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DarkSpace - "Gone Gold"
- Posted on November 15th, 2002 - 09:17 by Faustus

Weston, CT - November 12, 2002 - Got Game Entertainment, publisher of entertainment software for PC and other platforms, today announced that the retail version of DarkSpace, a massively multiplayer online action strategy game has gone gold and will be on retail shelves in North America by the end of November.

Got Game's retail version of this action strategy game, which set in space and puts you in command of a massive starship, is distinguished from the online download by an exclusive soundtrack and a free one month subscription. New players logging on with the retail version will also enjoy a higher starting rank which expands their choice of ships to command.

DarkSpace players subscribe to and participate in a massively multiplayer world, shattering campaigns and receiving dynamic content updates of new ship types, races, technology, and strategies that make the game re-playable virtually indefinitely. Team based game play means you are never alone or without help, all players in your faction are your allies. DarkSpace also features 3D accelerated graphics using developer PaleStar's proprietary MEDUSA(tm) engine.

DarkSpace will retail for $19.99 (US) and $29.99 (CAN)
Respawn UK - DarkSpace
- Posted on November 13th, 2002 - 12:30 by Faustus
Respawn UK picked DarkSpace as Best Space Game of 2002. We thank Respawn for the award, and truely do appreciate their support. We also thank all the players who voted in the Respawn UK Game of the Year poll.

Check out this snipet from the review...

"Respawns Best Space Game of the Year could easily be have been our game of year if it received the same hype upon launch as other games. It may be second in this years Game of the Year user poll but it remains a true winner in every respect..."

You can read the full article online by clicking HERE.

PayByCash Available...
- Posted on November 6th, 2002 - 08:58 by Faustus
No Credit Card? No Problem! Players without a credit card can now use www.paybycash.com to pay for their DarkSpace subscription. PayByCash offers several additional methods of payment, including checks/money orders by mail. You can setup your paybycash account, by clicking on the Subscribe link in the main menu or in your player profile.
New Servers and Billing...
- Posted on November 1st, 2002 - 11:10 by Faustus
We have successfully moved all the DarkSpace servers to our new co-location at Prismnet and activated the new and improved billing system for DarkSpace.

The new co-location offers a far better ping time for most players and the bandwidth pipe is much bigger.

The new billing system is a huge improvement over the previous, offering over 60 different forms of payment through Bibit, our new payment processor. The billing system is now fully integrated into your user profile, no longer requiring a second account to be created for billing purposes. Additionally, administrators now have easy access to your subscription information, allowing them to quickly resolve billing issues.

All subscribers should note that Bibit will appear on their bank statements starting November 1, 2002.

Fleet Forums are now private...
- Posted on October 28th, 2002 - 09:23 by Faustus
All fleet forums are now restricted to members of the fleets only. No other players can now view or post messages to your private fleet forums.
Fleet Wars Winners!
- Posted on October 28th, 2002 - 01:54 by TheEvilGriffin
The WINNING Fleet of the October 2002 Fleet Wars is Agents!!!

CONGRATULATIONS to the WINNING FLEET and to its members. Our thanks go out to all of of the participants and fleets, you are all truly sportsmen and worthy competitors! It just goes to prove that you all are DarkSpace champions, and that you all can work together to achieve something great!
User Culling Update...
- Posted on October 23rd, 2002 - 16:28 by Faustus
We have changed the rules by which user accounts will be culled starting November 1st. Accounts inactive for more than 90 days, and not subscribed will be deleted only after several email warnings that their account will be removed. Demo and unsubscribed players may keep their accounts intact by just logging into the lobby once per 90 days.
Faction Wars
- Posted on October 23rd, 2002 - 16:07 by TheEvilGriffin
Faction Wars will be held Oct. 26th at 12 pm CST.

So sharpen your weapons of destruction and prepare for battle!
Metaverse Reset...
- Posted on October 23rd, 2002 - 11:55 by Faustus
The Metaverse will be reset when we move the servers to our new co-location on October 31st.
DarkSpace IRC Channel
- Posted on October 22nd, 2002 - 16:38 by Demorian
In light of the coming retail release of DarkSpace, a brand new IRC channel is in place for all DarkSpace users, as well as curious players-to-be, to join in on and have a good time. We will be using this channel to serve as an extension of our GameCQ chat client, and it should be a very similar environment except a little more laid back since we are not directly in the DarkSpace client and environment. Interested?

mIRC (Internet Relay Chat) is an extremely popular and free (for 30 days) chat client with thousands of chat servers spread across the world with equal thousands of channels (rooms) within each. For those interested in getting in to DarkSpace IRC and mIRC, go to mirc.com and download the latest mIRC client. It's totally cost- and bug-free. However, mIRC is a shareware clientand has a trial period. If you would like a freeware client, check out bersirc.com.

If you're interested in joining the channel itself, use the following information to guide you:

- In the mIRC/bersIRC Connect Dialog (if you don't see it, goto File > Options > Connect), click the uppermost drop-down box and click on Gamesnet, then select random east/west server from the next dropbox down, depending on where you are.

- Enter a full name and an email (not necessary to have true information) then fill in a nickname (aka username) and an alternative username in case the first is taken. Now connect to IRC.

- In the main IRC window, after you see all the connecting information scroll by, type in /join #darkspace. You can be in more than one room at once.

- See IRC and Gamesnet help (there is a link in the server connecting information mentioned above) for more detailed IRC commands such as nick registering.

The DarkSpace Staff encourages all players and all those interested in learning about DarkSpace to come join us in our new channel! We look forward to seeing you there.

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