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DarkSpace - Beta
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164330 Players - page 22 of 1643

[Top] [-10] [-5] [-1] [+1] [+5] [+10]

Player Rankings
NameShips Damaged
2101 WTF 3,537
2102 Xortok 3,521
2103 GuNhAppY 3,519
2104 Bhatou 3,513
2105 Necrolance 3,512
2106 Jamma 3,510
2107 Demigan 3,504
2108 Reeds 3,502
2109 Chiron {Licensed To Ill} 3,500
2110 Shrimpy 3,495
2111 nbarten 3,494
2112 captain crizam 3,493
2113 Teryd 3,489
2114 Rae 3,488
2115 Arlias 3,488
2116 Webstar 3,486
2117 DekkonBlack 3,484
2118 Truefinesse 3,482
2119 mOO 3,481
2120 Zonion 3,481
2121 Yidam 3,478
2122 mortii 3,477
2123 *Shadow* 3,471
2124 Devastation 3,468
2125 AnthraXCloud 3,459
2126 rooly 3,457
2127 GRRRR 3,451
2128 RealSuperSand 3,441
2129 Sgt.pimmax 3,441
2130 Megatronus 3,434
2131 SpunSolo 3,419
2132 Uareuss 3,419
2133 Palapatine 3,416
2134 Maverick828 3,414
2135 GenocidalManiac [CC 1701 Nova Strider] 3,414
2136 InMe 3,410
2137 EternalSoldat 3,388
2138 Tempaler 3,386
2139 Gebieter 3,383
2140 Yannix 3,381
2141 ___EventHorizon___ 3,381
2142 Saxman 3,377
2143 thedeaths 3,373
2144 DangerBabe 3,371
2145 Sc0tTn 3,370
2146 Proximity 3,366
2147 Inductive Soul *S* 3,350
2148 -Space Ghost- 3,349
2149 iBorg *VA* 3,347
2150 Johnnyc 3,346
2151 FishyFishy13 3,345
2152 Hybok 3,344
2153 Thiresias 3,343
2154 sphen*R*{=21st=} 3,336
2155 -Atlas 3,333
2156 UsedParts 3,331
2157 KazSpacey 3,330
2158 Pinball 3,328
2159 spacegeek 3,326
2160 Hidden Shadow (C?) 3,323
2161 Krueitoen 3,323
2162 trollmax12 3,321
2163 xshortyx955 3,315
2164 Twolot Spockle 3,312
2165 Skillza 3,306
2166 ShortbusNinja 3,304
2167 CrashDown 3,294
2168 Gungir 3,288
2169 wkingdu 3,285
2170 Callidius 3,282
2171 DarkInterceptor 3,282
2172 lastcavscout 3,282
2173 Jadce 3,265
2174 Letho Kol 3,265
2175 tehvivi 3,263
2176 Fatally chewedtoothpick 3,260
2177 Abih 3,260
2178 Eletro Bull 3,258
2179 tinfoyle 3,257
2180 Iron Fist 3,257
2181 defaultstring 3,256
2182 XtremeSniper 3,252
2183 Magik4200 3,245
2184 Knight Rider 3,242
2185 Diabhail 3,241
2186 RedDragonGecko 3,240
2187 cappy 3,235
2188 Smurfeh 3,232
2189 Charlik 3,226
2190 Van Demons Land 3,226
2191 HalOS 3,224
2192 Nightmare 3,216
2193 rexifelis 3,215
2194 Rinzler 3,201
2195 JBoy 3,200
2196 Valhalla 3,199
2197 Allch Chcar 3,198
2198 Division 3,193
2199 fletchnuts84 3,192
2200 Space Magellan 3,187
164330 Players - page 22 of 1643

[Top] [-10] [-5] [-1] [+1] [+5] [+10]

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