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DarkSpace - Beta
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164330 Players - page 25 of 1643

[Top] [-10] [-5] [-1] [+1] [+5] [+10]

Player Rankings
NamePlanets Captured
2401 U.S.S. KELVIN 105
2402 Altesol 105
2403 yhn12345 105
2404 WTF 104
2405 Syller 104
2406 centaure{PEBCAK} 104
2407 justin94 104
2408 Grand Admiral Overlord 104
2409 _GuRu_ 104
2410 crispy 104
2411 matior 104
2412 supream53 104
2413 Rechario | is back! 104
2414 Digget 104
2415 InvaderZim 104
2416 UnknownCode 104
2417 tvinko 104
2418 maxxdata 104
2419 Tikki 104
2420 Lartek 104
2421 ^Bluedagger^ 104
2422 Freshmeat {-=Planet Collider=-} 104
2423 Specific 104
2424 Spixer 104
2425 KING1 104
2426 plikiplaki 103
2427 deathx91 103
2428 Bigsecc 103
2429 starhawk tactical 103
2430 gwtgla 103
2431 Fatal Burden 103
2432 Corran_Jedi_knight 103
2433 Ethanpow 103
2434 bleachigo 103
2435 Dimitaar 103
2436 likes to fly 103
2437 mOno. 103
2438 Shadow Stalker 103
2439 Don Quixote 103
2440 High Charity (KraHenRuler) 103
2441 Dread Pirate Roberts 103
2442 Lemming 103
2443 Forward Unto Dawn 103
2444 JediKnight 103
2445 darklazer 102
2446 Lance-CommanDer 102
2447 SFC_Powell 102
2448 Maturin 102
2449 MeTheGreat 102
2450 deathsmel 102
2451 Kiith Somtaaw 102
2452 Mock Jock 102
2453 Scumbag 102
2454 Metal Arms 102
2455 esnava 102
2456 Side 102
2457 Baylen 102
2458 ApoloCrusier 102
2459 Fatal Stardrifter 102
2460 eGucio 102
2461 Agent Chris 102
2462 Tyron 102
2463 JonathanT 102
2464 Slador 101
2465 midget 101
2466 Nashu 101
2467 Black Pirate Roberts ~{SS Revenge}~ 101
2468 Axian 101
2469 BurnedToast 101
2470 Nixie 101
2471 mowie12 101
2472 Lonely Crayon 101
2473 Diven 101
2474 D'Sparil { Heretic } 101
2475 Snacky Cakes 101
2476 The Ghost of the future 101
2477 _Hellion_ 101
2478 caestro 101
2479 Comet 101
2480 Serko 101
2481 JanPie 101
2482 actinoid 101
2483 Kandrell 101
2484 SunLight 101
2485 Aeryon_CloudDancer 101
2486 carlbates 101
2487 bravesoldier19 101
2488 ishkur 101
2489 Leviathan V 101
2490 BadaMan 100
2491 Nebuchadnezzar 100
2492 Puddle Jumper 100
2493 Snowfire{=21st=} 100
2494 Mike_c130 *M.Cpl* 100
2495 SpaceyCheeseBall 100
2496 Hermit 100
2497 Goose 100
2498 Skruffel 100
2499 p2_20060217 100
2500 GeneralofAll 100
164330 Players - page 25 of 1643

[Top] [-10] [-5] [-1] [+1] [+5] [+10]

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