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DarkSpace - Beta
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164351 Players - page 101 of 1644

[Top] [-10] [-5] [-1] [+1] [+5] [+10]

Player Rankings
NameResources Lost
10001 Forsaken 6,487
10002 Durian 6,469
10003 Leviathan_storm 6,467
10004 seadog 6,467
10005 Fates Messenger 6,464
10006 Gary Shebazz Jenkins 6,447
10007 Exenon 6,447
10008 EasyTarget 6,446
10009 dud8 6,446
10010 bl4ckj4ck 6,445
10011 ph_ara_oh 6,445
10012 shrieqer 6,444
10013 KhaelEC 6,441
10014 Solar Flare 6,436
10015 stevenlax289 6,433
10016 z1p 6,431
10017 temp2009 6,429
10018 Haine 6,427
10019 Basara87 6,423
10020 ReignofChaos1 6,413
10021 RolandGS 6,412
10022 Quantum_Dragon 6,401
10023 mrbigles01 6,400
10024 decypher 6,398
10025 groman1987 6,396
10026 Xeroian 6,392
10027 jaredb71 6,384
10028 puzzle20 6,384
10029 Space commander Arbiter 6,384
10030 Hunter1617 6,384
10031 armyXdestroyer 6,384
10032 deafbrat 6,384
10033 Thrasher92 6,384
10034 Drakh 6,384
10035 Eodin 6,384
10036 OldmanJohnson 6,384
10037 spacecitizen2001 6,384
10038 Kamiiru 6,384
10039 Leon D. Durrell 6,384
10040 Daventhull 6,384
10041 Pieman1159 6,384
10042 Terry007abc 6,384
10043 Maelstrom the Tyrant 6,384
10044 BajanWarrior 6,384
10045 Manlos 6,384
10046 Slamminslug 6,384
10047 Maruun 6,384
10048 Geryon 6,382
10049 coolhandluke 6,377
10050 Zzyzzyxx 6,376
10051 Glaive 6,373
10052 Beakerpts 6,370
10053 Fodder 6,366
10054 joeybosch1 6,363
10055 Migishin 6,362
10056 slayer2472 6,360
10057 Darkwire21 6,351
10058 Dizz 6,349
10059 sen 6,341
10060 DaytonaDogbert 6,339
10061 Timelancer 6,336
10062 DarthUzzI 6,332
10063 Smernoth 6,330
10064 Fliko 6,328
10065 WarlockHunter 6,316
10066 Jakeo 6,313
10067 Nex Servitus 6,305
10068 Lucisovo 6,296
10069 avanger 6,295
10070 Shloer 6,295
10071 n.o.v.a12 6,285
10072 NOP 6,275
10073 -CM-SaVaGe(Ger) 6,273
10074 AnubisV 6,272
10075 Vegamatic 6,271
10076 Lord Rostock 6,271
10077 phantombow 6,264
10078 Maxlor 6,263
10079 paulj 6,262
10080 TopGrid 6,260
10081 MortisVelox 6,259
10082 Crius MacOldenly 6,252
10083 wolf1921 6,250
10084 Exiter 6,250
10085 Moindator 6,231
10086 weresd282 6,231
10087 Jamiewolfie 6,228
10088 destruc2 6,226
10089 Church 6,211
10090 Tug-Man 6,210
10091 Helios 6,209
10092 Chisbo 6,201
10093 Tormento 6,201
10094 -Alucard- 6,181
10095 themadrussian 6,174
10096 Alkazar Quest 6,171
10097 Angra Mainyu 6,170
10098 thelittleship 6,158
10099 Actrazor 6,154
10100 penzacola 6,153
164351 Players - page 101 of 1644

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