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DarkSpace - Beta
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164330 Players - page 10 of 1643

[Top] [-10] [-5] [-1] [+1] [+5] [+10]

Player Rankings
NamePlanets Damaged
901 2nd Lieutenant Amadeus 3,588
902 PokeYourWaffle 3,587
903 Lisah 3,581
904 Little Pet Slinki 3,577
905 Rebellion 3,574
906 Southpark 3,572
907 Starfleet. 3,563
908 Pimpalicious Nerd {C?} 3,563
909 marco ramius 3,560
910 Kythian 3,559
911 Rainman (USF Widowmaker) 3,553
912 seyyah 3,545
913 UnknownWarrior 3,544
914 hilgner 3,534
915 RageMastaFlex 3,531
916 ElectroFanatic 3,526
917 Wolver{RIP R33} 3,511
918 Chosen of Chaos{Dictor Lord} 3,509
919 Space Trucker 3,498
920 Condemned 3,498
921 Neo*The*Wicked {C?} 3,495
922 Honor Harrington 3,493
923 caladin 3,484
924 Tracer 3,481
925 Sops 3,470
926 4ert 3,459
927 Ham&Swiss 3,456
928 Fox McCloud 3,455
929 bspiral 3,454
930 powerbob 3,453
931 Rykros1987 3,447
932 The Fisherman 3,445
933 demosthene 3,441
934 JackSwift 3,434
935 Majin Buu 3,432
936 Kyprus22 3,429
937 AikoTol 3,426
938 ScottyderEchte 3,426
939 Creeper 3,422
940 Shade255 3,413
941 Lacrosseian 3,405
942 =Shadow-Drakken= *SA-X* 3,402
943 retavim 3,400
944 JubeiLev 3,390
945 Medical Mechanica 3,384
946 0stego 3,382
947 Bob117 3,379
948 alex2000xxl 3,372
949 SabelTooth 3,369
950 Deminos 3,369
951 Popupman 3,366
952 1337 3,359
953 hzn 3,356
954 Lain 3,351
955 Moisty {r33} 3,349
956 Recks Racer 3,348
957 hemlock 3,336
958 Dark Eldar 3,330
959 Cory_O 3,329
960 Kitty-Hawk 3,325
961 Bafford 3,320
962 nOOgmAn 3,319
963 Toey 3,314
964 Sydney 3,292
965 Llama 3,287
966 conswirloo [V] 3,283
967 SgtProteus 3,282
968 Fatal Forever 3,277
969 Russian Roulette with Muskets 3,267
970 *Dark Flux* (Orange) 3,259
971 -DJSMITH- {Thors Hammer} 3,257
972 Wapan 3,255
973 Ryan-Leader of Lantians 3,253
974 YBnormal 3,252
975 huey2 3,242
976 Skuriti2 3,239
977 CowboyFunk 3,233
978 No other option 3,229
979 Equinoriox *FM*(Angel of Life) 3,224
980 u.s.s enterprise (starfleet) 3,224
981 Sindri Myr 3,222
982 RedBandit *XO2* 3,220
983 DrMud 3,214
984 Ardex 3,214
985 Mint Ice Cream[+R] 3,213
986 heavymetal 3,208
987 Izzy 3,203
988 spastika 3,203
989 Krim {C?} 3,200
990 MadDog 3,197
991 Lrauka 3,193
992 oldsnake 3,185
993 Spaceflower (Swe) 3,184
994 LT_THUNDER 3,183
995 Palpatine 3,181
996 peanutbutter 3,178
997 Bhishma 3,172
998 FangHorn 3,166
999 Heartless Shadow 3,159
1000 furiez 3,159
164330 Players - page 10 of 1643

[Top] [-10] [-5] [-1] [+1] [+5] [+10]

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