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164330 Players - page 38 of 1643

[Top] [-10] [-5] [-1] [+1] [+5] [+10]

Player Rankings
NameBonus Prestige
3701 Konykaze 212
3702 Zale 212
3703 RaumVogel 212
3704 Victim81 212
3705 Neo_Swift 211
3706 Vice Admiral Shanna 211
3707 Mpikus00 211
3708 Astri 211
3709 Sir Night Runner 211
3710 SgtProteus 211
3711 Jasos 210
3712 Knight Kai 210
3713 steele609 210
3714 Whitflame 210
3715 Erie 210
3716 Shath 209
3717 dragonfamily76 209
3718 King Night 209
3719 SpartanX 208
3720 ferbie 208
3721 Albertc 208
3722 DragonLord 208
3723 SpecOps Monkey 208
3724 KptnKronik 208
3725 Strots 208
3726 farsight11 208
3727 Secret Ninja Space Pirate 207
3728 Phantom11C 207
3729 Nimsc 207
3730 Linxx 207
3731 mattjackson*EN* 207
3732 Rogue_Direwolf 206
3733 Junky Da FunkyMonke 206
3734 Clade 206
3735 *Disemboweler* 206
3736 GT-1 206
3737 Inquisitor Hell Fire 206
3738 Elrond 206
3739 EuElvi 206
3740 Lucutis of Borg 205
3741 SaiAnubis 205
3742 mortis lupus 205
3743 TheMadDoctor1991 205
3744 Diven 205
3745 Lugraz 204
3746 Ship-Of-Fools 204
3747 John Connor 204
3748 agw32 204
3749 DraedinWild 204
3750 Dyslexic Cow 204
3751 TwistedSin 203
3752 Et Targ Et 203
3753 DoomDragon 203
3754 Sigi 203
3755 Steelshadow 203
3756 PineApple 203
3757 Dessard 203
3758 LordIrae 203
3759 Bayu 203
3760 Kaganader 203
3761 deathxherald 203
3762 antofdeath 203
3763 killer boat *_* 203
3764 Grand Admiral Celle GER 203
3765 OneWhoRocks 202
3766 Fury 202
3767 KingOfZeal 202
3768 Ashthallas 202
3769 yonifr 202
3770 Commander Cool 202
3771 Solecs 201
3772 Maturin 201
3773 red103 200
3774 jklein87 200
3775 Avarus Lux [NL] 200
3776 Aloof101 200
3777 Regu 200
3778 IANF 200
3779 Twangmaster 200
3780 shaad71 200
3781 TheTrap 200
3782 Admiral Starkiller 200
3783 Gralgrathor 200
3784 Hammerz 200
3785 Peirce 200
3786 Vashan (Starfaring Fluffdragon) 200
3787 Thief 200
3788 Doug770 200
3789 Saurmon 199
3790 Fatal CrazyJeep 199
3791 Antaelus 199
3792 Sensor For Hire 199
3793 samske 199
3794 quebec 199
3795 DuDeinPA 198
3796 Chuva 198
3797 Gregonater 197
3798 Killer_JED 197
3799 Final_War 197
3800 Caleb 197
164330 Players - page 38 of 1643

[Top] [-10] [-5] [-1] [+1] [+5] [+10]

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