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Server Move Completed...
- Posted on May 1st, 2012 - 10:03 by Faustus
Our server is at it's new home, and hopefully you will see an improvement in speed and ping times. Please keep in mind, that we are now running DarkSpace servers in a new OS and we will continue to have numerous restarts and updates as we shake out the bugs.

-- Thanks for your patience.
Server Move...
- Posted on April 28th, 2012 - 19:47 by Faustus
We are moving DarkSpace to a new server this coming Sunday night. Expect the Website & Game to be down start ing at 9PM CST for a few hours.

UPDATE: The server move has been delayed until April 30th, 2012.
Please remember to donate to DarkSpace...
- Posted on April 20th, 2012 - 09:55 by Faustus
Known fact, Servers & Bandwidth cost money....

This is why even though the game is FREE we allow players to buy credits & subscriptions to keep DarkSpace running. If you can afford it, and you enjoy playing DarkSpace consider this a friendly reminder to buy some credits or subscribe!. We are very close to not being able to cover our costs this month.
Happy Holidays from Palestar!
- Posted on December 24th, 2011 - 21:15 by Pantheon
All the staff here at Palestar wish the community happy holidays and good tidings for the new year!

We've got some work ahead of us, but a lot of framework has been put in palce to build a much stronger DarkSpace for next year. So thank you players for supporting this niché MMO and it's volunteer staff through the highs and lows of years gone to celebrate seeing DarkSpace into 2012 and its 10th anniversairy!
DarkSpace Wiki is live!
- Posted on October 11th, 2011 - 21:53 by Mersenne Twister
We've set up our own wiki for DarkSpace.

Our aim here is to provide an alternative to, and (eventually) a replacement of the Manual, FAQ, and several other documents.

For the time being, the wiki is currently hosted off-site, by Backslash on his own domain, but we have plans to copy over the database to DarkSpace's own webserver at a later date.

This wiki is powered by the popular MediaWiki software, so if you frequent other wikis, it should feel familiar. As an added perk, Firefox and Chrome users can add the wiki to their list of search engines, making it easier to reference the manual or other content.

Naturally, there are a couple ground rules in effect, namely that the Rules of Conduct do apply (and will be enforced) and that we ask you register with your DarkSpace player name, just for the sake of keeping track of who's who.

One last point, until October 24th we're running a bit of a competition. Creators of the 10 most popular pages (exempting those that were staff-created) will get a nice chunk of credits. We'll also be randomly selecting a few pages, and the creators of those will get credits as well. BUT WAIT, THERE'S MORE: We're on the lookout for some skilled&prolific contributors to be tapped as a group of super users for moderating and maintaining the wiki.
Developer Blog - Fleet levels and more!
- Posted on June 13th, 2011 - 12:52 by Mr Black

BackSlash has started our official Development Blog with an article about some of the features he is currently working on for the game, and where we are aiming to take it in the future.

For quite some time players and the development staff have queried the usefulness of fleets outside of the obvious bringing together of players, the forums, and various communication facilities; and whilst those are all marvellous things, there has always been a deep wanting for more depth for fleeted players.

Now whilst you most likely won't see many of the things I'm going to talk about in this blog in the next patch, I figured it'd be nice to fill you in on something that I've been working on over the past week. Bear in mind that everything is still up in the air as far as design goes, and the level of integration with the game might be slow to start at first – but it's the thought that counts, right?


New Administrator
- Posted on May 15th, 2011 - 17:02 by Nax
[Flash News] Recently unearthed scientific archives involving tesseract based drive technology were found in the Tau Ceti system. An unexpected interaction with the electromagnetic fields of the discoverer's resulted in a surge...the immediate disappearance of the equipment, and the appearance of a single humanoid. It is currently unknown if this being, Pantheon, is hostile.

Please welcome Palestar's newest addition to our Administration team, Pantheon.
Happy Holidays!
- Posted on December 22nd, 2010 - 17:10 by BackSlash
Happy Holidays from all the staff at PaleStar!
Green Slime is sticky...
- Posted on November 10th, 2010 - 21:08 by Eledore Massis [R33]
While digging for adminium, i "Eledore Massis [R33]" Fell into a large cave filled with slime.
After a long time fighting with the slime and the long climb up i returned back into the lobby.
Not until i got complaints from my fellow players that i looked a bit different did i notice that i got this sticky green slime all over me.

It will be kind of hard to get used to being a Moderator but i will try my best to be of service to the community.
The Smurf is dead..! Long live the Green Goblin..!
DarkSpace Version 1.542 Released
- Posted on September 19th, 2010 - 18:51 by Capn "Dead Sea" Black
Some important graphical updates have been made to the DarkSpace game. For full information see the Development Log. We are also looking for some good screenshots of the new effects. Submit your entries in the HDR/Bloom Screenshot Request thread. If you have any issues with the graphics for the latest patch, please take a look at 1.542 - Release - Graphics Issues.

We hope you enjoy all of our hard work and continue supporting the game.

- The Development Team

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