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DarkSpace - Beta
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164330 Players - page 28 of 1643

[Top] [-10] [-5] [-1] [+1] [+5] [+10]

Player Rankings
NamePlanets Captured
2701 DengueX 86
2702 Drumline 86
2703 Igno 86
2704 Clash Darkes 86
2705 a176 86
2706 Cookiemonster364 86
2707 Lord Letalis 86
2708 moriens 86
2709 Soto Bashir 86
2710 Hellstorm56 86
2711 Kraetorian 86
2712 sodaman 86
2713 Aurora 86
2714 G@lenThor 86
2715 TW xTJx 86
2716 MasterChiefAcid 86
2717 Moozer 86
2718 chaosfighter(recruiting) 86
2719 Archangel -The Lightbringer- 86
2720 hutchkc 85
2721 BrassMonkey 85
2722 gbwiz 85
2723 Mortem 85
2724 SABRE001 85
2725 wolf2 85
2726 Talcyon 85
2727 Moisty {r33} 85
2728 LtCmdrTuvok 85
2729 Gene Starwind 85
2730 Brundon 85
2731 r3dj4ck 85
2732 Dwarden 85
2733 angle of vengeance 85
2734 Thaitay 85
2735 Kalistro 85
2736 VagrantFox 85
2737 Lugraz 85
2738 Arcane Archangel_II 85
2739 TeddyRuxpin 85
2740 samwit3 85
2741 freckhard 85
2742 Yueh 85
2743 Arkas 85
2744 jubu111 84
2745 daoc78 84
2746 Cocoliso 84
2747 oNIDW 84
2748 avanger 84
2749 Harbinger of Retaliation 84
2750 Dark_Warriors_96 84
2751 Jaing 84
2752 jakke 84
2754 Vice Admiral Soul 84
2755 picnicket 84
2756 OnyxGloom 84
2757 Ceridan 84
2758 Sand 84
2759 3|Umf{StierKanz 83
2760 Athanasius 83
2761 Tim the Enchanter 83
2762 TheVoice{UR} 83
2763 xiocata 83
2764 Ghsiluosr 83
2765 Exavier_Macbeth 83
2766 Dancer 83
2767 ThunderMalice 82
2768 Fatal ChineZo 82
2769 Vericon 82
2770 LocustBoy 82
2771 Celestyle 82
2772 Malicious Intent 82
2773 alvers0 82
2774 Toppopia 82
2775 The Asgard 82
2776 Spazm 82
2777 emtfej 82
2778 -Zero- 82
2779 Tabrin 82
2780 Zerofool 82
2781 MuaiThai 82
2782 Valsodar 82
2783 Jolan 82
2784 HisDevineShadow 82
2785 Mithri 82
2786 pouiclester 82
2787 Kit D Mia 82
2788 Finality@HGX 82
2789 Milowe 81
2790 cba 81
2791 Zzyzzyxx 81
2792 mepwnjoo 81
2793 DarkChaos {C?} 81
2794 MistenTH 81
2795 Gideon9 81
2796 ManualTimer 81
2797 Aquinas 81
2798 ingens mentula 81
2799 Neo_chaoz 81
2800 Torea 81
164330 Players - page 28 of 1643

[Top] [-10] [-5] [-1] [+1] [+5] [+10]

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