02. Get a glimpse into the future of DarkSpace from the developer himself. (9.1 mb, 53 mins)
Network Stability Patch
- Posted on September 18th, 2002 - 09:46 by Faustus
We will be releasing a new server-side patch later today that will finally fix the network code stability issues. The problem, as always, was a simple bug that was causing the servers to crash and thus disconnecting all the clients. Thanks to everyone yesterday who got on the servers, and delt with the very annoying crashes, those logs helped in finding the cause of the crashes.

Thanks to everyone for their patience.
Beta Testers Needed...
- Posted on September 11th, 2002 - 12:36 by Faustus
We are now testing the stability of the network code in beta, if you would like to help the download the beta client from the Downloads page and join in the action. The new network code needs to be tested with as many players as possible so we can make sure it is stable before it is released.
Version 1.479 Release
- Posted on August 24th, 2002 - 13:17 by Faustus
The next version, 1.479 will be release on Monday August 26th. See the Development Log for full details on the changes in this release.

- Jump Drives now take longer to recharge and consume more fuel for larger ships. This is a HUGE improvement in balance for the smaller ships since they have now have a much faster recharge rate and longer range than before. Additionally, the jump velocity has been increase dramatically to imrprove the playability of the MetaVerse.

- Grouping now awards full prestige and is no longer scaled. This means, players can increase their prestige gain dramatically by forming groups in-game. This change should encourage team-play and help new players into the DarkSpace universe.

- Sever stability has been improved, which is the real reason why this version is being released more quickly than normal.

- All torpedo weapons track now, including the ICC fusion torpedo and the K'Luth AM torpedo.

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