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DarkSpace - Beta
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Games Played
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Bonus Prestige
Ships Damaged
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Friendly Fire
Self Destructs
Planet Collisions
Resources Lost
164333 Players - page 9 of 1643

[Top] [-10] [-5] [-1] [+1] [+5] [+10]

Player Rankings
NameShips Captured
801 DivisionByZero 8
802 hemlock 8
803 crusher101 8
804 Enternal 8
805 The George R 8
806 Light-of-Aurora 8
807 Godless 8
808 Demonic_Medic 8
809 DarthMOO 8
810 Webstar 8
811 Hammer 8
812 unknown force 8
813 snipertactics 8
814 Mefeng 8
815 Fatal Perihelion 8
816 Jarod 8
817 Completer 8
818 Sensas 8
819 WhiteyHawk 8
820 Moo! I am of being der Cow! :F 8
821 NoPants2win 8
822 Pilot 13 8
823 AikoTol 8
824 Reznor 8
825 Kazix Gaians 8
826 *Wizard* 8
827 mousey010 7
828 The_Enforcer (The Vindicator) 7
829 canshow 7
830 Markj2 7
831 Jasper 7
832 jessters 7
833 Slapoquidik 7
834 MSV Dusk 7
835 Fleet Admiral mR wISPERS 7
836 Shade Perilous 7
837 UnknownCode 7
838 superprawn 7
839 sqwurl 7
840 Firebolt 7
841 Annundr 7
842 Nistrim 7
843 kaskhaar 7
844 Coharie 7
845 awestin 7
846 Celeria 7
847 Impuls_27 7
848 Sinister Strawberry 7
849 galatic error 7
850 Diven 7
851 Cpt.Crazy 7
852 Dionysian *EP5* (Angel of Destruction) 7
853 ShuRugal 7
854 CowboyFunk 7
855 Artermus 7
856 $milingJ35te|2™{=21st=}[R33HG] 7
857 (Inuyasha) 7
858 zendrix 7
859 ILkazar 7
860 Jetstorm XF-13{Admiral Lee} 7
861 -Arkaeus- 7
862 Spatzz 7
863 bspiral 7
864 BackSlash 7
865 Nuuna 7
866 HaVoX 7
867 Duck~Dodgers 7
868 Demon Strike 7
869 MalReynolds 6
870 RedBandit *XO2* 6
871 HisDivineShadow 6
872 Gejaheline 6
873 Admiral Kamikaze Bacon 6
874 Sir Arkador (Quebecois) 6
875 Freespacer 6
876 DOT 6
877 Taylor Wraith 6
878 Ascension(Purge) 6
879 SatanicPickle 6
880 louski 6
881 SithLord. 6
882 2drunk 6
883 IrishSargent 6
884 {VtS}Praetorian 6
885 z1232 6
886 Windless Storm 6
887 GarGole 6
888 Valerius{DK} 6
889 Wildcat666 6
890 Drajka (The λ Snark) 6
891 Rantul 6
892 fearlessjay™ 6
893 Kodiake *P1* 6
894 Judas 6
895 [2006] - Codex09 6
896 {USS NORMANDY}Cmdr.Shepard 6
897 Cheshire Cat, Kitty BUM! 6
898 Sirias 6
899 wieditleestisgek 6
900 Major_Metals 6
164333 Players - page 9 of 1643

[Top] [-10] [-5] [-1] [+1] [+5] [+10]

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