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DarkSpace - Beta
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Games Played
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Bonus Prestige
Ships Damaged
Ships Captured
Planets Damaged
Planets Captured
Friendly Fire
Self Destructs
Planet Collisions
Resources Lost
164330 Players - page 32 of 1643

[Top] [-10] [-5] [-1] [+1] [+5] [+10]

Player Rankings
NamePlanets Damaged
3101 JupiterShadow(Demon Of Death) 668
3102 LittleJohn 667
3103 loosechange 667
3104 Alex3huey 666
3105 Unit-01 665
3106 ALC 665
3107 doommmy 665
3108 darksidr 664
3109 JO°FBS 664
3110 Ryan011 664
3111 ~QS~ Fanndango 664
3112 ipwnitup 663
3113 OraOfWar 663
3114 ClevelandSteamer 663
3115 Evil Mike 663
3116 Kidshocker 663
3117 RuTsui 662
3118 maxwell 662
3119 Xizzdot 662
3120 killerbee32*P1* 662
3121 Verox 661
3122 LordKILL 660
3123 Paranius Starsplitter 659
3124 jibann 659
3125 Runner 658
3126 Gramps 658
3127 MatchSticks 658
3128 Kalthorpe 658
3129 Macro 658
3130 Alfred-B228 657
3131 Talcyon 656
3132 Rilross 656
3133 Locusani 655
3134 jake2011 655
3135 Chuck Norris 654
3136 Aiglon 653
3137 Thug-Liven$$ 653
3138 Karmah 653
3139 ZerO QuesT 652
3140 gatari 651
3141 AK_Vader 651
3142 Infernal Torment 650
3143 arckangle 650
3145 AceDestroyer 649
3146 darkassasin 649
3147 Zerg2000 649
3148 Spray506 649
3150 RaidSoft 648
3151 [U.N.S.C]MAC Platform-Cairo 648
3152 Admiral Jack 648
3153 wakuzan 647
3154 flope 647
3155 nubbins85 646
3156 SomeRandomGuy 645
3157 Carbonyx Viceroy of the Ozone 645
3158 Xalode 645
3159 Hightower 645
3160 Bishop115 644
3161 Da Dude 644
3162 Ignis 644
3163 whiskeybaste 643
3164 Quinsisdos^4 643
3165 Thaitanium 643
3166 The Fires of Orion 642
3167 zoator 642
3168 Ethanpow 642
3169 Pharmakon 641
3170 Amram 641
3171 Yidam 641
3172 Crimson Merc 641
3173 Spaceinva 640
3174 -Steinzeit- 640
3175 me* 638
3176 Kratas 638
3177 Shockandawe 638
3178 Desono 638
3179 matior 638
3180 Doctor Death 637
3181 Digiblaster 637
3182 Ryodane3 636
3183 Mr. T 635
3184 Lebonians 635
3185 Viral 634
3186 Stumper 634
3187 DJKICKN 634
3188 $phynx 634
3189 Foxbat40 633
3190 p2_20060203 633
3191 nim321 633
3192 Bad_Skeelz 633
3193 Pentathol *P1* 632
3194 Ravenish 632
3195 Korywon 631
3196 Ihnako 631
3197 Sarge1983 631
3198 Aurus 631
3199 Knillloco 630
3200 Horridconica 630
164330 Players - page 32 of 1643

[Top] [-10] [-5] [-1] [+1] [+5] [+10]

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