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DarkSpace - Beta
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164354 Players - page 104 of 1644

[Top] [-10] [-5] [-1] [+1] [+5] [+10]

Player Rankings
NameResources Lost
10301 chris212r 5,384
10302 popup 5,384
10303 Starrr 5,380
10304 Zirichel 5,376
10305 Otebis 5,376
10306 Tobe 5,376
10307 Prolak 5,372
10308 dax 5,372
10309 IJsRog 5,370
10310 lordmarceloxdd 5,368
10311 Culric 5,368
10312 markata99 5,368
10313 evan.simms 5,367
10314 Tsun-Ming 5,365
10315 Queen Cassiopeia 5,362
10316 ~QS~Nighthawk 5,361
10317 Shadow of Hatred *CO* 5,361
10318 Vampire Hunter 5,360
10319 xaxam333 5,351
10320 Oriard 5,344
10321 SlayerOfMoose 5,338
10322 Kaosu 5,337
10323 SuicidalNut 5,332
10324 ACM Endogeny 5,329
10325 Uio 5,311
10326 Ronsku 5,307
10327 jorden21 5,298
10328 biogenetic 5,296
10329 men in black 5,291
10330 Marina 5,285
10331 Essence 5,284
10332 Gear Bomb 5,280
10333 Timoteo 5,277
10334 Rhagnor 5,276
10335 Nian 5,272
10336 StupidNewbie 5,271
10337 knightsquire 5,271
10338 Habeth6200 5,267
10339 Feeline 5,264
10340 Ariakis 5,263
10341 AlecciaRosewater 5,256
10342 lo_g1987 5,254
10343 Glass Tank 5,253
10344 DarkKnightUCF 5,252
10345 gogg 5,251
10346 Nihilo987 5,244
10347 English 5,242
10348 knight stalker 5,242
10349 GOYA 5,233
10350 winky 5,232
10351 trex121592 5,228
10352 Velit 5,226
10353 Hawk Blade 5,212
10354 Sierous 5,207
10355 oasis horizon 5,204
10356 Zorro 5,195
10357 Web_Star 5,186
10358 Quarrel 5,185
10359 M14-EBR 5,183
10360 Yourwitness 5,176
10361 PTED 5,175
10362 Barrak Deviers 5,174
10363 Elitist 5,172
10364 Whiteblaze440 5,166
10365 Bubba121 5,164
10366 Damos 5,158
10367 Ezmiralndi 5,155
10368 Zephire 5,155
10369 -UltraSonic- 5,155
10370 DasSic 5,153
10371 Silent_Hunter 5,151
10372 Deep Strike 5,147
10373 Bloodaniron 5,141
10374 Belix13 5,140
10375 U.S.S. Phoenix 5,132
10376 BlakeRaven 5,131
10377 justone 5,130
10378 casp39 5,128
10379 Caedan 5,123
10380 Handeler 5,122
10381 PhantomNL 5,122
10382 Cassiel 5,118
10383 Gemini01 5,115
10384 xris24 5,111
10385 blindkrow 5,106
10386 seane928 5,102
10387 Fedaykin6000 5,099
10388 littleprouty 5,085
10389 Blue88 5,083
10390 Slake01 5,081
10391 Highway 5,077
10392 OneWhoRocks 5,076
10393 kiliwongo 5,067
10394 Ratpoison 5,065
10395 USS Hippopotamus 5,061
10396 amanda089 5,056
10397 Zorick 5,044
10398 Mad Wolf - brad 5,043
10399 -Madlockluu- 5,043
10400 LARDBALL 5,041
164354 Players - page 104 of 1644

[Top] [-10] [-5] [-1] [+1] [+5] [+10]

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