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164330 Players - page 33 of 1643

[Top] [-10] [-5] [-1] [+1] [+5] [+10]

Player Rankings
3201 Princess Celestia 19,200
3202 Snowfire{=21st=} 19,180
3203 Truefinesse 19,100
3204 Fox McCloud 18,991
3205 Vice Admiral Huufalem 18,910
3206 priest118 18,900
3207 WinterRose 18,731
3208 Virus 18,718
3209 azeroth48 18,480
3210 Husaan 18,333
3211 Krim {C?} 18,100
3212 Red-Arrow 17,869
3213 *Nemesis*© 17,835
3214 trogdor826 17,800
3215 BipBipBip 17,800
3216 Nath 17,794
3217 BackSlash 17,755
3218 Jormangard 17,530
3220 LoC_Chumara 17,490
3221 Liquid Stranger 17,469
3222 Lithium 17,397
3223 Doubleugly 17,080
3224 Inka 17,020
3225 madmarker 17,000
3226 MyNameIsHawk 16,900
3227 Latimer 16,900
3228 Two Face 16,697
3229 Xihas 16,630
3230 Noosebomb 16,590
3231 Scorch56 16,490
3232 Sooven 16,120
3233 Vashan (Starfaring Fluffdragon) 16,102
3234 Sputter{TB} 15,940
3235 Serpentz2 15,932
3236 ChrisBreezy 15,852
3237 MacCabee 15,810
3238 yhn12345 15,601
3239 *IKC* - Gysmily (USF Temasek) 15,450
3240 VMac 15,420
3241 Monkey (USF Exodus) 15,397
3242 DarkPaladinDraco 15,251
3243 Duke Dresari [Davion Brigade of Guards] 15,159
3244 Solarian Kei 15,000
3245 Stardust541 15,000
3246 relicmaster 15,000
3247 stormie 15,000
3248 No other option 15,000
3249 infostevo 15,000
3250 Nolan 14,990
3251 Undead Patriot 14,990
3252 Xpander 14,984
3253 boufas11 14,940
3254 SpaceGK 14,749
3255 DufasRufas 14,601
3256 coinsthatfall 14,400
3257 seyyah 14,400
3258 Echo-One*P6*(Angel Of Wrath) 14,350
3259 Psylocibin 14,320
3260 Disasterpiece 14,190
3261 Walrus of Apathy 14,124
3262 Talien 14,092
3263 Ulric Winters 14,010
3264 Bengiowns 14,000
3265 Moogle 13,990
3266 ChiggenWingz 13,990
3267 DamienVryce 13,990
3268 Goldmund 13,990
3269 HMS Ark Royal 13,890
3270 AluCarD -{58th}- 13,870
3271 Green_Devil 13,856
3272 nOOgmAn 13,820
3273 Orkan [OO-XII] 13,691
3274 Sirghost 13,600
3275 anotherthing 13,520
3276 Fatal Flaw 13,464
3277 Gin Ichimaru 13,242
3278 Executioner 12,960
3279 Canada4tw 12,830
3280 EvilxFish 12,750
3281 celvin5969 12,500
3282 Opeck 12,490
3283 darksk8trpilot 12,490
3284 madvlad 12,490
3285 Respite 12,490
3286 Bandit1 12,490
3287 holycomp 12,490
3288 firefox 12,490
3289 evermoresa 12,490
3290 [HA] Specter 12,490
3291 Feralwispers 12,490
3292 Scrupi 12,490
3293 Reynolds 12,490
3294 stealthy snail 12,490
3295 Dumpshock 12,490
3296 Admiral Garth 12,490
3297 jklein87 12,490
3298 Darkdevolution 12,490
3299 Deus ex Noctu 12,490
3300 LuBu15 12,490
164330 Players - page 33 of 1643

[Top] [-10] [-5] [-1] [+1] [+5] [+10]

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