Willkommen an Bord, Besucher...

Daily Screenshot

Server Costs Target

79% of target met.

Latest Topics

- Anyone still playing from a decade ago or longer? »
- Game still active. NICE! »
- help me »
- Password resett »
- Darkspace Idea/Opinion Submission Thread »
- Rank Bug maybe? »
- Next patch .... »
- Nobody will remember me...but. »
- 22 years...asking for help from one community to another »
- DS on Ubuntu? »

Development Blog

- Roadmap »
- Hello strangers, it’s been a while... »
- State of DarkSpace Development »
- Potential planetary interdictor changes! »
- The Silent Cartographer »

Combat Kills

Combat kills in last 24 hours:
Kills chart
UGTO (1) ICC (0) K'Luth (0)

Upcoming Events

- Weekly DarkSpace
10/26/24 +4.7 Days



20th - -Smokey-

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DarkSpace - Beta
Step 1: Create AccountStep 2: Activate AccountStep 3: Serial Number (Optional)Step 4: Finish
Step 1: Create Account

Choose a unqiue username for your account, this name will be displayed to other players in the game and lobby. You will also use this name to login to the game.


Pick a password to protect your account from unathorized access. Please enter the same password in the next field for confirmation.

Confirm Password:

Enter a valid email address for this account. A Verification email will be sent to this address to activate this account. NOTE: Your email address is kept private, it will not be sold or distributed to any other 3rd party.


Below you can enter the referral ID of the player who invited you to DarkSpace.

Referral ID:

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