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DarkSpace - Beta
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164352 Players - page 105 of 1644

[Top] [-10] [-5] [-1] [+1] [+5] [+10]

Player Rankings
NameResources Lost
10401 senor_toot 5,037
10402 DaManuwannabe 5,026
10403 Mal\'ganas 5,025
10404 Beeline 5,024
10405 DARKSOUL 5,020
10406 Raven. 5,019
10407 Impact 5,016
10408 Krukos 5,014
10409 Tristen 5,004
10410 elmo23 5,000
10411 Gruntus 4,999
10412 cornfield 4,996
10413 Kelly_CK_SK 4,995
10414 white_lighter 4,994
10415 notenchi 4,986
10416 aisasome 4,982
10417 410708 4,978
10418 Ranger007 4,978
10419 Keithg 4,969
10420 WhiskeyMetal 4,957
10421 ICC Duchess Jana Dresari [House Davion] 4,956
10422 Artiom55 4,956
10423 ChanVR 4,948
10424 tyo 4,946
10425 allerston 4,945
10426 NoXi 4,942
10427 GoldenCrow 4,940
10428 Starflyt 4,933
10429 fowltief 4,933
10430 hound76 4,933
10431 Gadinka 4,932
10432 Jayedcat 4,927
10433 gamingfreak099 4,925
10434 secretten 4,924
10435 flamin282 4,924
10436 Sparkeh 4,923
10437 HazardKing 4,921
10438 Rav_Sundee 4,920
10439 Warrior.E3 4,918
10440 dhdag 4,916
10441 Aiyel 4,915
10442 astrioch 4,912
10443 rauko 4,904
10444 Demorious 4,901
10445 Silverblade 4,901
10446 Frivolous Disguise 4,901
10447 Zyrixion 4,901
10448 nixston78 4,901
10449 bernardo 4,901
10450 Reckulation30 4,901
10451 TunedBy 4,901
10452 Someonehaha 4,901
10453 Nikononone 4,899
10454 duckyd71 4,893
10455 AllinKasd 4,891
10456 JShepard 4,877
10457 Ciphyr 4,867
10458 Tart_Cart {C?} 4,867
10459 DSJosh2006 4,865
10460 grim reaper 4,865
10461 Cecil 4,863
10462 Der_66 4,863
10463 afewveiws 4,863
10464 tankmcp 4,862
10465 Sladaerna 4,858
10466 lakesor 4,846
10467 luvstreet 4,844
10468 Mukki 4,841
10469 Wauke 4,837
10470 Calm 4,829
10471 Harleyvitality 4,828
10472 Creaton 4,828
10473 Cobby 4,822
10474 Willow 4,820
10475 Lord Zaldurak 4,818
10476 l(ill 4,817
10477 Mithrawyn 4,810
10478 KOSS 4,808
10479 Spazbite 4,802
10480 Black Plague 4,801
10481 Zakue 4,799
10482 Zerotokanova 4,796
10483 Druke 4,795
10484 Firelyte 4,788
10485 L|ghT 4,786
10486 Zorken 4,785
10487 theret 4,782
10488 lorenzorene 4,774
10489 serialkiller 4,771
10490 Knightfal 4,754
10491 Invictus Animus 4,754
10492 Valcore 4,752
10493 XReaperr 4,751
10494 BlinDog 4,750
10495 Vermento 4,750
10496 Reaviran 4,749
10497 SothaSil 4,748
10498 Valandil 4,729
10499 AdmiralChaos [2] 4,724
10500 MarioBro 4,721
164352 Players - page 105 of 1644

[Top] [-10] [-5] [-1] [+1] [+5] [+10]

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