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News - 425 Articles, page 20 of 43 [PREVIOUS] [NEXT]
Internet Worm Affects Windows NT/2000/XP/2003
- Posted on August 12th, 2003 - 10:18 by Selvarian {IMC}
In the last 24-48 hours, an Internet worm has started making the rounds, exploiting a recent vulnerability in the DCOM-RPC service in Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000, Windows XP, and Windows 2003. If your computer is exhibiting strange behavior, such as giving messages about RPC errors and shutting down on its own in about a minute after reporting a bunch of strange messages, then you are most likely being affected by it. Updating your virus scanner may not be of much use, as the worm will continue to attempt to re-infect your computer as long as the vulnerability exists. Updating your firewall MAY help, but the recommended solution is to IMMEDIATELY download and install the following patch:


Also, if you are affected, a removal tool is here:


Note that systems not connected to the Internet will not be affected by the worm, but should still be patched anyway as a precaution.

Severe Power outage at ISP...
- Posted on August 11th, 2003 - 21:49 by Faustus
Due to some major thunderstorms rolling through Austin, TX, our ISP experienced a serious power outage. The ISP does have backup power, but due to the length of the power outage (over an hour), the batteries drained and all servers lost power. Due to the lost of power, some star systems were corrupted and had to be reset.

Servers are all back online at 10:30 CST, most of the storm activity has gone south of Austin.
New Combat Music...
- Posted on May 6th, 2003 - 11:13 by Faustus

New combat music is now online and will be downloaded automatically from the patch server on your next update. Matt Sayre of MSA composed the new piece who has done music for many other games and projects, check out his website by clicking here.

New Map Testing
- Posted on April 5th, 2003 - 16:19 by Selvarian {IMC}
In preparation for the expansion of the MetaVerse, we are now testing some of the new maps that were submitted for the Map Contest a few months ago. Feel free to join the server and try them out. They are on a 9-map rotation, and pres gain is ON! Please leave feedback about them in the Developer Feedback forum.
Changing of the Guard...
- Posted on April 1st, 2003 - 23:00 by Dr Evil
Selvarian has stepped down as the Community Manager and moved into a full time development role. We express our many thanks for his dedicated service and leadership. Selv is looking forward to actually getting some time to play with his new found freedom.

Tragicx has been voted in as the next NA region admin to fill the vacancy. He's not looking forward to not having time to play. Welcome aboard [Admin]Trag!
MetaVerse Reset...
- Posted on March 9th, 2003 - 14:11 by Dr Evil
The MetaVerse was reset back to neutral early Saturday morning (March 8th, 1am CST) to cure the chronic lag problems we have been experiencing in both the game servers and in the chat rooms.
Web Server...
- Posted on February 10th, 2003 - 13:51 by Faustus
A few changes have happened with the DarkSpace web server...

Firstly, we've been forced to place bandwidth restrictions on our web server to limit the amount of bandwidth being used. We've also added a new module to compress the web pages, also in an effort to reduce bandwidth usage. Lastly, we have moved our web pages to a faster machine. This may cause some people to experience problems with downloading the client, as it takes a few hours for the DNS changes to propagate through the Internet.
AroundCinci.com Reviews DarkSpace
- Posted on February 3rd, 2003 - 22:04 by Selvarian
The Gaming section of AroundCinci.com has reviewed DarkSpace and been kind enough to give us an 8.5 overall rating! Thanks to Ben "the worst fleet admiral ever" Rudick for a great review. Here's a snippet...

One very outstanding element of the game is the players themselves. Never before in my gaming career have I been in such a welcoming and friendly gaming atmosphere. They were always willing to give me a loan or teach me tactics.

Read the full review...
Dark Space Map Contest Winners
- Posted on January 16th, 2003 - 13:54 by TheEvilGriffin
Congrats to Zurai for Sigma Draconis the 1st place winner. More info can be read
GamersHell Review
- Posted on January 2nd, 2003 - 09:02 by Faustus
Gamers Hell gives DarkSpace and 8 out of 10. Here is a snipet from the review...

"This really is the closest to a perfect online space-strategy game I’ve seen so far, but prepare to spend a fair amount of time getting to know everything until you really see this game shine."

Read the full review...

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