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DarkSpace - Beta
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164330 Players - page 64 of 1643

[Top] [-10] [-5] [-1] [+1] [+5] [+10]

Player Rankings
NameShips Damaged
6301 Akanixon 245
6302 Snoopy[The Destroyer of Worlds] 245
6303 Almitak 245
6304 ExileKg 244
6305 compmanio36 244
6306 Dark Eldar 244
6307 Zeta368peep 244
6308 JaggedDreams 244
6309 TacticalCouch 244
6310 tjthunder1 244
6311 BajanWarrior 244
6312 Piomus 244
6313 SpecOps Jedi 244
6314 Anaxamenes 244
6315 adorablelunatic 244
6316 Sierous 244
6317 Cyanide 244
6318 Avest 244
6319 Kobra_topgun_maverick =GOP= 244
6320 ExpertNewbie 244
6321 Darknight194 243
6322 scott123b 243
6323 yandrey 243
6324 _Revan_ 243
6325 Captain Daniel 243
6326 Shank 243
6327 Pilot 13 243
6328 Blacksmith9684 243
6329 X Lucy 243
6330 Quarrel 243
6331 Crimson Merc 243
6332 ^kulu42 243
6333 Skilz 243
6334 Hadeshands 243
6335 Thailen 243
6336 Justindx1 243
6337 shey 243
6338 Cmdr Muerte 242
6339 Rantul 242
6340 staf7 242
6341 Riko_Rozzano 242
6342 Dauntless233 242
6343 Mr.Grim. 242
6344 frozen soul 242
6345 shortz 242
6346 Hayabusa_JPN 242
6347 ihavetenfingers 242
6348 HonorAboveAllElse 241
6349 Davion 241
6350 Madbeth 241
6351 Darmelosfrutas 241
6352 Bahanor 241
6353 ZeroImpact 241
6354 SirFragsAlot 241
6355 What? 241
6356 Valtor 241
6357 abdo4411 241
6358 wolski 241
6359 JMK2 241
6360 Hizzle My Timbers 241
6361 morrdor 241
6362 Geryon 241
6363 Kane Maddox 241
6364 Traith Eryk 241
6365 Taco89 241
6366 Jazza 241
6367 grovler 240
6368 franklbinoc 240
6369 BloodLust45 240
6370 LordDeath 240
6371 guidomobil 240
6372 Valandil 240
6373 Caedriel 240
6374 padalin34 239
6375 AGulliver 239
6376 maddogmonte 239
6377 RichardNorman1972 239
6378 Graves 239
6379 Whispers 239
6380 Vahn 239
6381 Bacardi151 239
6382 mancer 239
6383 ArcticFire 238
6384 Rhodus 238
6385 BennyRazorblade 238
6386 Nightsky 238
6387 davidsub 238
6388 Raptor1628 238
6389 drxian 238
6390 USC Condor 238
6391 Xanatos [Escaped Humanoid Experiment] 238
6392 marian2010 238
6393 rlennonii 237
6394 -Luna- 237
6395 Xanif 237
6396 Servalan 237
6397 [GOTR]bigmik392 237
6398 Ace of Space 237
6399 kruger69 237
6400 Zeranamu 237
164330 Players - page 64 of 1643

[Top] [-10] [-5] [-1] [+1] [+5] [+10]

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