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DarkSpace - Beta
News - 425 Articles, page 16 of 43 [PREVIOUS] [NEXT]
New Website and Forum Features
- Posted on September 13th, 2004 - 21:35 by Shigernafy
Palestar is proud to announce the arrival of new website and forum features. They include some player-requested changes to Fleet management, a new way for Fleets to communicate in the forums, a Fleet Treasury system, and an extension of badges in an Awards system. For detailed information, check out the Development Log, or the Developer Announcements forum. Also note that signatures in the forums have been limited in size, which has resulted in all existing signatures not being shown. To make yours visible again, see the instructions in this post.
Dial-up connection issues...
- Posted on September 12th, 2004 - 09:14 by Faustus
We are still seeing some users on dial-up connections having problems connecting to the Metaverse. If you try to connect and your disconnected, please alt-tab out of the application (do not close it) and email the file called "SocketTrace.log" to bugs@palestar.com. This will help us diagnose the problem so it can be fixed ASAP.
New Poll...
- Posted on September 12th, 2004 - 08:37 by Faustus
Please help us determine how the lag is doing in the Metaverse so we can make it better. Click Here to VOTE!
Version 1.482 Released
- Posted on September 1st, 2004 - 11:00 by Faustus
Palestar/DarkSpace is happy to annouce that version 1.482 has been released. This version includes fixes and new features including the following:

- New UDP based communication code which greatly reduces the lag issues.

- Localization enabled, so that all in-game text can now be translated to any language. A localization package will be released in September.

- New memory allocation code which has increased the overall performance of the game.

- Several other bug and exploit fixes, for full details view the development log.

Note: A new installer IS available for download for those who are having problems with the auto-update.
1.482 Stress Test
- Posted on August 29th, 2004 - 00:15 by Oz
Palestar is calling you to participate in the final stress and bug test of v1.482. Sunday, August 29, 2004 we want as many of you as possible to work the version currently in beta through it's paces.

The unicode compatability issue with Windows 95/98/ME has been resolved.

We want as many players as possible to participate, in order to insure that this is as good an update as we can create.

If you have not already downloaded and installed the Beta Client, please do so. You can find it through the Downloads link on the home page of your GCQL client, all the way at the bottom of the file list.

Good hunting!
Update on the status of beta...
- Posted on August 27th, 2004 - 11:08 by Oz
Faustus has posted an update to the status of beta.

Check it out here.
New Homepage Banners
- Posted on August 26th, 2004 - 03:54 by Shigernafy
The DarkSpace Homepage now sports some new banner images across the top! Due to an Event Staff Competition a while back, we had some great new images to liven up the website a bit, so now the page will randomly display one of the submitted images.

The images come from some of our own resident graphic masters: Barthezzz, Meko, GTW, Bad_Skeelz, and Captain Caveman.

We hope you enjoy the new images; if you have an image you think is worthy of the homepage, post in this thread in the Event Forum.
Continual updates to beta...
- Posted on August 23rd, 2004 - 11:19 by Oz
Faustus has made great progress in refining the socket code so that connections are smoother and more stable.

Currently, Faustus is working on addressing the unicode compatability issue with Windows 95/98/ME.

Please post new bug issues to this thread.
Update on the status of v1.482...
- Posted on August 18th, 2004 - 14:47 by Oz
Faustus has posted an update on the status of the code currently in beta.

Read about it here.
First v1.482 beta is up...
- Posted on August 17th, 2004 - 15:52 by Oz
The first beta of v1.482 is up. Please take some time to download the beta client, which can be found at the bottom of the downloads page.

A post with details on the beta can be found here.

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