| Name | Resources Lost |
11101 |
Ceramic |
3,248 |
11102 |
badjak |
3,245 |
11103 |
Melkin19 |
3,244 |
11104 |
Daedalus Adibes |
3,242 |
11105 |
dwfoxw |
3,241 |
11106 |
Angantyr |
3,235 |
11107 |
LuckY |
3,229 |
11108 |
KristeBisen |
3,227 |
11109 |
leonconcor |
3,224 |
11110 |
DreaD-XxX |
3,223 |
11111 |
Hollander |
3,216 |
11112 |
totma |
3,215 |
11113 |
spidermonkey223 |
3,213 |
11114 |
The Untruthful |
3,213 |
11115 |
GodlyForever059 |
3,211 |
11116 |
Triggershock |
3,209 |
11117 |
Lt.Gen.Patton |
3,209 |
11118 |
[*TheMostwanted*] |
3,208 |
11119 |
Selim316 |
3,207 |
11120 |
Kite36 |
3,206 |
11121 |
Cirkelline |
3,204 |
11122 |
ViralDante |
3,202 |
11123 |
Tyrran |
3,201 |
11124 |
Tactic |
3,196 |
11125 |
Ero-Sennin |
3,193 |
11126 |
mortican054 |
3,192 |
11127 |
toetsi |
3,192 |
11128 |
mupe3 |
3,192 |
11129 |
gaypancake |
3,192 |
11130 |
papluuu |
3,192 |
11131 |
Ugly-Wan |
3,192 |
11132 |
hannon |
3,192 |
11133 |
Chuva |
3,190 |
11134 |
GeneralKool |
3,188 |
11135 |
Shogi |
3,186 |
11136 |
ChiBeaGReenie |
3,182 |
11137 |
nathanaspinall |
3,181 |
11138 |
Jakethewarlord |
3,165 |
11139 |
jayco |
3,165 |
11140 |
Broadcast |
3,163 |
11141 |
Jamzee |
3,158 |
11142 |
Addam |
3,156 |
11143 |
Schattenwolf |
3,155 |
11144 |
doomdyer {E} |
3,153 |
11145 |
Zeaon |
3,147 |
11146 |
Sonic_Foundry |
3,147 |
11147 |
fzfq3m |
3,144 |
11148 |
cnhsadrian08 |
3,142 |
11149 |
filoniz |
3,141 |
11150 |
deadpool808 |
3,140 |
11151 |
Captain Blue |
3,140 |
11152 |
Guardian45 |
3,136 |
11153 |
Seyera |
3,133 |
11154 |
Wild Card |
3,132 |
11155 |
Limite |
3,130 |
11156 |
bloodychub |
3,125 |
11157 |
bluedragon |
3,122 |
11158 |
Moya |
3,122 |
11159 |
philly |
3,120 |
11160 |
Eirik |
3,112 |
11161 |
conrad |
3,110 |
11162 |
badname |
3,106 |
11163 |
gertdine |
3,105 |
11164 |
thoth |
3,102 |
11165 |
The Darkness |
3,097 |
11166 |
okwolf |
3,095 |
11167 |
novahunter*R* |
3,091 |
11168 |
nicko 79 |
3,090 |
11169 |
Khyber |
3,087 |
11170 |
Penguix |
3,084 |
11171 |
antoha1 |
3,082 |
11172 |
eidos |
3,081 |
11173 |
Armageddon |
3,080 |
11174 |
Golem |
3,080 |
11175 |
Puggums |
3,078 |
11176 |
The Stag |
3,077 |
11177 |
DarthFats |
3,077 |
11178 |
SilverFire |
3,075 |
11179 |
Kiado |
3,068 |
11180 |
Kinroko |
3,066 |
11181 |
surmanus |
3,063 |
11182 |
alex8656 |
3,061 |
11183 |
UndyingKnightmare |
3,061 |
11184 |
Dudeicoft |
3,058 |
11185 |
3,055 |
11186 |
BehindtheScenes |
3,053 |
11187 |
DeviaAridese |
3,051 |
11188 |
IronForge |
3,050 |
11189 |
muran |
3,047 |
11190 |
HaKWaK |
3,046 |
11191 |
SetimuS |
3,046 |
11192 |
luise mv |
3,046 |
11193 |
gnomish |
3,045 |
11194 |
Malfurion |
3,043 |
11195 |
sophryu |
3,040 |
11196 |
Blutaxt |
3,039 |
11197 |
ITheKillerII |
3,038 |
11198 |
Alopex |
3,027 |
11199 |
leefang |
3,020 |
11200 |
A flower |
3,019 |