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DarkSpace - Beta
News - 425 Articles, page 14 of 43 [PREVIOUS] [NEXT]
Screenshot Competition (1st)
- Posted on July 10th, 2005 - 12:51 by Nax
Congratulations to the winners of our first screenshot competition of 2005. Up to twenty-one individual screenshots each won a 1 day coupon with an additional grand prize (3 day coupon) to the top vote getter.

Congratulations CharAznable (#1) for being our Grand Prize Winner with honorable mentions to SwitchBlade (#9) and Bobamelius (#2).

The top 21 voted Screenshots are:


Switchblade5 day coupon

Kit4 day coupon

Bobamelius2 day coupon

Fattierob2 day coupon

Mad Bum2 day coupon

Doran1 day coupon

CharAznable4 day coupon

Banshee1 day coupon

You can view the screen shots HERE.

Interview on GameCloud.com
- Posted on July 8th, 2005 - 16:36 by Faustus
GameCloud.com recently posted an interview with myself, you can read the interview by CLICKING HERE.

Gamecloud - Beyond the next update what other improvements and additions do you plan to make for Darkspace in the future?

Richard Lyle - Space platforms will be in the next version for certain... which will allow players to build space-based structures for supply and defense. Additionally, I'm working on some major engine improvements and porting the game and server backend over to some other platforms.
Beta Stress Test
- Posted on June 21st, 2005 - 13:32 by Faustus
Phase 2 of the beta stress test will occur this weekend. You can download the beta version of DarkSpace from the downloads section if you would like to participate. This will likely be the last stress test before we release the new version.
Compensation Policy changed...
- Posted on June 7th, 2005 - 01:18 by Mithrandir
Just a note to check the Staff Announcements forum, as Palestar's policy on providing compensation for lost ships has been changed slightly and posted for clarification. You can find the post here.

The most important change to note is that the burden of proof has been raised, so that compensation requests should include either screenshots or testimonies from other players. See the policy for details.
Join us in welcoming two new community administrators...
- Posted on May 12th, 2005 - 21:34 by Tael
Join us in welcoming our two newest community administrators Bitopherous and Nax. These two staff members have been singled out to join the rest of the admin staff in your targetting cross hairs.
New MIR screenshots...
- Posted on May 3rd, 2005 - 20:49 by Faustus
Just posted some screenshots of the MIR cruiser from beta.
Beta 1.483 Phase 1 Stess Test this weekend
- Posted on April 19th, 2005 - 22:17 by Tael
Thats right, starting this weekend, Friday 22nd, 2005 at 8pm CST, we will begin Phase 1 of the stress test cycle to prepare 1.483 for release.

This is the moment many of you have been waiting for. Come see some of the new features and help us squash any little bugs (K'luth too) so we can finally move 1.483 from Beta to Release!

Don't have the Beta client? You can download it here.
Beta server is back online...
- Posted on April 17th, 2005 - 14:53 by Tael
The Beta server has been restored to operation and is back online...
Beta server is down....
- Posted on April 14th, 2005 - 20:10 by Faustus
Due to a faulty power supply beta is currently down. We are working to fix it ASAP, it should be back up and running within 24 hours.

UPDATE: A replacement power supply is being difficult to find. The server should be back up and running late afternoon on 4/16.
Policy for Alliances
- Posted on January 12th, 2005 - 01:18 by Tael
Just because you want to have an Alliance with someone does not mean everyone on your team needs to abide by it. Acting against your own team could land you in hot water. Read and review the policy on Allegiances in the Staff Announcements forum...

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