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 Author Nobody will remember me...but.
Grand Admiral
Templar Knights

Joined: May 30, 2002
Posts: 292
From: Phoenix, AZ
Posted: 2022-12-24 19:30   
Luna Tick, Looney Tick - that's me. Love this game. Even with people like Gothug in it... he was fun to razz.

Wish we could do a gofundme or something and get this thing going again. I remember when it was on the verge of becoming a console game. We all were hoping, only because PC gamers would have crushed them

Spent years till 2 in the morning playing this game. My kids grew up with me playing, and then some of them played.

I'll never forget jumping into a fleet battle with self destruct counting down and the resulting explosions (before interdictors).

Great times.

Peace out homies
Admbito - "I can't jump..."
Lunatiq - "You must be white..."


Joined: January 01, 2023
Posts: 2
Posted: 2023-01-01 21:08   
Nobody remembers anybody. I played this game last....18 years ago I think. Sometime in the early 2000s.

I'm utterly amazed that this thing is still operational. I've seen so many games come and go since this time. I'm perplexed as to how this project still continues to exist, I would think the people who own this are actually paying out of pocket to keep the lights on at this point.

I think I was in my early 20s when I played this game. I'm now 41, soon to be 42.

I'm also an incident manager for Sony Playstation now, so I guess I'm in the gaming industry now, and I get to see the lifecycles of so many projects.

I'm curious what other projects the developers have been working on since this game.


Joined: January 01, 2023
Posts: 2
Posted: 2023-01-01 21:12   
Also, Sony is building a new office for Playstation by the bridge out in Austin, Texas and I think I want to finally ditch California for Austin, TX. Sony many Playstation directors and management live in and around Austin now. Also, Electronic Arts is out there as well nearby.

Who knows, maybe I'll be drinking coffee next to the dudes who developed this game some day soon. If they like coffee anyways. Or Brisket.

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